Author: Morak George
James pov....
Here I was looking all dirty and hopeless, indeed waiting on the Deathrow is indeed torturous, apart from the corpses of my fellow prisoners who died of hunger. I was the last Man standing, thinking on how easy I would be killed because I could barely feel a thing, I have lost my sense of humour and blank as a white sheet.They were going to burn me alive for a sin I didn't commit. I was framed because I was fighting against THEM, and because I was the voice of the people. People lined up day and night around the prison I was held in, protesting viciously that I must be freed " JAMES HUDDLESCOTT MUST BE FREED" but THEY paid no attention to the people. "Prepare the fire" the governor said with finality. Then the people screamed aloud cursing at the governor.Then, I heard the creaky sound of the old gate, ''they've come for me'' I said weakly. Before the guards could lay a finger on me, the cell wall was blasted open by an explosive. In a wink of an eye the guards were slaghtered brutally, then the sight of this made me pass out.
Black out......... More readers for episode 2