Chapter 20 - Get Out

I swear if this was part of the job I wouldn't have taken it. After Colton barged into my room, drunk, proclaim his love for his missing wife, and passing out on my bed, you think I could sleep. Ha! What makes you think so? What if he would wake up in the midnight and wrap his around my waist and then I could never escape. Or what if he did that and blame me for trying to take advantage of him in his delicate state. Although it would happen in real life to both men and woman, I didn't want any of this.

So, I was here in the corner on the comfortable not so comfortable grey accent chair, my knee shaking to keep me await as my eyes gawked the clock.


Seriously? It was only five fucking thirty? It had only been five hours but it seemed like an eternity. I just wanted to sleep. To sleep on a nice bed with soft pillows, to lay my exhausted body to rest away the day I just had. But no, Colton just had to come in all melodramatic drunk and ruin my night. Damn, but the way he say he loved me- loved Cassandra. The fact he mistake me for her. Was this the reason I was alive, because I reminded him of his wife and that I could pass as her as Milo's mother? I mean it makes sense what other reason could he possibly kept me alive all this time. Entrusting his home. His staff. His money. His fucking own son to me. My hands shook, I felt so used.

I mean I don't know why I'm getting upset. We have a contract, I just need to play my part, raise Milo, get paid, pay mom's bills, and detached myself from whatever whirlwind of a world this is. Just shut up and look pretty if I could do that in peace.

Suddenly, I heard an old cat dying- I mean Colton groaning, as I could finally hear the angels sing, I could slept for an hour if I was lucky. Turning his head back and forward as he brought a face to his face appearing to rub his eyes, " Shit! I must have passed out." He muttered as he yelled with a mix of sighing.

" Oh stop acting like I child." I thought as I held my tongue waiting for him to notice me.

" Ugh. Why the fuck did I drink again? The last thing I did was get all upset at Kaira." He began as my eyes peered up like a cat, excuse me continue, " Damn, why did she have to look so much like you Cass? Why did you leave me?" He took a teary breath as I took down notes. Wait a minute she left? She gone? Bitch, where? Where is she? What's her number so I can contact her and tell her to get her ass back here. How dare she leave her husband and baby boy? I mean Colton I can understand, but my baby Milo. Girl, if you going to leave take the baby?! I turned my attention back as he talked some more, " Fuck, there is no use talking about this shit. It's not like I can bring you back. Shit, I need to get a fucking grip." Hey, that's what I said. " Ugh, I needed to get Thomas." He snapped up, his eyes blazing at me as I stare back empty. "Kaira!"

I ranged my ears, " Morning, sleep good?" I said sarcastically as I could give two shits if he didn't. I hadn't slept in five days.

" What the hell are you doing here?" He hissed angrily. Excuse me, still having attitude while sleeping on someone's bed. How disrespectful.

" Why wouldn't be be here?" I remarked as I stood up from my chair as he came pouncing on me, grabbing my arms harshly, making sure to bruise me. " Ouch, you're hurting me."

" I'll ask you again, what the hell are you doing here?" He said in a low dangerously voice, that I could considered more dangerous if I was sleep deprived. But right now I gave no shits.

" Let go of me, Colton." I commanded.

" Just what the hell did you do to me, Kaira?" He accused as he turned me around walking backwards.

" I did nothing. Are you fucking crazing or something?" I fought back, attempting to wiggling out of his strong grasp but he only held tighter. Damn, did I get weak or something because I could kick his ass if I was two years ago. Make a note, start exercising again.

He slammed me onto the bed, feeling a emotions of infliction because the bed was so fluffy like smooth as a baby butt, a soft heavenly cloud. But then he place his knees between my legs as I closed them but he went any further as he placed his hands on both side of my head, " Why are you in my room? Did you want to whore around so much you couldn't have Alexandro so instead you used me?" He did the maximum insult as I couldn't- didn't want to control the fucking rage as my palm met his face, imprint my entire hand on his red fucking face.

Good. I hope it hurts, it fucking stinging and stays for a while, to show people that someone was capable to put you in your place. " Fuck you." I cursed him out as he blinked, taking a moment as his eyes set a blazing fire, pressing his hands harder into my arms.

" Why? Did I lie? Did I hit a nerve? That you we so desperate to fuck that you did something that you thought you could get away with. In what world do you think, I would be interested in a woman like you. So loud mouth. So uncaring. Uncouth. Poor. Useless." He kept going on and on about the list of things I was and wasn't. I didn't know why but for some reason it hurt. Those words hurt. Like a bullet piercing my skin- no my heart. Although untrue coming from his mouth, the way he looked like I was a piece of shit, less than that.I would never make anyone feel like this unnecessarily. I could feel the tears form in my eye ducts, my throat closing but I wouldn't let myself be humiliated like this.

"Your in my room, Colton." I found the strength to say.

His eyes widened as he stopped, " What?" He asked stupidly.

" This is my room, not yours." I repeated, his gaze broke from mine lifting to surround the plainer walls, the gray color instead of navy blue, everything opposed to his as the grip around my wrist loosened as I used this time to kick him back. Stumbling back trying to find his balance, as the effects of the drink were still in his body. Immediately, pushing myself on the bed as I stood on the opposite side. " You came to my room like a drunken bastard." I let out as he interrupted.

" Kaira.."

No fucking listen, it's your turn to listen, " I was trying to be nice, and lead you back to your own. But that is when you collapsed on my bed. Fucking tired I assumed. All this time, I was watching over you making sure nothing and absolutely nothing would happen to you. I barely touched you." I gritted with my teeth, trying to hold back staring at the ground.

" Kaira, look -"

" Just don't."

" Kaira, I was caught off guard. I didn't know..." He trailed off as I just wanted him gone. " Look let's just."

" No." I interrupted him I couldn't stand the sight of him right now. His voice. His very presence. It annoyed me all, no it irked my soul. He need to go. He need to be out. Anywhere far? Just Colton need to get the fuck away from me now!

Attempting to near me as he held out his hand, how dare he act charming when he was an asshole seconds before, " Just calm down, Kaira." He instructed me. How dare he? After everything.

" Get out." I said in a low tone, finally meeting his gaze as his mouth fell ajar. " GET OUT!" I yelled harshly than I ever have the last two years of my life. My voiced echoed through the room as the message seeming to get to that thick skull of his as he took a step back and another, eventually completely backing away, gazing my direction once more, and leaving. A few more seconds passed as I sighed, finally letting the hot tears came down my face as I collapsed onto my knees. Feeling nothing more but emptiness.