Lulu rolled her eyes at Sandy's comment about seducing Keith. "Why would I change clothes? Is something wrong with this? I'm not going to exercise, and these are comfortable enough for the night. Not everyone is like you."
"What's wrong with prioritizing garments that don't restrict movements? Can you even run in that skirt?"
Keith looked away from them. He didn't care about Sandy's sweatpants and a sporty t-shirt, nor about Lulu's tight tank top and miniskirt. He wanted them gone. Or at least quiet.
Keith's ears perked up when he heard Lulu talking.
"When I left Shifters, Alpha Damon and Talia were dancing. They clung to each other and kissed like no one was watching. I was not needed, so I thought of coming here before I get too drunk and forget about spending the night with Keith."
Keith's irritation rose. Did she need to bring up the point of how Talia and Damon were lovey-dovey?ย