My Theory of life
Fireflies inspirit my dead soul
The little shine was filled with hope,
I followed it through the end
Thought it could defend,
My losted mind
Somewhere in Orchard of my Wonderland
And then I decided to be different,
But changes didn't work every time
Some are like fucking hell,
Mind is like universe of poisonous thoughts
Mixed with some worst experiences
And subfusc past,
It is not like girl in a fairy land
But it's like fairy in a malignant hell,
Reality is always fearsome
Where feast turned into curse
And innocent into demoniac,
Where nothing happens according to your plan
Life always puts a condition,
One step forward and two step backward,
The worst is to choose
Lucency is right there in front,
But when you made your choice for destruction
No Firefly can take you to vitality,
There is no way to control Murphy law,
Once you went wrong
The evil conquers your angel
This is the theory of life..!!