{Author brackets}
"Do you know where are we?." He asked, feigning ignorance to the little girl. " We are in limbo, fellow Ass-guardian. It is the realm in between the realm of death and life. My father had banished me here". With this, Loki could confirm she was probably in her child form to save her energy and recover from her injuries. Based on the fact she was treating him like a kid (Unincluded Dialouge), as well as his body age, he could figure out his age should be around 15. So he concludes that there was nearly another 1500 years to be spent before Avengers is formed huh.
[She can sense his age either way. She is a death goddess after all. I also think she would know he was a frost giant, but chooses to ignore it as he was her first companion]
While Loki was contemplating about what to do about the 'little' problem here, the Goddess stared at him in wonder. He was absorbing her energy unwillingly and at the same time released an auto nearly as strong as hers. Although it was not as refined as hers, it had a charm of its own. But she really didn't mind as she could grow infinitely stronger if she could claim Assguard, her birthright.
Hela POV
"Do you know Hela?" The Charming boy asked somewhat nervous.
The good opinion I had of him disappeared as I accidentally released a bit of my aura, but concealed it. I prepared my passive battle stance. This might be a tough battle considering he was releasing the aura without control, so it might only be a tiny part of his true power
{I have finally mastered the use of a villain overestimating Ha-HA-HaHaaa}.
'The boy was probably sent by fath- Odin' She thought. Were assguardian forces so strong, especially Frost giants?.
The boy looked at her all flustered before saying "I want to meet my hero" He said with his eyes glowing with stars. For a second my mind was blown, and an unknown feeling filled me. It was like pride, yet not the same. My body shuddered out of pure joy. This feeling is so unfamiliar yet... comfortable.
I quickly put on my usual facade and acted cold. Yet I felt oddly happy.
POV ended
Loki POV
"I want to eat my hero," I said, faking enthusiasm. To fake it, I just thought of Hela's fighting stance, graceful movement, and sword movement. But her figure abruptly entered my mind as I flushed. ' Stupid young man needs.' I told myself.
{I hadn't seen the words until the end, but left it because of the next part}
She quieted down as an oppressive aura spread around her. She was visibly shuddering as I started panicking. But I noticed a smile so quick it might've just been a figment of my imagination. She then went back to her usual face as she grew taller and taller. And standing in front of me was the figure of the goddess of death.
That's it for the chapter. Hope you had a good day. Ciao.