Spear of judgement
description: It isn't divine or royal but was used by a knight who bought justice down on a murderer on a genocidal rampage
He was found to be possessed and his soul was corrupted perhaps he shouldn't have chose this genocide route
since then his weapon was blessed , reforged to be better and then passed down in the royal family
Spear of the successor :
str : 398
rarity : legendary
durability : 100 % (wth is this durability)
combined skill : none
description: The successor of the spear can only weild this spear other weilding it will die instantly
This spear still holds mystery and can be upgraded method : still unknown
The spear has chosen its successor and taken the shape of the user's soul
This spear still carries its previous attributes and sometimes an eerie voice can be heard while holding it like it is calling for help