Chereads / Fox Fire (BL) / Chapter 88 - Te Amo

Chapter 88 - Te Amo

He wiped the spit off his lips. "Rojo, what the hell?"

Rojo was looking everywhere else but at Hyeon. He seemed surprised by Hyeon's reaction. His centipede head on the end of his tail was hiding behind him, as if ashamed.

*Shouldn't I be the one who is surprised the most?*

"Why did you just kiss me?"

Rojo suddenly squatted into a ball on the floor. Hyeon knew he did this when under pressure. He knelt down beside the centipede spirit and said more calmly, "I need to know why you did it. Do you like me?"

"…Te amo."

It took a second for Hyeon to recall his Spanish classes from long ago. If he remembered correctly, that meant 'I love you.' He needed more answers before he could respond appropriately.

"And when did you start having these feelings?"

"When you saved me."

"Was this when the others were trying to squish you?"

Rojo nodded into his knees. "Mhm."

*I think I understand now. Didn't Sani say I should bring a human's perspective to the servants here?*

"Hey. Look at me." Their eyes met. "Rojo, I don't think you love me. I think what you're feeling is gratitude. Plus, in the living world, it's not right to do what you just did. Lots of people don't do such things unless they like, or even love, each other."

"But this morning, Master Fenrir was going to suck your—"

"SHH!" Hyeon hushed him, making sure no one else heard that. "How do you know that?

"I like being in your pockets," Rojo said innocently. "I hear everything."

Hyeon's cheeks flushed from embarrassment. "That's also not a good thing to do."

Rojo buried his head in his legs again, making a tighter ball. "Does that mean you love Master Fenrir? Is that why he didn't punish you for absorbing his soul energy yesterday? Mr. Sani had to stop you."


That was news to him. No wonder Fenrir was being suspicious when Hyeon asked if anything happened. Clearly, something happened! After seeing Fenrir's reaction before when asked about exchanging energies, it was a miracle Hyeon wasn't dead already.

Is that why I feel great today? Why would he not tell me?

"Master Fenrir must love you for letting you keep his soul energy," Rojo said. Hyeon didn't reply to that.

Did Hyeon love him?


His heart made a crazy thump just now.


"Uh, h-how about we get out of here? Coty seems to be gone anyway." Hyeon grabbed Rojo's hand to help him up. "Just remember to ask for consent if you want to be intimate with them, okay?"

Rojo nodded, probably still thinking he was in love. While walking through the castle, Hyeon saw the black widow spirit. She was arranging the flowers in the hallway vases. This would be a good distraction from his strong heartbeats and Fenrir. He dragged the centipede over to her.

"Rojo! Have you met my friend? Her name is…"

*Crap, I don't know her name.*

"Julia," she said unfeelingly.

"Julia! Right. This is Rojo and he's new here." Hyeon gave him a gentle push forward. "Why don't you two take a tour outside?"

Both of them looked at Hyeon, puzzled about being paired together.


I need to get out of here.

He laughed, but it was obviously forced. "Have fun!"

Hyeon left the two bug spirits. Once he was alone in a different corridor, he placed a hand on his chest. His heart wanted to burst out of it. The image of Fenrir above him from this morning popped into his head.


"What is this…" he mumbled.


The quick sound of wood hitting the ground came from outside. Hyeon looked through the window and saw Shika practicing bo-staff in their normal spot. Why was he practicing alone?

Since most of the servant's shifts were over by now, Haruma was watching on the steps. Bo-staff would be a perfect distraction at this time. Hyeon didn't bother changing out of his uniform. He just wanted to get down and dirty by practicing with his favorite sparring buddy.

He hurried outside and said his greetings to Haruma, who nodded back.

"Shika! Can I join you?"


That was unexpected. Hyeon stopped and looked at his friend.

*Right. I never apologized.*

"I'm sorry for what happened. I was being stupid, and I ended up hurting you. I'm glad your arm is okay."

Shika stopped swinging the bo-staff and sighed. "Hyeon, I'm not mad at you for that. We all lose ourselves at some point while working here. It happened to me during my first week here and I gored another person with my antlers."

"Then can we practice tomorrow or in a few days?"


The air was tense. Haruma watched silently.

"Mayyy I ask why?" sounding out the word 'may.'

"I won't lie, Hyeon. To be honest, I'm fucking terrified to be around you right now. I messed up my job to chaperone you in the human realm. You killed someone because of my carelessness to have fun. I just, I just don't want to go back to the basement!" The last sentence came out as a wail.

Hyeon stood there, shocked. "I-I didn't know. What happened down there?"

"I don't remember, Hyeon! No one remembers when they return! We leave with nothing but a shell of ourselves and it takes a long time to recover. Being around you makes me either want to run or attack you. So, whatever happened, it had something to do with you." Shika turned his back to Hyeon. His knuckles were white from gripping the wooden pole so hard. "Please go. I need space."

Tears threatened to spill from Hyeon's eyes. He left Shika without saying a word. When passing Haruma, Hyeon asked, "Do you feel the same way?"

Haruma nodded in disagreement. "I've been to the basement many times. I'm fine."

Hyeon needed a friend to do something normal. "Can we take a walk later?"

"Now is good. Shika needs time alone."

They left the deer spirit, who resumed his practice.

The two walked through the garden's maze without a word, not caring about the chilly temperature. They didn't need to talk to enjoy the leisure activity. Hyeon didn't have to worry about making conversation. Just like how humans claim to have an 'animal spirit,' Haruma's human spirit was an old man that drank sake late at night.

Problem was, the quiet walk made his thoughts and questions about his feelings for Fenrir scream in his head.

*Why did he not kill me when I took his energy? Or at least stop me? He lied and said nothing happened.*

*Why is my heart beating so hard?*

*Am I sick?*

Or maybe…

*Do I lov—*

The oh-so-familiar hot feeling spread from his insignia through his body. His legs became weak and his crotch grew big from desire. This was him in heat; the reaction he had when Hyeon was being summoned by Fenrir.

Except, this was stronger than in the past. Far stronger. When his knees couldn't take it anymore, he collapsed on the dirt path. He was on the verge of orgasming without even being touched. He felt trickles of his body liquid soak his underwear.

Hyeon finally understood what Fenrir and others have smelled when his insignia was activated. His body was giving off a honey-like smell. Hyeon was the beehive in a scarce forest and the servants were the hungry bears. It was hard to breathe. A haze was clouding his judgment. Soon, he'd seek out anyone to help relieve him. It didn't matter who.

This would normally be an issue since this would attract other nearby servants.

Apparently, he wasn't the only one being summoned. Not far away, other spirits were howling in pain.

Haruma was hunched over, clawing at his chest where his heart was. His sharp nails shredded through the uniform to reach the skin. Blood stained his clothes. He was tearing into his muscles as if trying to rip out his heart. The blood color became dark red as he hurt himself further. Haruma was making guttural sounds from the pain.

A spirit's reaction to being summoned was related to their sins from when they were alive. What the heck did Haruma do?

*Fight through the lust,* his phoenix whispered.

He crawled towards him. As soon as he grabbed Haruma's ankles, Hyeon went into a fetal position as he orgasmed. His back arched. A sticky mess filled his pants. The shock waves from coming caused him to moan into the ground. While this was happening, the fox's blood dripped onto Hyeon's hair. The waves that made his hips tremble stopped.

"Haruma," he cried hoarsely. "Stop."

Clearly, saying 'stop' wasn't enough. By now, half of Haruma's hand was inside of his own chest. Skin and tissue matter coated his forearm. The blood smell overpowered the sickly-honey pheromones.

This was getting dangerous. Can a spirit's soul disappear if they take their hearts out?

Hyeon was able to lift himself up. His friend needed him.

His hand grew hot with the phoenix's fire. Somehow, Hyeon knew how to decrease the temperature of his skin and focus on spreading the fire throughout his own body instead. It felt right. Yes, this would make him stronger.

Haruma was centimeters away from his heart. Blood pulsed out of his chest and squirted into the air. He was still hunched over, hiding his face.

Hyeon tried to yank Haruma's wrist away from his chest but it was difficult. He was crazy strong!

"STOP!" Hyeon yelled. He pulled his friend's squirming arm to the side.

That's when Haruma finally showed his face. He was crying and his face was contorted. Not from the physical pain, but something much deeper, like someone who lost the most precious thing.

As Hyeon's inner fire helped him get stronger by the second and the other's momentary weakness, he was able to overcome Haruma.

Haruma tried to take his hand back but was unsuccessful. Since Hyeon was blocking access to the gaping hole, Haruma's other arm wrapped around Hyeon's middle and sunk his long nails into the skin.

The fox leaned his head back and wept loudly. His pointy ears drooped down.

Just as the summoning came out of nowhere, it left just as quickly.

They both fell on the garden path, heaving like they finished running a marathon. The wound on Hyeon's side was already closing, but Haruma laid there in a pool of his own blood. The hole didn't look like it was stitching itself. Hyeon could see small cascades of blood pump out after each heartbeat.

What happened if a spirit tried hurting themselves? Do they heal or...

Hyeon didn't want to take the chance of him bleeding out. He helped Haruma to his feet and tried getting him to walk. Since Coty didn't seem to be around, only Fenrir or Sani could help him.

As they staggered towards the castle, the servants who were outside were heading in the same direction. After all, they were technically summoned. Some looked more haggard than others. Shika's bo-staff laid on the brown grass. He must already be inside.

Seeing everyone in such states made him think in disbelief, What the fuck was Fenrir doing?

Once they stepped inside, their insignias were activated again. It took everything Hyeon had to restrain Haruma from going at his heart again.

Hyeon felt another hot wave crash through his body to his dick. A moan escaped from his throat as his spine shivered from pleasure. It wouldn't be long before he collapsed again. He bit his bottom lip hard until it split.

His grip on Haruma's wrist loosened. Haruma immediately went back to digging at his chest.

"Help," Hyeon croaked. His cry couldn't be heard by the others who were suffering, too. On the other side of the entrance hall was Imoogi and Eli. They were also making their way to Fenrir's quarters. Eli limped with broken legs while Imoogi...looked fine? He was helping Eli walk but didn't seem to be in suffering.

Imoogi stopped and smelled the air. He looked around until his eyes rested on Hyeon, whose sweet-smelling pheromones flooded the room. Moments later, the other spirits could detect the smell. Some were wallowing in their own misery and ignored it while the aroma distracted others.

This was overwhelming. He was on the verge of orgasming and asking the nearing person to fuck. Haruma was about to grab his poor heart and the surrounding servants inched closer to pounce on Hyeon.

What was he supposed to do?