Chereads / The Song of Our Hearts / Chapter 3 - chapter 3

Chapter 3 - chapter 3

Kael looked at his phone, waiting for Jaden's response. [Why is he taking so long to answer my text?]

He put his phone on the table; he fidgeted with his fingers. *Ting! [Finally!] He took his phone and looked at his messages.

'Kali sent you a message' Kael frowned [What does she want?] He took his things and went downstairs.

His sister already packed their lunch, "Here eat this, we are already late." Kali gave Kael a sandwich.

"Come on, move faster." Kael ran towards the car with the sandwich in his mouth. Kali started the car, "Kael, I almost forgot. Why did you waste money on a booster for a game? I told you to save up a little."

"I gave it to someone."

"What? You better not be using my old account to flirt with others!"

"I'm not!" Kali stopped in front of Kael's school; "Don't pick me up later."

"Even if you didn't say that, I won't. I'm working overtime today. I'll come home late, so don't wait for me." With that Kali drove off.

"Kael, you're finally here, bro!" Brandon waved at him.

"So, how is it? Have you told him who you are?"

"I don't think I can tell him. I'm sure he doesn't remember me."

[I know that he only started talking to me because I am using Kali's pictures.] Kael looked at his side when he heard footsteps. Jaden is running towards the school, next to Kael's.

[He's late today, maybe we stayed up too late yesterday.]

"Come on, Kael. Let's go!" Brandon called for Kael.

Elixir, waited on his chair, hoping that Helios would walk by their classroom, again. Just like what he expected, Helios walked by their classroom. It's almost like Elixir's eyes started to glow when he saw Helios walk by.

"Senior, wait for me!" Elixir ran to Helios,

"We didn't have the chance to eat dinner together yesterday, senior. How about we eat together today."

"I already have plans with Olivia, so leave me alone."

"Oh..." Helios looked at him, [He looks like an abandoned puppy.] Helios rolled his eyes.

"Fine, let's just eat lunch together." [Aron will be busy later anyways.]


" Yeah, yeah. How many times do I have to answer you?" They both walked to the club room.

"Senior, I've been wondering. Why do you always come to the club room at this hour?" Helios took his notebook and pencil out;

"I write better when I'm away from people."

"Yeah, I remember! Olivia told me that you are the one who wrote most of our songs." Elixir took the chair and sat next to Helios.

"What are you planning to write now, senior?"

"Can you stop bothering me?" Elixir rested his head on his arms, he watched Helios as he write.

[Shit! I forgot to text Kali!] Jaden opened line and texted Kali.

*Line is just like messenger.

'Good morning, sorry for answering you so late.'

'It's fine, are you free later? I heard there is a new update on the game.'

'Yeah, let's play at 12:40'

"What are you smiling at?" Alexandra sneaked on Jaden's back. Jaden was surprised and instinctively hid his phone.

"What are you hiding there?" Alexandra said, teasing him.

"I'm not hiding anything!" Alexandra laughed as she sat down.

"Come on, you can tell me. I won't tell anyone."

"I'm not hiding anything." Jaden's phone notified him, he received a message.

"Oh, you're definitely not hiding anything." Alexandra teased him more. While Jaden tried to stop Alexandra from reading his messages, he answered Kali's message to him.

"Hey JB, can you stay at our house tonight? Mom and Dad both have somewhere to go, so I'm all alone."

"Yey, we are going to have a movie night! You can't say no, there's no school tomorrow."

"Fine, but let's not stay up too late. We should ask Maria if she wants to come, too."

"Do we have to?"


"Hey, Maria! Do you want to come stay at Drake's house? We're going to have a movie night!" JB waved his hands trying to catch Maria's attention.

"Yeah, sure."

"She said, she would come." Drake just nods in response to JB.

"Should we buy snacks later?"

"I don't have money."

"I do."

"Try not to throw your money everywhere."

"I'm not throwing it everywhere!"

"We should go to our classrooms now."

Helios pack his things, Elixir stood up. He yawned; "Already?"

"You are already sleepy; class hasn't even started yet."

"I was just feeling comfortable around you."

"How the fuck does that connect to you being sleepy?"

"You know, you feel sleepy when you're comfortable." Helios walked away from Elixir; Elixir keep trying to catch up to him. Elixir tried to explain to Helios how what he said is connected to Helios's words

Helios sat down in his chair, [Finally, I lost him, why is he so persistent in following me around?]

"Helios, tonight don't forget. Okay!" Olivia gave Helios a flying kiss. [I don't want to go. Why do you need to call that girl, too?] Their class started as usual.

Helios just sat there at his seat until all his classes end. "Senior! let's go eat!" Elixir went near Helios. He waited near him, while Helios pack his things before going out.

"Let's go." Helios and Elixir sat down at the table.

"Senior, I've been the one who keeps asking you questions. Why don't you ask me something?"

"I'm just not curious about you."

"You could at least sugar coat it."

"It's okay as long as he won't know the truth right?"

"It is still not okay, you are the one who said that he's not stupid, Kael. He will find out about this one way or another." Kael groans in frustration, [I still don't want to tell him.]

"To be honest, Kael. I think that you should tell him the truth."

"I'll find the right time to tell him."

"Great!" Brandon patted Kael's back; Kael laughed uncomfortably. [Why am I such a coward?]

Maria, JB, and Drake sat down at the table in the cafeteria talking about their sleepover at Drake's house.

"What do you like to eat while watching a movie, Maria?" asked Drake.

"So, my opinion doesn't matter to you, Drake?"

"I never said that! I just asked Maria what she likes!"

"Then, what about what I like?"

"Don't be childish JB, just list what you want here." Drake gave JB a paper and a pen.

"Are you telling me to shut up?"

"I never said that! I really can't understand you at all, JB!" Maria looked at them dumbfounded, [They are both idiots. I can't believe I'm friends with them.]

"Aren't we supposed to decide what movie we want to watch first?" Maria said, JB and Drake stopped arguing. Drake sighed,

"So, what do you want to watch, JB?"

"I heard that there is a new horror movie. I think it's called 'Who's behind the door?'"

"Yeah, I heard that one too, let's just watch that, Drake," said Maria.

"Fine, I'll ask you a question." Elixir smiled.

"Go on and ask me, senior."

"Uhmmm... What's your... Favorite.. Food?"

"I like Yakitori."

"All right, I already asked you a question. Now, leave me alone."

"That's just one question though." Helios took his bag and walk away from Elixir.

"Senior! Wait!" Elixir stood up as he tried to stop Helios. [His temper is worse today.] Elixir also took his things; he tried to catch up to Helios.

Helios stopped walking; he answered his phone. "Hey, Helios! I found this great restaurant. I'll send you the location later. Keep your promise!" Olivia hangs up the phone on Helios. [She could have just texted me.]

"Who was that, senior?" Elixir tried to look at Helios's phone.

"It's none of your business." Helios pushed Elixir away from him. Elixir almost fell.

"I'll go now then, senior."

"Wait, I didn't mean to..." Helios extended his arm towards Elixir, but Elixir was already way too far from his reach. [Urghh.... I let out my frustration on him.] Helios hit his forehead. He rolled his fingers to a fist.

Helios walked to his classroom alone. [What am I doing to myself?]

"Helios, what's wrong? You seem to be in a bad mood ever since I told you about Aron's girlfriend. Are you perhaps jealous?" Helios's eyes widen from what Olivia said.

"W- what are you saying? Why would I?"

"Don't worry, Helios, I know how you feel."

"What? Who told you?" Helios slammed his arms on the table to help him stand faster.

"No one told me. It's just so obvious." Olivia placed her hand on Helios's shoulder.

"You know, we are still his best friends. His girlfriend won't take our time with him. So, don't be jealous!"

[Oh, she thinks that I'm afraid that his girlfriend will still our time together. I thought she found out about my feelings for Aron.] Helios let out a sigh,

"Yes, I won't worry anymore."

"Great! See you tonight then."

[It's been a while since Aron and I walked to the club together. I want to apologize to Elixir, too.] Helios went to the club. He was the first one to arrive there. After a few minutes, Elixir also arrived.

"We're the first ones here, senior?"

"Yeah..." Elixir sat down near Helios.

"Hey, Elixir..."

"What is it, senior?"

"About earlier-" The door opened, Alexandra and Maria stood on the other side of the door. "Sup, senior." Maria lifts her arm to great Helios.

Olivia went to Helios to talk; Helios keep thinking about how he can make Olivia leave him alone that he completely forgot about saying sorry to Elixir.

Kael stood under the waiting shade, waiting for Jaden. Jaden and his friends from other schools would sometimes meet up at the waiting shade. Those times are one of the rare times when Kael is able to look at Jaden up close.

Jaden arrived at the waiting shade; Kael stayed there until Jaden left with his friends.

Kael sat down in front of his laptop. He read the comments on the story that he wrote.

"How can you do this to us, author?!!"

"I can't believe my favorite character died! T~T"

Kael smiled after he saw all the comments on his book. He started to write more words, [I'll just write while I wait for Jaden.] A notification popped up on Kael's screen.

'A message from Jaden'

"You free?" Kael quickly answered Jaden's message.

"Yeah, do you wanna play?"

"Is it okay if I invite my other friends?"

"Yes, it's fine." After Kael and Jaden played, Kael forgot about the chapter that he was supposed to finish and upload today.

"Okay, Let's just clean first before we go-" Drake raised his hands.

"Can I go home first, senior? No one's home so I need to go home early."

"Yeah... Sure." JB also raised his hand,

"I promise that I will go with Drake, so I'll go now, too." Aron's brows met each other.

"Oh, um-" "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Maria is coming with us too." Aron looked at Maria to confirm what JB said. Maria just nod. JB pulled Maria's arm till they are out of the room.

Maria wanted to some unagi, but JB and Drake don't want to go to the market. *Unagi- freshwater eel

So now, Maria just pushed their shopping cart, while Drake and JB put snacks and drinks in the cart.

"Can we at least get something that is actually good for us?"

"Maria's right, come on Drake. Let's get some frozen pizza." Said JB.

"Let's get some fries, too!" Said Drake.

"Those are junk foods! Totally opposite of good!"

"Let's go to the restaurant!" said Olivia. Helios and Aron took their things; The three seniors left.

"Let's go, too, Alex."

"Hey, I have something to say to you Elixir."

"What is it?"

"Why are you not Eating with us anymore?!"

"Oh? I didn't even notice." Elixir laughed,

"I just realized that, too."

"Wanna eat together then?"

"Nah, I'll pass today. I'm going somewhere."

"Ok, I'll go now then." Elixir and Alexandra said goodbye to each other.

Elixir sat down beside Jaden; Elixir's stomach made a weird sound. "Have you eaten dinner yet?" Elixir asked Jaden.

"Yeah, I ate with my other friends at a fast-food earlier." Elixir stood up and look for food on Jaden's desk. "Did you buy me anything?"

"Why would I?"

In the end, Elixir went out again to buy himself food. [It's a good time to eat some yakitori.]

*yakitori-grilled chicken

Helios sat uncomfortably beside Olivia and Aron.

Aron and Olivia keep talking to each other while Helios just ate Ramen.

A slim and tall girl entered the ramen shop, everyone's eyes are on her. Aron stood up in shock, "What are you doing here, Hailey?"

"Aron?" Aron looked at Helios, then at Olivia. Olivia smiled "I- I mean we just want to congratulate you for getting a girlfriend! I also called your girlfriend so we can get to know each other. " Olivia pointed at herself and Helios.

"Congratulations... Aron," Helios said. Hailey looked at Aron angrily,

"What is the meaning of this Aron?" Aron facepalmed, "Guys, it's not like that. Hailey's not my girlfriend."

Maria is at the kitchen preparing their food, while JB and Drake looked for the movie 'Who's behind the door'

"Maria! Is the food ready?" JB asked.

"Wait a moment, I'm just heating up the pizza." Answered Maria.

They all sat down on the sofa. The movie started. Drake pulled up his feet and hid them under his blankets. He squished himself near JB which caused JB to look at Drake.

"Don't worry, Drake, I will protect you." JB wrapped his hand around Drake. Drake kicked JB off him, "What the hell are you doing? Leave me alone!" A scary part suddenly appeared in the movie. JB and Drake were surprised by the sudden appearance of the killer in the movie, the both of them subconsciously hug each other.

Maria looked at them with disgust, she rolled her eyes. [These idiots.]

"Olivia, Hailey is my step-sister. You know that my father got remarried few months ago. Please don't believe in everything that you hear."

Said Aron. Olivia bowed at them both, "I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to offend you both!" Helios scratched the back of his head. "I'm sorry too..."

"If you have nothing else to say, I'll take my leave. And, Olivia, right? Please just delete my number on your phone. I don't want to get associated with someone like you anymore." Hailey picked up her things and left.

"Sorry for what she said, Olivia." said Aron "No, it's fine. Let's just eat then leave." The three of them, silently ate their food before they left.

While watching, Maria's phone started to ring. "I need to take this call, I'll be back in a minute."

After a few minutes, Maria came back to the living room. "Sorry guys, my boss is asking me to go for a late-night shift."

"Oh, ok. See you next time, Maria." said Drake. They bid Maria goodbye.

JB and Drake were more afraid now that Maria left. But their Pride made them finish the movie. After the movie ended, they both were hugging each other.

"Finally, it's over." Drake looked at JB, "Be- because it was so boring."

"Weren't you the one who chose the movie?" Drake pushed JB away from him.

"Come on JB, help me clean the house before we sleep. Drake washed the dishes while JB cleaned the living room.

"Done, did you lock the door, JB?"


"Let's go to sleep then." A few minutes past Drake turned off the lights, someone started to try and open the door.

"Shhh, don't be loud. Maybe they both are asleep." Drake and JB heard the whispers from the other side of the door. They both panicked, this is what exactly happened in the movie.

They looked for things that they both can use for a weapon. They both push the couch to the door.

"It won't open!"

"Try pushing it."

They heard the voice again there are two people outside. As the people outside push the door, JB and Drake also pushed from the other side.

"It won't budge! Let's just try the door at the back." Drake and JB looked at each other. They both run to the other side of the house,

"Quick JB! Push the door!" Drake pushed JB to the door. The people outside almost opened the door, but it was lock shut again after JB bumped to it.

"JB, Drake is that you?"

"Oh no, Drake. They know our name!"

"Just leave us alone!!" Drake and JB kept pushing the door. They completely forgot about the front door. They heard the couch moving, they tried to run to the front door, but it was already too late.

"Mom? Dad?" exclaimed Drake,

"Yes, it's us."

JB looked down. "Hi, aunty, uncle."

"Hello JB. What the hell are you both doing locking us both out to our own house?"

JB and Drake explained to them that they both watched some horror movies, then how they thought that Drake's parents were the killer.

"Next time, don't watch movies that you can't handle. You both can go to Drake's room now." said Drake's mom.

"Good night, aunty, uncle."

Helios walked alone on the streets, [So, he doesn't really have a girlfriend?] Helios smiled to himself.

[I almost forgot; I still haven't said sorry to Elixir.]

"Senior?" A familiar voice took Helios's attention, he looked behind him. It was Elixir, Elixir went closer to him.

"Are you heading to the dorms, senior?"


"I'm also about to go there, too. Let's go together, senior."

[Is he not mad at me? Does that mean I don't need to say sorry to him?] Helios and Elixir walked together to the dorms,

"How was your dinner, senior?"

"It's okay."

"What did you eat senior?"

"Just ramen."

"Oh, I just ate yakitori, then talked to the vendor."


"Looks like we are here. I'll go now senior." Helios pulled Elixir's arm,

"Wait, Elixir." Elixir stopped walking then looked at Helios