Okay, I did it again... I kind of stretched the story, and I know it lagged a lot in the middle and I am really regretting it. I wanted one thing and it kind of ended up being the other. Uff! I really hope I would correct my recurring missteps in the upcoming volume.
So, let's dive in... for now.
An unassuming young man stepped onto the last train (metro) to get to his home. He folded his Id and put them into the bag. He connected his headphones to his phone and put them on to listen to some songs in peace until the train reaches his station.
"I have to submit my report tomorrow, take my wife to the hospital and also have to buy a new Pc for my kid... Damn, I wish I have some time for myself... well it's a little too much to ask at this stage of my life. Cheer up yourself, Mr. Brandon," Brandon blabbered to himself as he continued to listen to some music.