Tian Jian's voice, like a death god, resounded in Shen Shan and Luo Jing's minds.
"Luo Jing! Protect me at all costs!" Shen Shao frantically yelled.
"Yes, Young Master!" Luo Jing firmly replied and took his weapon, also a saber, to defend against Tian Jian.
Tian Jian firmly fixed his eyes at Luo Jing and suddenly moved towards him at lightning speed, which surprised Luo Jing so much.
Luo Jing inadvertently tried to defend Tian Jian's attack, but Tian Jian's attack was so fast that his hand shivered when their attacks met, and also, he had lost two of his fingers in the clash.
Luo Jing couldn't hold the tight grip of his weapon anymore, so his attack power decreased by so many times.
Tian Jian also didn't give any chances to Luo Jing and aimed his attack on Luo Jing's throat.