The begining
We humans are fated for destruction it is what awaits us the only beings that stands between life and death are the creators we call Gods.
A long time ago there was a world filled with beauty light and perfection and also darkness and destruction due to the difference between light and dark the world was torn apart into three realms
The World Above:The place where floating islands beautiful creatures that were long gone still existed and the spirit that protects the realm The all Powerful Phoenix of Fate
And there was
The realm of Darkness:Where everything is Ruled by Destruction chaos and death Every living being that is not part of the darkness will be turned to dust and where the Dragon of darkness was created a dragon that had the power to destroy all including light it self but it was not used for it was needing a key that lies within the Middle realm nobody know where and what is the key and
The Middle realm also known as Earth The boundary between everything and The place that everything begun.
as the humans coexisted with the realms history brought it self interesting people that uncovers the truth of the realms