If you have never had venison, let me tell you—
Venison is awesome.
And by awesome, I mean that the deer is very much alive and prancing around in my stomach. And I know this feeling. I am all too familiar with nausea that it is my second nature now. I am pretty sure I am about to hurl yet again out on this dinner table if I don't run right this moment.
"Oh, dear. What's the matter?" Louisa suddenly exclaims,
It's a little too loud for my liking and she has a knack for choosing the most critical moments to yodel about. She feels like a callus on my finger, irritating in a way but not quite life-threatening. The desire to throw a meaningless party of my own is now quickly draining away after actually experiencing what parties are actually. None of that wild vibe, only manners but it's pretty in its own way.
"Nothing, Just…" My voice is croaky as I wave my hand away dismissively. I take a huge gulp of water, I should suck it up and wait for Elian to make some appearance.