Every new generation served the new king as the golden general and lead his army into war. it is time for the new golden city king Yan Chao to pick his six generals to be his generals. three males and three females to become the golden Dragon, the golden Tiger, the golden hornet, the golden Fox, the golden Shark, and the golden butterfly, From the Sou family, he picked the only son, Wen Sou. To be the Golden Dragon, from the Gu family he picks the second son, Ren Gu, to be the Hornet. From the Bai Family, he picked the youngest son. Hong Bai, to be the + Golden Hornet, and from the Yi family he picked the only daughter, Xaihui Yi, to be the Golden Fox, from the Fang family, Ruilong Fang the oldest daughter, to be the Golden Shark., and from the Fan family. Weiyoung Fan, the second oldest. to be the Golden Butterfly. So now he has his three females. Inside the castle, Yan Chao walked into the throne room. " morning my king. his advisor said. " His deadly officers Xinjiang, Lui pi, Zhang Geng, Zhong Rong, Mo Huan, and Xun Liang. Their ships have landed on the beach,Ā the golden city march to war,Ā both armies face to face. " you have two lose your lives or you can retreat. Said, Xiong Jaio. " this is my city and my Kingdom, you can remove yourself and army off it and go home, or perish under my army and generals. Said, Yan Chao. " you call that an army!? Said, Xinjiang. " we are bigger than you intruder, we are a massive force. Said, Wen Sou. " massive right, said. Lui Pi, " massive and numbers, as we are massive and powerful, talk sense to your king, Said. Xaihui Yi, " if we don't what then. Asked,Ā Zhang Geng. " stick around and find out what is going to happen to all of you, be smart, and leave. Said, Ren Gu. "