Chereads / Mind break / Chapter 388 - Aquatic Demons.

Chapter 388 - Aquatic Demons.

The two armies one army of the Demons and Asuras while the other army made of Humans and the Army which descended from the heavens. Equipped with flying horses or Horses which looked like the Pegasus. But as we know there was only one Peagusus in the entirety of Greek Mythology which had sprung from the severed head of Medusa.

In Greek mythology, Bellerophon who is a Corinthian hero and he is the son of Poseidon and Eurynome. He is also known as Bellerophontes and Hipponous. Bellerophon is known for taming the winged horse Pegasus, a gift from his father, and for defeating the Chimera, a monster that is part lion, goat, and snake.

But aside from mythology I don't see how or why this many Pegasi are here.

And that too they had descended from the skies. With warriors riding them in the sets of a pair. With two different warriors of different class being seated together.

Ikaros :

Answer me one thing Lumina. Will you use your godly power to actively kill every demon here. And then eventually come after me.

Or will you like a coward run back to the mainland and act like you have control over the army.

Lumina burned brighter with anger as the intensity of the light increased.

Ikaros :

Hmmm. I think I have hit a nerve. Well you can do whatever you want. I'm not the one to judge. Since I'll be heading back myself.

Jay was listening to the conversation himself. McElroy was pissed by Ikaros's actions. At first he seemed like a very cool and chill old man. He talks very casually and even accepts change.

But he also casually slanders his opponents and the worse part is that he can. He has the power to. Slander whoever he wants and what can the powerless do.

But Jay himself was thinking why Lumina was holding back.

Noone would have taken this much slander.

The human army had grown massively in size. While the Demon army remained the same. Like waves of water.

With huge surges these two waves of armies crashed into one another.

This had leveled the battlefield a fair bit

There was a plan which the council had devised in order to reduced the number of demons. It was a very suicidal plan which would include the sacrifices of many soldiers strapped with high level of mana stones and attacked to them and being acted as an Kamikazi Japanese soldier.

With now the involment of a God in a war. The Heavenly Demons were now on the battlefield actively seeking and destroying every soldier of God that they came across. By cursing them to death. And even with an entire battalion of soldiers they couldn't wipe out even a single heavenly demons.

Their strength exceeded from the Asuras many times.

Jay and McElroy had decided that they would be on the front lines. They have to defeat as many Asuras and Demons as possible.

In the end it was just a numbers game. There more huger the number the better the odds. Right now the odds start from a decimal.

This battle was different from the one fought yesterday.

Yesterday it was entirely an Army made of Asuras but now there's everything being thrown. Acidic bile spitting monstrosities.

Aquatic demons which hunt their prey who lies on the border by lunging at them the innocent prey who is close to the water. And drowning them in water as well as using their sharp teeth's to dig into the skin to injure them and hold them in place

Chimeras who are somehow accurate to the Greek Mythology. The Chimera had three head a goat, lion and snake.

But there were also many variations. Some of the Chimeras had wings so they would prey from the sky. While some had the stings of a scorpion.

They would inject deadly poison which would make one's skin burn with pain. Their bodies were mostly made of lion body. But variations were observed here as well.

Some had the body of a stallion. While some the the body of a chicken.

... No wait I think that's called a cockatrice. Who can turn anyone to stone when he lays his eyes on them. But he got killed in an instant by a human soldier who had mistakenly identified him as an enemy. While the other ignored the giant chicken.

And they were proved right it was just a giant chicken which had wandered into the battlefield. But it was still responsible for the death of two soldiers before who had made the same mistake and got eaten.

Jay and McElroy had to use magic which would not put others at annoyance. Thus they mostly relied on their physical strength. With Jay's spear so effective. It would take down demons at the rate of 30 per minute.

While fighting Jay was on the edge of the battlefield that's when aan aquatic demon lunged and grabbed Jay into the water. It was trying to drown him in the cold waters of the sea. And due to the currents and Jay struggling Jay tossed and turned. The aquatic demon dug his teeth into Jay but he couldn't dig in further. And that was all he needed.

The demon dug his teeth in his left shoulder and the cloth was torn from there. Inside the mouth of the Demon there was no presence of water. Which lead to its down fall.

Jay pumped his mouth with full of fire as a quick last second thinking. And his insides got burned while the oxygen within his lungs turned into Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide respectively . And the carbon binded with the hemoglobin preventing its binding with oxygen and it died due to oxygen deprivation. Dying while leaving Jay afloat drifting on the current.

Where his flames would quickly be drawn out. And he couldn't even propelled himself out of water.

And then another demon caught me. But this time the demon found it's life in danger due to Jay being cautious.

The from the deep waters there was a light that was heading towards him. Jay thought that he had seen his end once more. He suddenly felt something had grabbed his hand and with incredible force he was thrown out of water.

Where Jay started to cough as water started draining from his nose and his mouth. And filled with fresh oxygen.

But he was still in the middle of the battlefield. Where an Asura tried to get advantage and swung down his massive axe. And Jay tried to block with his spear.

But he had held his spear loosely. And thus found his spear in the abdomen of the Demon and before the Asura fell over Jay managed to roll besides it to avoid to be trapped under him.

The spear which had protruded the Asuras stomach was visible. Claiming more and more blood for itself.

But there was another man who had become frightened from the spear.

He had taken the spear and used it to kill the Asura. But stabbing it in the abdomen.

It somehow felt like fear had intruded in his body.

With a frightened look he saw Jay. And Jay saw his saviors face it was Azuma with his hands filled with fear.

Azuma : filled with fear.

This this cursed object, wwwwbere where did you get it.

Azuma had himself seen the caoabilities of the spear and was impressed by it as it was also asthetically pleasing even though it looked slightly cursed.

When he took the spear from Jay's hands. There was a subconscious attack on his mind.

Azuma saw himself in a pitch black void where he could see only himself and there was nothing else around him.

But then there was an intense aura. Where he saw the fearsome Blood demon and the ground which was void turned into a lake of blood. He tried to run away from the tall demon.

And he ran into the Ice Dragon as he breathed the air around him froze which sent a chill down Azumas spine. He felt as if his entire body had been frozen in an endless tundra.

And there was a noise of marching. He turned back he was surrounded by all the Asuras and Demons that Jay had killed over time.

It seemed like he was drowning in the lake of blood but then there was a light which came from the mother tree. And everything vanished.

The mother tree was a huge tree which was the same size as the Blood demon.

It bloomed into life and light spread and the void was filled with light and the lake of blood which Azumas was going to drown into disappeared.

And Azumas then snapped back into consciousness and stabbed the Asura while being repulsed back from the spear in the process.

Azumas breathed heavily as he had woken from a nightmare.

It was a weapon made from Raizon technology. Before all of the technology vanished a final weapon was made by Sara's ancestor.

It was Raizon final will. Which later came into Jay's hands.

As it had been intended by the Time Loop.