Marvel universe
Deep in the chambers of a golden castle laid the body of a Golden-haired prince.. The teen's facial features twisted as he slowly woke up. The king and queen of Asgard ran at the news of prince Thor waking up. Apparently, tears flew down his eyes as he whispered his brother's name. " Are you okay thor?" His mother asked him. He was crying out of remorse and guilt for seeing his brother die, and if he could, he would reverse it all. The world itself seemed to mourn his brother's death as silence enveloped the battlefield. He only saw the hazy mist and thought it was caused by tears. But as the mist enveloped his very essence, he knew it wasn't. The next thing he knows was waking up in a shorter, yet nimbler body. Yet he had learnt that his brother had gone missing along with him, him being the only one found.
Thor vowed to find his brother, The supreme sorcerer would surely help right?. the prince trained like never before, not neglecting studies, even going as far as to go to the library and collecting information about all his future foes to stop them more efficiently. He also knew that jane frost was simply a whore who liked his figure. The only one to remain with him through his tough times would be Valkyrie (Yep, Unohana retsu is the confirmed second member.). She provided for him and supported him through his toughest, especially after his brother had died. But right now she was a ravager who wouldn't even see him as an equal. All his tasks need him to be the strongest that he can, so the strongest is the one he will become.
Thor, the prince of Asgard was acting strange. The warmonger prince had suddenly become a genius. Quickly learning everything he could, it hadn't been noticed that the man had a new look at life. Odin was certainly glad for the change as he was entering his old age. Thor had grown so strong that even Loki without his seals would be an even match. Given the time, Thor was bound to overpower hela and they would be the perfect match. He also knew that he would fight his son for the empire until his death because it is his empire. So he just hopes that the time doesn't appear any time soon.
The supreme sorcerer had already met the prince and was shocked to see a multitude of timelines where the avengers would win against the Titan lord Thanos. The fact that the change was caused by God's brother, Loki would simply enrage Odin to no end. Especially when he is so satisfied with his son's improvement. So she never says this information as Odin would hunt the giant down should he know of this. She had also met the Prince of Asgard and knows that the prince had changed for the better... He acted with wisdom beyond his years and swore to never disturb the continuum, which is something he shouldn't know about.
All these factors are displeasing to no end. Yare, Yare.
That's it for the new chapter, see you in the next one.