Chen is doing everything to take care of his wife, he doesn't wanna see her look miserable. Caring for a his pregnant wife is his priority now, not just because they having a baby but his wife health as well. He also ask the doctor about physical activity if its okay? And of course the doctor know what is he referring to, the doctor smile at him, its okay young master you still can do that but not too much, a simple and not the kind of wild one.
Thank you doctor i will called you if anything in the future. Then Xu Chen went back to there room where his wife is resting, he stare at her for a while and sigh…. She is so pale her complexion is not good, but he got reminded what the doctor said so he got at ease.
He lay beside his wife in the bed and hug her kiss her caress her face, Mae feel his touch so she open her eyes. Whats wrong she ask? All the worries are written all over your face. He just smile at her and said sleep more, Mae fix her position and hug him then closed her eyes again.
In spite all the worries while hugging his wife his little brother down there are reacting, he cursed on his head dammit, but not knowing Mae have a smile in her face because she feel it too so she hug him more, hahaha that is how naughty his wife is. So he take a deep breath to calm down but no avail, so he said wife if you keep doing that i wont be able to control my self.
But Mae naughtiness kick in poor Chen he doesn't know that his wife is doing it on purpose hahaha. Mae started it kiss his neck touch him all over and now even he take a deep breathed several times it wont work. So he ask her do you want it Mae nodded, he started kissing her forehead and said naughty. Then he keep kissing her all over her face neck and on her bosom a small moan come out from his wife.
He continue as what he need to do kissing hugging touching all over, he take out his wife clothes to gain more access on her bare body, Mae shivered when he kiss her stomach then touch her nipple while sucking on the other one he keep doing it. Then going down there in between her thigh. She is so wet down there Chen lick her eat her she is shivering on what her husband doing, she finally said i want you inside of me now.
Chen do what his wife ask and give her the pleasure that both of them enjoy until they reach there climax. After there activity Chen ask if she is okay while touching her belly, Mae gave her a sweet smile and caress his face and kiss his lips, hug him.
Chen get up after a while of hugging he scope Mae to bring her in the bathroom to clean her up, Mae just let him do what ever he was doing. Then after washing and cleaning her he take her back in the bed and get a comfortable clothes in the closet for her to wear. Then tuck her in again in the duvet after dressing her up.
Mae went back to sleep Chen got up went out and order the butler to make nutritious breakfast but very light flavor. The butler understood because he was there when the doctor is giving instruction what to fed the young madam. Then Chen went back to there room and sit on the sofa open his laptop to check all the documents that he needs to tend.
He also told his assistant to bring all the important paper work in his house. He will work at home for now, to take care of his wife. The food was ready and the butler ask young master the food is ready he eyed him and said serve it her there is a small table near the window, the butler left after his done setting up the table.
Chen got up and went to his wife to wake her up she need to eat all morning she just sleeping, so he wake her up and said lets eat. But Mae is reluctant she said she just wanna sleep instead of eating. Chen frown and said that cant do you need to eat for our baby, once Mae heard him say that she got up right away she doesn't want her baby to starve.
Chen have a smile in his face when he saw her reaction. So he take her to the bathroom to wash up. I can do it myself and also i can walk you know. I know but i don't want you to get tired easily, Mae chuckled by her husband reasoning she didn't say anything just comply to him. After that he carry her going to the table with food, but Mae smell something that her stomach doesn't want, so she run to the bathroom again and start vomiting.
Chen was beyond shocked and worried is all over his face, he fallowed her in the bathroom and ask wife what is it that makes you vomit? Smell she said, what kind? Garlic. He called the butler over, and told him about it the maid take away the food that they cooked, they just left the fruit slice. Once left the butler instructed the kitchen about the young madam situation on food. The cook understand it and smile.
The butler return with food in him. Mae is already sitting on eating the slice fruit. She is enjoying every single piece of it. Then he serve the soup no garlic. Mae just tasted it and eat like a few spoon full. The butler ask young madam do you have any preferred food that you want? She stop and eyed the butler and said i want more fruit in season uncle Tang she said. The butler gave her a smile and said your wish is my command young madam, anything else? I want milk tea also she added. Okay i will prepare it now and i will be back.
Chen eyed his wife with a smile on his face, he is happy that his wife is eating, not only that she is willing to talk to other people like his butler. Maybe because she is pregnant thats why she have so many mood changes, he chuckled while contemplating all his wife actions.
He is happy no matter what his wife do as long as she is happy.