"You know you don't have any choice than to follow me to this party right," Kim said and smirked as she dragged Ximena who had been keeping mute since they got to the party. "We should shake off the exam tension don't you think?"
"The new hair do paid after all," Kim said gushing at Ximena's new looks and touching her bangs.
They both sat down and ordered drinks while Kim showed ximena some modelling shoots on Instagram and talked non stop about how Ximena should give it a trial who protested that she couldn't because she wasn't that tall. As they chit chatted, the most popular guys in campus entered inside and shouts erupted in the air as girls tried to get their attention and the party got more lit.
Kim looked at them walk pass and hissed, "Gosh I hate Aiden so much," she said cringing at his sight. "He doesn't even know I exist but I still hate him," she frowned and gulped her wine quickly like it would wash away her thoughts. Kim stood up to dance with some random guy since Ximena said she wasn't but came back few minutes later and dragged her to the dance floor trying to teach her the dance moves.
So now that we have danced enough, let us go take some pictures outside Kim said looking tipsy already as she took her small purse and gave it to Ximena to go first.
"I want to use the toilet," she said and left quickly.
Kim walked around and didn't find the toilet quickly as she wandered around like a lost cause. Soon she came across a fancy toilet that had VIP written on it and some men in black in front. She made her way to enter but the first guy dragged her back saying she should go use the other toilet.
"Oh my God, I can't even find the darn toilet," she murmured drowsily and made to enter again. "Aishhh," she frowned trying to talk to the guy but she noticed her panties getting wet already. Immediately she called the guy closer and made to whisper something in his ear as she nodded him and screamed "Help, there is a molester here."
"Gosh, that was close," she said as she crashed on the toilet seat feeling grateful she had caused problem and gotten in few seconds earlier.
She was done and as she made to adjust her gown, she heard moans from the next toilet room beside her.
"Damn, who are those disturbing my peace and doing their shit in here," she murmured and chuckled as she adjusted her cloth and made to come out.
She washed her hands and her face trying to get rid of her drowsiness. "I don't care if this ruins my makeup, I am still pretty anyways," she said and adjusted her hair conceitedly looking at the mirror.
Soon she turned a saw the big shock of her life Aiden standing at her back. She looked at him and rolled her eyes as she picked the necklace she put beside the basin and made to leave the place. He was going to mention the fact that the toilet was for gents and that the ladies was by the right but it wasn't his concern anyway.
Somehow, he felt she was drunk and couldn't see him, no girl would probably give him attitude like that he thought and washed his hand.
"Hope you didn't wait too long," she asked after finding Ximena who sat outside and was already kept company by some guy before she came. After few pictures, they had fun a bit more and left.
Gina had gone to Aiden's the next day and met no one at home even when he said she shouldn't come for a while she still went. She sometimes came check if he ate and not just drank and smoked and also ordered food for him which he always talked about and told her to stick to the plan everytime but she wouldn't bulge.
She one time talked about him not smoking again, it ended in a fight in which they both didn't talk together for days. She even tried to get him a hobby or something he liked but it ended up with him getting irked. When she said she wanted to know more about him and his family, he said the same thing over and over again.
"Don't pretend to care, just stick to the plan."
When she got there, she entered and checked everywhere to look for him but he wasn't found. She texted him and called his number which wasn't going through. She went to the kitchen and found roasted chicken in the oven.
"Probably one of his multiple girlfriends did," she murmured and was somewhat hurt for no reason even if she didn't care before. She served some for herself and took a can beer as she sat in the living room to eat it.
Soon she heard soft wincing from a distance and paused to be sure if she heard well but it stopped for a while and she went to eating till she heard it again. She noticed it came from the only room upstairs which she had see him go to few times. She tried to open the door which seemed locked, it was a glass door and she thought of what to do as she heard the painful winces more and more. She smashed the door open and went through as she ran to the bathroom calling his name and found him on the floor wrapped in his white towel. He looked half dead as she screamed and ran to hold him quickly.
As she dropped him on the bed, she made to call the nearest hospital but he held her hand from doing so. He pointed lamely to the dresser as she tried to decipher what he was saying. She searched the drawer and in the second one she found a fluid filled injection. She injected it into his body as he groaned. She quickly got a bowl of water and napkin to mop his burning body and then wore one of the many hoodies she found in his body as she tried to calm down.
"Ashton, you'll be fine," was all she kept saying all scared and anxious.
Later, while he slept she ordered porridge from the nearest restaurant that sold. While she warmed it in the microwave, she went back to see the fact that he was out of bed and gone, his car too wasn't in the underground park too.
"Where did he go?" She didn't even notice he had left.
Is he okay? What's wrong exactly?, so many questions ran her mind as she tried his number but it was switched off. She sat tired and frustrated, wondering what was happening. She waited till night and still, when he wasn't back, she changed his passcode and left in case any other girl wanted to come over. All of them knew it anyway. They are probably the same to him.
The thought of it sucked to her.
"Fuck, what is wrong with me?" She asked herself as she drove to Kim's. She was okay with all of this just months ago and now she is so pissed and feeling insecure too.