She took a cab back home, as she walked to her house, she heard a lot of noise and so many people were gathered around, she wondered what was going on. As she looked she saw that it was her neighbors that were fighting again, it happened a lot of time, and this was one of the events that made her, make her resolve to succeed.
Women were seen as second class beings in the society, and for this reason her neighbors fought constantly, the man didn't like his wife talking back at him, even if he was wrong she had no right to correct him, once she talked he would shout and ask her who she was to talk to him and they would start fighting he would usually beat her when they fought.
I wondered why it was like that, why couldn't she tell him he did something wrong, why didn't she have the right to talk to him, why did he beat her, was she a kid or something.
In this 21st century I wondered why there were still people who thought this way, what's marriage, isn't it between two people with equal rights as human beings why does it have to change after marriage.
A lot of women suffer abuse, most of them can't do anything, even when they were told about the new system that'll support them if they'll speak up, they still wouldn't come out, most of them didn't have anything for themselves, so they had to depend on the man, they didn't have money or power and most times some men know this and use it to their advantage, they'd leave the house without giving their wives anything, they'd make them suffer so that they'd have the upper hand.
This is why I decided to be the best of myself that I can be.
I'll work hard and succeed, and nobody will ever treat me like that never. Sophia thought as she turned and walked to her house.