Everything was going according to the plan .
But something felt off . While observing the blood demon destroy the city sometimes it would stop for absolutely no reason showing no movement even when striking an object it would stop sometime .
It is a blessing that the demon is currently away from the target building
Current distance 9.5 km
He is currently unaware of anything he is just rampaging without any reason
Assumption : Maybe it is mindless.
This is all that could be observed about the target
Getting any kind of sample is extremely dangerous leading to death
Lenght : 167 feet
Weight : Unknown
Assumption : Approx 100 tonne
Body structure : Human like
Has 6 eyes which functions identically to humans
Skin : Red colured
Hair : Whitish - Silver .
Spawn of the blood demon cannot be considered as related to the blood demon
The DNA of 15 spawns was collected .
Similarities : No similarity
Reason : When compared with each of the 14 different samples there were no similarities to be observed ,
Most closely resembled organism :
That concludes my report , now time to get that horn