Islam preachers Mujhafar Akhtar, his brother, Narrusudin Akhtar and Moulana bin Hussain sat at the heart of Afghanistan. The three leaders wore the dark keffiyeh symbolic of their religion. They sat on the sofas of their cosy tent, while their robots guarded it. Several tents were located in the sandy area of the ISI. Each protected with the new western technology, they had gotten their hands on.
"Ma'shala, these new weapons are beyond imagination," Mujhafar stated. Youth of 24, Mujhafar was a brilliant manipulator and an amazing strategist. His long hair and beard were a tribute to his idol,' Osama Bin Laden.'
"Indeed, brother," his brother Narrusudin spoke. He like his brother had long hair and beard, and his eyes were as big as of a tiger. Yet he spoke with such compassion and sweetness, that none could believe it is coming from such a masculine body.
"They're certainly useful, but those traditionless nations of America and Europe cannot be guided with this amount, we need more weapons."
"Don't stress too much my brother," Moulana Bin Houssain spoke. He was a tall, lean, clean-shaven man of 33. His lion-like bravery earned him a way as one of the top ISI leaders.
"Islam has become the biggest religion, now, overpassing Christianity. It's about time the world understands the goodness of Allah. We should celebrate this achievement."
"Brother, you are missing the point. Islam has become the biggest reason but it is not because people have accepted 'the only true religion but because many Christians have turned atheist or agnostic."
"Brother, Narussudin, your anger is justified. People certainly are becoming humanists. But in countries like India, at least we have made progress. Nonetheless, we shall not make the same mistake made by others before. We must wait for the right time, instead of acting out on our emotions. Slowly, Islam will bring people out of the darkness and the world will be a better place."
"Brother, Moulana, you talk nicely, but be practical. If we do not take action, slowly the support from within will weaken. Soon just like Saudi Arabia others will liberalise themselves for their greed for money. This is unacceptable."
"Calm down, please. We must use our brain instead of the heart. It boils my blood as well. Seeing people commit sins, but we must stay one step ahead and strike when they least expect."
"What are you suggesting?"
"Patience my brothers, patience. It just takes the right mindset and attributes for jihad."
Both the Akhtar brothers nodded.
"Perhaps, your Psychology course wasn't a waste of time, -eh?