I dived into the sea, hoping it would bring me close to you even though you have never seen me. I have felt you kick me and trouble me. I have felt you crave and desire but never have you pushed me away from the love I have for your father.
Whether or not we meet you or not, I just want you to know that I love you more than anything else in the world. And though I will not be joining you, I know that you are happier and safer in the place that you are. And one day, when I and your father come to you and stay with you in that secret place. I know we will find joy.
So play on without curfew, let the angels raise you, and cook you supper. Let them teach you how to count and what is right and wrong… just know that I love you and always will, even as I continue to leave and you don't. Tell the angels to not prepare us a bed as yet… but when the time is right.
They will know what to do. Love mom and dad.