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Vicissitude Lava

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Act One SCENE 1 (A young teenage boy, in a massive opulently adorned living room of a wealthy family, wearing a gold long chain, comes out of his room with just a jumpsuit badly worn; having a banter with his mother over a report of his reckless spending and partying in school, he obviously feels indifferent about his mothers’ chastisement, and the mother then pleads that he should at least focus because of the future- SUCCESSION plan) Larry (His full name is Olanrewaju): Mummy why now? (Throwing tantrums) Can you just let me be? You have started again, I do not enjoy this your talks, am a man already, an heir why can’t I enjoy all these wealth, am I not your first child and only son again? Mother: O-la-n-re-wa-ju A-gbo-ola (calls stretching the syllables in his name) be wise omo mi, how could you be found living such a riotous life, partying and hanging out with girls only? At least focus! Go for your classes too, even if I have to fix things here and there with your teachers, That’s all I demand of you. (she moves closer to him, and speaks softly to his hearing only, looking around) REMEMBER OUR PLANS- to take over some day, you need to focus too. We can’t take over like this. Succession is key to our desired future-TAKE TOTAL CONTROL OF THIS CLAN, MY SON THIS IS MY ULTIMATE GOAL, DO THIS FOR ME. (she goes bending as if on her knees rendering his ORIKI) Larry (walks away, screaming and shouting): Mummy rest it! I can do whatsoever I deem fit, I own everything here, the only heir of Micheal Agboola… THE SUCCESSION PLAN IS INTACT, I AM MY MOTHER’S SON (light out- end of the scene

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Act 1-6 Scene One

( A young teenage boy, in a massive opulently adorned living room of a wealthy family,

wearing a gold long chain, comes out of his room with just a jumpsuit badly worn; having a

banter with his mother over a report of his reckless spending and partying in school, he

obviously feels indifferent about his mothers' chastisement, and the mother then pleads that

he should at least focus because of the future- SUCCESSION plan)

Larry (His full name is Olanrewaju): Mummy why now? (Throwing tantrums) Can you just let

me be? You have started again, I do not enjoy this your talks, am a man already, an heir why

can't I enjoy all these wealth, am I not your first child and only son again?

Mother: O-la-n-re-wa-ju A-gbo-ola (calls stretching the syllables in his name) be wise omo mi,

how could you be found living such a riotous life, partying and hanging out with girls only? At

least focus! Go for your classes too, even if I have to fix things here and there with your

teachers, That's all I demand of you. (she moves closer to him, and speaks softly to his hearing

only, looking around) REMEMBER OUR PLANS- to take over some day, you need to focus too.

We can't take over like this. Succession is key to our desired future-TAKE TOTAL CONTROL OF


her knees rendering his ORIKI)

Larry (walks away, screaming and shouting): Mummy rest it! I can do whatsoever I deem fit, I

own everything here, the only heir of Micheal Agboola… THE SUCCESSION PLAN IS INTACT, I AM

MY MOTHER'S SON (light out- end of the scene)


( In the same living room, an heavily regaled affluent man in a Yoruba attire, enters in a pensive

mood, looking around and shaking his head, soliloquizing aloud-in a very low mood)

Micheal Agboola: How did I make the mistake of marrying Susan Adebimpe Ogreh in this life, why

should life be so unfair to me…(lamentation) after all my achievement, struggles abroad for several

years to be where I am today, why should my children and my wife torment me so much like this? What

did I possibly do wrong? I gave her my life, wealth everything, yet there is always one trouble or the

other. why can't I have a say in my house like other men, where did I miss it?… PHEW!

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. ( Still pensive but a loud scream jolts him back to

reality, Madam Susan; his wife charges towards him in anger)

Madam Susan: Micheal Agboola! look at me very well, I will show you the stuff I'm made of, if you do

not return that car, you change your mothers' car without telling me abi? I will tell you when it is right to do that, how could you buy a brand new car for an old woman that will die soon, who does that? when I

told you we should pay for our daughters cruise (trips) to the Caribbean with their friends in August,

you will return that car oh! it's only a tokunbo car I will approve oh…(still screaming on him, while Mr

Agboola tries to interrupt her)

Micheal Agboola: Suuuusan, just listen to your self… (she cuts in immediately)

Madam Susan: SHUT YOUR MOUTH Michael … so you want to talk abi! , it has come to the point that I

can't talk in this house again, you've now grown liver to talk back at me oh! I see! Just because I let you

handle things while I was away on 3 months' vacation, you have suddenly become a philanthropist? Oh!

No problems, (she moves close to him, pointing fingers at him, hitting his face) where were your people

when you were struggling abroad that I was making way for you to thrive, tell me! You ingrate. i am

back now, you had better return that car and give peace a chance, i will make you and your people

know I am like fire, you touch me I burn you mercilessly, I am Madam Susu Dollar of Michigan. MY

SON OWNS EVERYTHING, get it into your thick skull now. OLANREWAJU AKANNI AGBOOLA is our future,

my children comes first, and we must protect that future of our dream. I am going right to your mother's

house to remove the car, watch me, she may not even get any car by the time I'm done with you both,

she should die and leave us alone, he don do now! … (she storms out angrily)

Micheal Agboola: SUUUUUU-SAAAN, Biiii-MMMM-PE! Come back here, leave my mother alone… (he

moves towards her, while she barges out of the house, she enters her car and beckons to the gateman

to open the gate, she zooms out, while he runs after her)

(Three young siblings; girls, Dola, Posi and Oyin; come out laughing hard, giving one another high

fives, talking about the scene, reeling in satisfaction that their mother is dealing with their dad very


Dolapo: He doesn't know mum, our trip must be achieved, how could a whole me decide to

have "Agboola babes cruise with friends" and my dad will say NO. Not when my mum is still the

Madam Susu Dollars of Michigan! Ko joo rara! (Laughing out so much) me dolly dollar!, dem go

take for this street…

Posi: I laposh! Nobody can cancel that trip, mummy has given us her word, we are doing that

cruise around the Caribbean with our friends, tell me! How can daddy say Twenty Thousand

Dollars ($20, 000) is too much for the three of us and our friends. That's being stingy now,

common! To his own children for three months! I give up on that man.

Oyin: …you know mummy has been right about him all along, that daddy does not love us, I

never believe until now, and he is a suspect shai! What is he doing with all the money anyways?

A Selfish man. I use to detest the way mummy treats him, but now, I know better. Nonsense!

How can you prefer buying a brand new car for your old mum to sponsoring your three

daughter's trip? Where we can connect to the world, No way, I won't ever listen to that man's

pep talk ever again. He's an apology! (they all walk off the stage laughing till light out).

Act 2


(Olanrewaju; Larry is seen in a corp member uniform, walking with his girlfriend Layo, telling

her how much he cares about her, professing his love and commitment to marry her, how she

has made him a great man he is because of her submissiveness. He's found a worthy woman he

seeks; a woman that won't argue with him like his mother does with his dad, or unlike his Ex

Becky; that is proud and garrulous)

Larry: A-la-yo mi! Thank you for being there over the years, now that we are done schooling,

you are indeed different from all other girls, despite my shortcomings, you patiently correct and

listen to me always. You are going to be the mother of my children Layo, I promise you ever

after today….. (Smiling and both loving up)

Layo: oh! My Larry, my Ola-to-re-waju, I can't trade you for anyone else. I just love you despite

your naughtiness… (Dragging his ears, hugs him tightly) (Becky, Larry's troublesome rich Ex￾girlfriend walks in)

Becky: Whats happening here? Larry you are still with this thing… (pointing at Layo, moving

upon her with anger, dragging layo's hair) I will teach you how to stay away from somebody's

husband, you! I'm ready for you today. Didn't I warn you before now? you wretched whore!

Not even a rat like you will compete with me Becky Roland Onu!

I will deal with you, do you know who my father is in this country? Don't even try me, I will

crush you. Larry is mine and you or anyone else can't take him from me; WHAT IS BECKYS'

REMAINS HERS, EXCEPT SHE DOESNT WANT IT ANYMORE~ (she slaps Layo twice, and gave Larry

a stern warning) Olanrewaju, do not try me, you hear? You are mine until I say I'm done, no

man can ever dump me Becky Roland Onu!

I will destroy you if you try me Larry. Get that into your head fast, YOU ARE MINE-SIMPLE

(she storms out)

Larry: Layo! I'm very sorry, I am no longer having anything to do with her, have told her it is

over, please bear with me, sorry my dear, I hope she did not injure you my love (he moves

towards her but Layo packs her things and cry out in pain, she runs out, Larry follows her￾light out)


Olanrewaju is siting with his mother in her bedroom, she is in a playful mode, talking to him,

Larry places his body on a pillow, while the mum sits across slapping his legs playfully while


Madam Susan: Olanrewaju oko gbogbo babes in town (laughing, mocking him) you now have

girls fight over you ehn!… Larry pompom himself! It shows you are the happening guy in town, mio lomo ode. Meanwhile, I need to emphasis on you picking the best, wealthy classy lady with a bright future that can fit perfectly into OUR SUCCESSION PLAN.

I think Becky is okay Larry, perfect for me and for the huge wealth you'll be in control of, you

need a girl tiwon fowo to (a girl from wealthy background too) and Becky's dad is an excellent

fit, the best target for our future plan. Please do this for me MY SON.

Larry: Muuumyyy! Have told you over and over again that I can't marry Becky, she's proud,

lousy and confrontational. Always making trouble mummy, she will kill me one day if I continue

with her, she's too spoilt mummy.

Becky never stays in school, though we were into those things together then, but I'm a man-she

drinks to stupor, flirts with men at will, too opinionated, too sophisticated and arrogant…. (the

mother is thinking) she can hardly lift a finger just like me, she dresses provocatively… mummy I

can't deal at all, how do we keep the home front if I marry her. A girlfriend is different from a

wife material. Layo is better by far… (his mother cuts in and shouted at him)

Madam Susan: don't even go there, do not mention that church rat, pauper of a girl here (she

detest the girl and she's showing it, so upset now) what do you mean by a wife material? Won't

you get domestic helps, Becky doesn't need to lift a finger, that's the kind that befits our status,

a woman of class, a wife you can showcase to the world, with a high taste in life not a puppet

like that Ibadan puppet you are parading around, ENOUGH OF YOUR RANT BOY! BECKY IS IT

AND THAT'S FINAL (she leaves him in the room and walks out, Larry opens his mouth but

nothing came out) he follows her out)

Larry: bUUUUUUt! Mu----M! MuuM (the mother does not stop, she walks on)

Light out


(Larry and Layo sit together enjoying their evening in Larrys' house, he is telling her of their marriage

plan, how it will go, where they will live etc. she is obviously happy, places her head on Larry's feet,

asking him if his mum (family) has finally approved their union)

Larry: Iyawo mi owon! A-la-yo-mi (my wife that is special) you are mine forever, nothing can

stop us babe, just start preparing for our wedding, I will come and see daddy and mummy in

Ibadan next weekend, we are getting married before next Christmas, have told everyone, I'm

with you hundred percent.

Layo: (so elated) waoh! Sweetheart, that's so fast, waoh! (She hugs him tightly, playing with her

engagement ring now, rubbing the centre stone) so I will soon become MRS LAYO AGBOOLA,

oh! I can't wait at all. Thank you baby, you are the best (she jumps on him excitedly,

meanwhile, Larry's mother is eavesdropping by the door, she barges in at that point)

Madam Susan: Don't even think it, you fool, odensin! She's happy as if she has just worn a

jackpot! Don't even think about it, he's deceiving himself, not when am alive, over my dead

body will this gold digger come into this family. Listen and listen good! Layo or La ekun,

whatever your name is, leave my son alone, you can't be his wife, im telling you now. Not on

my watch will I allow you destroy our entire life, NEVER. Oya leave my house, crawl back to

your poverty stricken hole you come from and seek a wretched soul like yourself to marry.


Layo & Larry: Mummy Please, Pleeeeeeeese! (His mother pushes Layo out of the room chases

her to the gate...)

Larry: (follows shouting) mummy no now, mummy no now, stop this please…

( his father; MIcheal Agboola is just watching where he sits in the compound, shaking his head)

Light out.


(Becky Roland Onu is siting with Madam Susan Agboola regally dressed in her residence, they

are both engrossed in conversation, talking quietly very personal discussion, Larry is walking

towards them, as he approaches; they both sit up and adjust while they display a change of

topic disposition soon as he gets close)

Madam Agboola: that's my Prince, Olarewaju himself, Larry Pompom!, enh ehn! Now you see

what have been telling you- she said she's pregnant for you, now I'm happy, in fact, we should

start your wedding plan already. Thank God oh! (She's dancing, holding the tip of her rich lace

rapper, while Becky is smiling sheepishly)

Larry: what! Mummy what did you just say? Preg…what? When, how?.... (The mother tries to

interrupt him but he proceeds) I was coming to tell you that Layo's family will be coming to

Lagos for a function this weekend, we can use that avenue to apologise to them and set things

right. Not this story I'm hearing now, Becky how? She's lying mum. (Pointing accusing fingers at


Madam Susan: don't worry Larry, she has told me how it happened, she is the right kind of girl I

want for you, very smart just like me, she seizes opportunity when shes presented with one.

The best girl for you- oh! God I thank you oh, dreams do come through…


(There is a flash back of how Becky met Larry at the club house some months back, how Larry

was drunk telling her his girlfriend has refused to pick his call because of the embracement

from his mum, he then cried on her shoulders and took her into a room, they slept together,

the next morning Becky left quietly)

Becky: Larry please stop your games, you sure know we did, even if you were drunk you were

begging me to love you, we met two or three more times after then and you did not complain

so what's the big deal, lets seal this with a grand wedding, you know my dad is capable,

everything will be set in four weeks. I can't wait to hold our baby in my arms. (appears elated)

Larry: yes I was with you socially for a couple of times, but I thought I made it clear to you that

nothing permanent can happen between us that It is Layo that I love(Flashback to their last escapade, where Larry is warning her to drop the marriage talk, she gets

offended by Larrys' profession of love for Layo, and stormed out) Larry continues…

Mum please that pregnancy is not mine, Becky is on pills even right from junior secondary,

she's been popping pills, I saw here severally and she told me her mum got it for her so she

won't get pregnant, she has even taken injection at one time. She told me herself mummy,

that's why I sleep with her knowing she does not want children (Becky looks away, the screams

back at him)

Becky: have got doctors to check and reverse it all, for over two years now have stopped pills or

injection, I'm clean mummy, we can go for a pregnancy test- I AM PREGNANT FOR YOU,


Larry: mummy! This lady detest carrying pregnancy or having babies to tie her down, she's a

model and she will never allow anything come between she and her career prospect, I heard

her telling her friends at the club last time, that she will marry rich and jet around the world

then divorce at will mum. She does not love me, I don't know why she's doing this. Becky is not

capable of loving anyone, she loves money and her career, oh! I'm finished, mummy help me!

(Becky left and promised to deal with him, Madam Susan follows her out in solidarity-light out)

Act 3


(Mr Micheal Agboola, Larry, Layo and Madam Susan sit in their living room discussing, Layo is

a bit relaxed, while Madam Susan is indifference about the subject. Larry's wedding with Layo

is on the way, they are preparing for their engagement ceremony in two weeks)

Micheal Agboola: now that Becky is out of the way, thanks to my wife, can we now put plans in

place for Larry's wedding to Layo? I thank God for you two (he looks towards the love birds

smiling and holding hands) I'm happy you are finally together, (facing Layo) please tell your

parents we will come officially this weekend to see them)

Madam Susan: Are you sure we can hold the ceremony at their home (facing Layo with a smack

on her face) is there no event centre around 'Your Ibadan' that an event such as this can hold?

Layo: my dad's house is very big and spacious ma, we will get the compound ready to your

taste ma. (She's smiling, while she stands to respond to her inquests)

Madam Susan: who will bring our caliber of friends to your rat hole for a house for an event,

not me, I can't come and disgrace myself at all, if only Larry will listen… Sheraton is free here in

Lagos, Eko Hotel and Suite, even Dubai wedding is reigning now, my son wants none of it but a

miserable wedding in Ibadan, Gosh!

Micheal Agboola: my dear, it's not about the location of a wedding but a successful marriage

thereafter, let us allow this children to have this shot at life, I can see that they love each other,

they will make a good home for themselves, please let's just support them please Bimpe, am

begging you. It's not what we want (he looks towards his wife, appeasing her, trying to get her

buy-in, while she looks away in contempt)

Madam Susan: see this bunch of simpletons. Nonsense (she hisses and walks out)


Larry, his mother and Layo discussing the last engagement and the plans ahead for their wedding.

Larry: mummy thank you so much for your support and love, it was indeed a talk of the town of Ibadan,

the food, the event venue, the musician, I love it when Sunny Alade kept chanting Larry! Larry ! Omo

Madam Susan Dollar of Mitchigan, oko Layo onitemi o lalalalalalal! (he gets up dancing, mimicking the musician with imaginary microphone….making funny tones, Layo is laughing falling on the couch)

Madam Susan: oh! The forth coming wedding will be heavenly, infact we are going on shopping trip to Dubai to get souvenir and wedding things… (Larry and Layo are surprised and they show it by standing looking at each other astonishingly)

Larry: mum when, how? We never discuss that, when did you decide that mummy?

Madam Susan: you know, I did not oh, it was last night when your daddy confirms some dignitaries will

be attending the wedding, I told your father there and then we have to shift the wedding by two month

to prepare adequately, I don't want embarrassment, we can't use the hall we picked anymore, infact I

have to gho see Layo's parent and take it up from the reception to the hotel facility for guests, food,

musician sovenirs, etc everything has changed. THE PRESIDENT IS COMING FOR YOUR WEDDING


Larry and Layo: WHAT? (Larry is seen making call, while Layo picks her phone with excitement

jumping to call her parents)

Madam Susan: (laughing now) you people don't value yourselves, so, now that the wedding is shifted by

two months, we are processing Layo's paper for the Dubai trip in 3 weeks we will be on the plane, you

guys should get ready, I will be in Ibadan by weekend to brief Layos folks. See you guys, congratulation

son (she hugs only Larry and hiss at Layo while she walks out talking under her breath)


(At the Agboola's the whole family is present, the 3 girls, Madam Susan, Larry and Layo with Mr Micheal

Agboola in tow, they are talking about the house gift for the couple, while Larry is contedsting the idea

of moving in with his parents, he prefers to move to their bulding as gift to him and his wife)

Larry: dad and mum, I appreciate and thank you for my wedding and the love you showered on us, its

overwhelmingly awesome, I can't trade you both (looking at his mother in particular)

Concerning moving in with you as mummy informed me, it won't be possible, because I want to live with my wife only till we start popping babies, I need to enjoy my marriage at least the first 1 year with my Layo alone. We shall move into the house in Lekki as daddy has offered and we will continue to do you proud, thank you so much sir and ma. (Larry and Layo bow in appreciation, his father is obviously happy that he chooses to stay on his own)

Micheal Agboola: My son, I'm so so happy today that you've become the man have always wanted you to be, please hold on to your wife tightly, you have a good woman in Layo and I pray that your

marruiage will be sweet and fruitful (as he continues praying the wife walks out…the girls in town rolling their eyes at Layo, talking while they exit)

Mrs Susan: so that's your wife's decision not yours, because I know my son can't be avoiding us, the son I raised would have loved to move in here but the wife…oh!oh!what am I going to do now, she has my sons head under wrap, oh! I'm finished (she runs out quickly, while the couple and Mr Agboola

continues with their camaraderie)

Light out.


(At the Agboola's residence in Lekki, the couple are loved up on a couch sipping wine, gisting

animatedly, the TV is on while Larry kisses his wife passionately, necking and playing love)

Layo: hmmmmmmmmm, sweet! I love you baby, together forever, thank you for standing by me, you are my world Olanrewaju Agboola temi nikan. Love you to the moon and back my shoulder, my head, my king and my crown. (returning his love, smiling and making sounds of pleasure)

Larry: my sunshine, how could I have missed so much sweetness when have not lost my mind. You are a full, complete package of a woman. See the house sparkling, you are loving homely and a good cook too.

I'm blessed to have you babe, sometimes I think I do not deserve you at all, going by my past. Thank you for standing strong for me over time, I will love you forever, you are my one and only, nothing can separate us alayo mi. (they get up together, while Larry carries her to the bedroom- Light out.



(Layo is with a newly born 3 months old baby boy and three other kids with her in her in-laws house

on the Mainland, the family has a function, every member is ask to report to the family house for the

occasion as instructed by Madam Susan, since they dread her wrath, they all converge with their

baggage's, but it was a war zone with Madam Susan and Layo at their usual loggerheads being her


Madam Susan: How could you Layo? Why would you show up a day to my chieftaincy coronation? Even

my husband family members have been here over a week, you are just coming tonight, to do what exactly? Have told your husband that you should go back, DO NOT LET ME OPEN MY EYES BEFORE YOU DISSAPEAR INTO THIN AIR- shameless idiot! Stupid piglet! Shebi you have succeeded in filling my son's house with your bastards? We shall see your end in this house, by the time I am through with you, you will regret the day you defied me and marry my son. LEAVE MY HOUSE WITH YOUR RATS, you called children …GET OUT YOU IDIOT....NONSENSE!

(Madam Susan chases Layo with her children not even her husband; Micheal Agboola could make her stop the commotion, with hateful countenance, pushing her grandchildren out towards the gate, Micheal Agboola aged sick mother at the BQ runs out, screaming and running wobbly towards Layo struggling with the gateman not to hurt her children, she gathers them and move them to the BQ area to accommodate Layo and her children till her husband; Larry returns from his mother's numerous errands since she is not allowed to be driven back home by any of the drivers, grandma ushers them into her living area, their servants lodge; a tiny room and parlor Madam Susan confines her)

Grandma Agboola: (aka Mummy Palmgroove, she slurs and drags her words due to old age, with Yoruba inflections) peeele Layooo mi! ooo ni jiya omooo mi (you will not suffer my child, sorry) maa foriti, bo ti maa n ri niyen, igbeyin a dun (that's how it's always been, endure a little longer, persevere you will overcome it all, there is light at the end of the tunnel) You are a good wife and daughter to us all, just focus on your children and husband, "bi Labimpe ti ri nuuu, emi o mo bi tomoo mi gbe ko ru eyiiiii,

Micheeli si dara lomokurin, omoo re ni omoo mio, emi o mobi o ti ko adanwo eyi, wole eru to ti mi mo,emi odidi onile olona, ayaba Akanni Soji Agboola" – that's how Bimpe is, I don't know where my son met this evil of a wife, my son is a considerate, humane being, how he managed to marry this devil of a wife beats my imagination" (she burst into tears… Layo is consoling her while all of them embrace themselves crying sorrowfully) have been terribly sick, this is where my son's wife locks me like a prisoner in this big house, servants lodge ni o, they carry me from my husband's house in Palmgroove and abandon me here…Olasoji Akaaji Agboola…wo bi yawo omo re ti n se mi o, Akanni Micheal

Agboola Omo re o lee sen kakan si …e wo aye mi lode, emi o se yaa re bee o Akanji, mo toju iya re

Abeke onirin dojo ku ni o… (She continues crying, calling her son and her late husband's chi to come to her rescue)

(Larry rushes into the BQ shouting his wife's name, in great trepidation, he is very perplex worried as if his family is in danger, panting and hugging them as well, he embraces his grandma, so so sorry for the helpless state he meets them all, his children gather around him and graandma)

Larry: Layo! Maaami, oh! God! what is this? Why is my mother so heartless grandma? What have we all done to her? Even my innocent children, I learnt she dragged then all out of the main house like criminals, I can't even say a word, she's still screaming and bullying everyone into silence, I don't know

what to do maami…(he drops his head, he could not cry out like the women but looks really sad and


Grandma Agboola: Olanrewaju mi! hmmmmmm! Nkan to dara yoo dopin, eyi to buru nko, dandan ni ko

dopin, oun to ntan lodun eegun, dandan ni kile o posika, ki nnkan to dara mabaje tan, ladura kowa wa. E

ma mi kan, ekun fun adura, dandan ni kee bori lojo kan. Amooo Ola-nre waaju! Sora o! sora o! ewu m be

niwaju, jowo sadi eledua ko gba o lowo ibi, wahala nbo dede Akanni mi, di layo mu daadaa o, e se pele o

alee lole pe koya, eleru le kofe, momo pe Ori awon eni isaaju o ko o yo, boo ba gbo kilo ni o, jina si yaa

re, ko fe o fun re. Ori mi o ko o yo, eledua o gba gbogbo yin lowo ewu ,.. (she cries on)

Larry: Ase maami! Amin Ase edunmare, Sugbon ewo letun nso yi ke, a ni kaburu wonyi tan, e tun ni ewu

nbe niwaju, adanwo wo lotun fe ju eyi lo? That my mom detest my family is enough trouble for me,

grandma, I don't want any more trouble. Have heard you sha, nothing will happen to you grandma, I

love my wife so much and you will live long for us all.

Layo (and her three growing children in unison): Aaaa-M-eee-n!

Light out

Scene 2

(Madam Susan sits alone in the living room, pacing back and forth feeling aggrieved, talking to herself, she's seen plotting steps to take, argue back and forth on the action she's about to take. She suddenly bracens up and smile, as if she got a clue of what to do, she admires herself from head to toe, showing off with splendor, a note of satisfaction all over her face)

Madam Susan: I the Yeyeluwa of Eruwi kingdom, the Alasebirin of the entire Eleruwiye land, it's time to show my husband's family that I am Madan Susan Dollar; Yeyeluwa 1 of this clan….(laughing out, chests out with her shoulders high, her long neck beads and gold chains dangling as she moves) "e tii ri

nkankan, ma fi ye yin pe, agbara wa, oogun wa, eeyan naa wa" I will start with that old witch, her time is up, I don't want her around anymore, let her die now and leave me to handle this clan as I like, I will shake things up, Micheal will run , even that Layo, she will run from pillar to post, Olarenwaju must marry another wife, there will be no one to help them all when im through with them, they either bend or break to pieces. Bunch of nepios! The old witch first.(Laughing hysterically now, she calls her daughters out) Dolapo, Olamiposi, Oyindamola…where are my princesses oh! (She keeps calling their names with style) dolllllly, laposh baby, wealthy honeybee mi! Dolapo, Olamiposi, Oyindamola: Yeeees Muuuuuummy! (They all walk majestically into the living room, dressed to the teeth, looking sophisticated and sassy, synching their mum with her appellations)

Dolapo: mummy tio bad, another Madam Susan Dollar is a counterfeit!

Posi: All hail Yeyelua 1! I want to be like you when I grow up oh!, I salute you! (she shows salutation bursting into laughter with her sisters)

Oyin: Madam Susan Dollar tio loga!, I dey gbadun you mummy Madam Susan: Thank you my princess, I call you to let you know that, we are now in control, I will start my tenure with the old witch at the back, I'm done with the woman, I want you dolly to end that generation with our game plan tonight. We must have her burial TO ADD TO MY FEATHERS, imagine the headline like this: THE YEYELUA OF ERUWI KINGDOM REGRETS TO ANNOUNCE THE PASSING OF HER MOTHER, MOTHER_IN_LOVE (LAUGHTER),

MADAM AGBEKE GLADIS AGBOOLA, who slept in the Lord on Thursday 24th February, 2020… (They all erupt into laughter)

Dolapo, Olamiposi, Oyindamola: Yeeeeeeeeees! Oh! The burial will be lit, imagine the aso ebi things, food, music, they party will be a banga! Mummy yeeeeees!

Dolapo: consider it done your majesty!(Pretending to honour her with her knee bow as to a king)

(Mr Agboola walks in on them dressed in pajamas, looks sleepy, stretching, they all adjust as if something else is happening, the children quickly knelt as instructed by their mother, and Madam Susan feigns anger, talking to the children as if she's cross with them)

Micheal Agboola: what is happening here, I thought I heard some noise (talking sleepily)

Madam Susan: is this bunch of idiots, you can't believe they've not taking mama's food to her, because I went out they could not instruct the servants to do so if they are busy, the sick old woman will be hungry now, ema so mi lenu oh, and I'm trying my best,,, (pretending to slap them around, while those ones run out)

Michael Agboola: don't worry about mama, have given her out of my egg and tea, the breakfast given to me this morning. She's doing fine, though very weak, we should try and give her pap or eko as shes requesting, I hope she gets better soon, though have called Dr. Smith for a second opinion, to come by later in the evening to check her vitals. Thanks my dear wife, you are really trying, it's not easy to cater for an aged woman at 79.

Madam Susan: Why would you call another doctor?, despite all the effort of our family physician, Dr. Emeralds, please do not appear as an ingrate Michael, that man has done so much on mama, there won't be need for a change, please tell Smith not to worry, call him now and cancel, how could you even think of changing her doctor without telling me? Micheal , I am taken for granted here, despite all my efforts…

(she raises her voice at him) how dare you Mich Agboola! What are you trying to proof, that you can do better than I'm doing right now. Henceforth, take care of your mother by yourself…Period!!!

Micheal Agboola: Biiimpe! Come now, I didn't mean to upset you by my action, that poor woman has been lamenting, she's in pains, come let's talk nooooooow… running after her while she runs off..he

walks back to the living room with his phone dialing a number)

Dr. Smith… its me, Mr. Agboola, please do not bother to come, my wife will be taking mama for a checkup tomorrow, and we would be out of the house later today for her exercise session with her physiotherapist, so sorry for the inconvenience… no don't worry doctor, you know she's been handling her case since she became ill, I will call you later, let's see at the club on Friday, bye bye, yes, I will, Bye…(He ends the call and stands there in pensive mood, tired of all the fights, he walks out dejectedly.

Light Out


(Dolapo is in mama's room nwith a tray in her hand, she places it on the tool beside mama's bed while she wakes mam with a touch, mama wakes up opens her eyes but does not say a word, she's just staring at Dolapo shaking her head, Dolapo opens mama's poison laced akamu, takes the spoon as if she wants to feed her, mama then turns her back on her)

Dolapo: mama, granda ma! Maami! Come and eat, have brought your akamu, mummy will be taking you to Dr. Narts for your exercise by 6pm. Please get up now!

Grandma: hmmmmmmmm! (She turns her back crying, shaking her head intermittently with tears in her eyes) chanting names of the departed elders, singing sorrowful songs.

Dolapo: maami! E wa jeun now, I will call my mum if you don't eat now!

(Mr. Agboola walks in, fully dressed for an office)

Micheal Agboola: Oh thank you Dolapo for this, I just came to check if shes eating, I am on my way out for a meeting, please ensure that she eats it my dear, God bless you for taking care of mama. Let me be on my way. But why is she not sitting up and what sound is that? (he moves close to mama on the bed)

Maami! Kilo se yin tee da Omo yin loun? e dide kee jeun now, akamu te e ti n beere ni o!

Grandma: "Omoo mi Akanmu ogo, kare, bee n tie ri, boo tin se nio maa seo, mayi wa rere re pada, ma seyonu o jare, ikum mi si kun na, e gbe akamu uh boode, n ko mu akamu loni. Ni komoo re o boode mo fe bao ni gbolohun"- weldone my son, I trust you jare, don't stop your good deeds, but don't worry about me right now let her take the pap out, I need to speak with you my son.

Micheal Agboola: Dolapo! Please take the food out, she is still full, let me take spend some time with her she has some private matters to discuss with me. Thank you so much, I owe you for this my daughter.(Dolapo leaves reluctantly with the tray of poisoned akamu)

Maami! Omo yin ti jade, se ko si? Abi efe nkan bayin sere die ni? Saaro baami n soyin ni?

Grandma: Akanni omo mi, dakun sunmomi nii, o se mi bi eni pe koo gbori mi sese, (Micheal Agboola moves to the bed, raises mama's head and sits on the bed, places mama's head on his laps, he is playing with her hair after removing her scarf, laughing at his mother's childish request) Akanni Agboola! Oro po nkoo lee soro to bee, sugbon teti re sile koo gbomi, asiko ere ko leyi, mo fe koo mop e Isoro nla nbo, gege bi mo ti so fun Olanrewaju tii se arole re, san igbadi re dayin dayin, wahala nla nbo, sora, kun fun adura gidigidi, boba seese, wa bi gba pelu lanrewaju, Bimpe o fio lakalaka! Mura oh, Akanni mi, Ori awon agbagba isaaju yoo ti o lehin. Nkan ti bo si o lara sugbon ori baba re yoo ti o lehin. O digba o, Oju asa kii ribi, tawodi kii ranran! Mo lo Fadebimpe o, ki won to pete pero lati pami tan, mo rele oh A- a …kaaaaaaaaaaa…niiiiiiiiiiiii mi (she started coughing while humminhg an ode, and gasping for breath, Micheal Agboola is screaming, calling her)

Micheal Agboola: Maami! Maa.aa.aa-mi! egba mi o!, maa-mi o!, who is around here? (he carries her out

running to his car, screaming, there is commotion, confussion sets in, Madam Susan, Dolapo and her

sisters are running out, wondering what happens) Maami! No maami, ema se bayi fun mi, please don't

do this to me maami, stay with me please, I will be prayerful, and I will be careful maami…

Light out.

Scene 4

(Micheal Agboola in a miserable state, sitting with sympathizers in his house, he is wailing

and shouting his mother's name, while his wife and children mill around the living room,

quietlyu seated, only Larry and Layo are truly sad, the rest are indifferent. Micheal Agboola's

extended family members are consoling him)

Baba Esie: Akanni! Don't behave like a woman now, why being sorrowful, Agbeke lives on in

you now and you tried your best, at least you've been taking care of her here since the illness

started till her death this morning, thank God she passes at this time that her children and

grandchildren will give her a befitting burial. She tried now, her husband; your father- Akanji

died at 62. May their souls rest in peace Akanni.

Madam Susan: I told him baba, it's the burial we should be planning now not crying as if we are

bereaved, for woman that would have turned 80 in August, it's a life well spent. We took care

of mama as if she should live forever. Micheal so ara e o! ma so mi di opo osan gangan oh! Ekun

too sun to ge. We should call for meeting to plan her 7 days first while she's in the mortuary,

abi Baba kile ni mo wi?

Baba Esie: eyin uin naa da, O mo pe Akanni ati iyaa re sun mo raa won gidi, yoo ri bee. "Pele

Akanni ogo, omo bojuowio yi oge, omo Agbeke ogo, Omo beru ba daa afi somo, omo eleru pupo

nile esie" (Olori ebi is chanting Akanni's oriki idile) ori re o tio leyin lati sinku re botiye, ku

aseyinde iya re Akanni…

Micheal Agboola: E seun baba, ee pe fun wa lase edunmare, nko sunkun owoti n fi sin iya mi,

bikosepe o ye kii ya mi o gbadun ola mi ju bi won ti se ku sinu aisan yii, lati odun bii meji re ti

won ti n saare, moti lu Oba de pe ki yaa mi maa jola ni, aaaaah! O se, iku doro!. I will call my

fathers' family and my maternal home too to start the burial rite. Ke bami wi fun Baba Oloola

pe, o ti dele o, ki gbogbo won je ka se ije maaami keyin won le dara. Aaaaaaaaaah! O ma seo, se

bi ya mi Agbeke o se lo naa nuhun… Hmmmmmmmmm! Sunre iya mi, iya rere abiyawo lojo ogun le. Nko ni gbagbe re agbeke aya Akanji Agboola, e ki baba mi fun mi bee dorun, orun re re iyaa mi Agbeke, uuuuuuuhuuuuuuuu aaaaaaah!… (He throws himself on the couch crying, holding his head, everybody gathers round him

consoling him, while the wife keeps shouting at him to stop wailing)

Light Out



(Layo is with a newly born 3 months old baby boy and three other kids with her in her in-laws house on the Mainland, the family has a function, every member is ask to report to the family house for the occasion as instructed by Madam Susan, since they dread her wrath, they all converge with their baggage's, but it was a war zone with Madam Susan and Layo at their usual loggerheads being her adversary.)

Madam Susan: How could you Layo? Why would you show up a day to my chieftaincy coronation? Even my husband family members have been here over a week, you are just coming tonight, to do what exactly? Have told your husband that you should go back, DO NOT LET ME OPEN MY EYES BEFORE YOU DISSAPEAR INTO THIN AIR- shameless idiot! Stupid piglet! Shebi you have succeeded in filling my son's house with your bastards? We shall see your end in this house, by the time I am through with you, you will regret the day you defied me and marry my son. LEAVE MY HOUSE WITH YOUR RATS, you called children …GET OUT YOU IDIOTS...NONSENSE!

(Madam Susan chases Layo with her children not even her husband; Micheal Agboola could make her stop the commotion, with hateful countenance, pushing her grandchildren out towards the gate, Micheal Agboola aged sick mother at the BQ runs out, screaming and running wobbly towards Layo struggling with the gateman not to hurt her children, she gathers them and move them to the BQ area to accommodate Layo and her children till her husband; Larry returns from his mother's numerous errands since she is not allowed to be driven back home by any of the drivers, grandma ushers them into her living area, their servants lodge; a tiny room and parlor Madam Susan confines her) Grandma Agboola: (aka Mummy Palmgroove, she slurs and drags her words due to old age, with Yoruba inflections) peeele Layooo mi! ooo ni jiya omooo mi (you will not suffer my child, sorry) maa foriti, bo ti maa n ri niyen, igbeyin a dun (that's how it's always been, endure a little longer, persevere you will overcome it all, there is light at the end of the tunnel) You are a good wife and daughter to us all, just focus on your children and husband, "bi Labimpe ti ri nuuu, emi o mo bi tomoo mi gbe ko ru eyiiiii,

Micheeli si dara lomokurin, omoo re ni omoo mio, emi o mobi o ti ko adanwo eyi, wole eru to ti mi mo, emi odidi onile olona, ayaba Akanni Soji Agboola" – that's how Bimpe is, I don't know where my son met this evil of a wife, my son is a considerate, humane being, how he managed to marry this devil of a wife beats my imagination" (she burst into tears… Layo is consoling her while all of them embrace themselves crying sorrowfully) have been terribly sick, this is where my son's wife locks me like a prisoner in this big house, servants lodge ni o, they carry me from my husband's house in Palmgroove and abandon me here…Olasoji Akaaji Agboola…wo bi yawo omo re ti n se mi o, Akanni Micheal

Agboola Omo re o lee sen kakan si …e wo aye mi lode, emi o se yaa re bee o Akanji, mo toju iya re

Abeke onirin dojo ku ni o… (She continues crying, calling her son and her late husband's chi to come to her rescue)

(Larry rushes into the BQ shouting his wife's name, in great trepidation, he is very perplex worried as if his family is in danger, panting and hugging them as well, he embraces his grandma, so so sorry for the helpless state he meets them all, his children gather around him and graandma)

Larry: Layo! Maaami, oh! God! what is this? Why is my mother so heartless grandma? What have we all done to her? Even my innocent children, I learnt she dragged then all out of the main house like criminals, I can't even say a word, she's still screaming and bullying everyone into silence, I don't know what to do maami…(he drops his head, he could not cry out like the women but looks really sad and


Grandma Agboola: Olanrewaju mi! hmmmmmm! Nkan to dara yoo dopin, eyi to buru nko, dandan ni ko dopin, oun to ntan lodun eegun, dandan ni kile o posika, ki nnkan to dara mabaje tan, ladura kowa wa. E ma mi kan, ekun fun adura, dandan ni kee bori lojo kan. Amooo Ola-nre waaju! Sora o! sora o! ewu m be niwaju, jowo sadi eledua ko gba o lowo ibi, wahala nbo dede Akanni mi, di layo mu daadaa o, e se pele o alee lole pe koya, eleru le kofe, momo pe Ori awon eni isaaju o ko o yo, boo ba gbo kilo ni o, jina si yaa re, ko fe o fun re. Ori mi o ko o yo, eledua o gba gbogbo yin lowo ewu ,.. (she cries on)

Larry: Ase maami! Amin Ase edunmare, Sugbon ewo letun nso yi ke, a ni kaburu wonyi tan, e tun ni ewu nbe niwaju, adanwo wo lotun fe ju eyi lo? That my mom detest my family is enough trouble for me, grandma, I don't want any more trouble. Have heard you sha, nothing will happen to you grandma, I love my wife so much and you will live long for us all.

Layo (and her three growing children in unison): Aaaa-M-eee-n!

Light out

Scene 2

(Madam Susan sits alone in the living room, pacing back and forth feeling aggrieved, talking to herself, she's seen plotting steps to take, argue back and forth on the action she's about to take. She suddenly bracens up and smile, as if she got a clue of what to do, she admires herself from head to toe, showing off with splendor, a note of satisfaction all over her face)

Madam Susan: I the Yeyeluwa of Eruwi kingdom, the Alasebirin of the entire Eleruwiye land, it's time to show my husband's family that I am Madan Susan Dollar; Yeyeluwa 1 of this clan….(laughing out, chests out with her shoulders high, her long neck beads and gold chains dangling as she moves) "e tii ri nkankan, ma fi ye yin pe, agbara wa, oogun wa, eeyan naa wa" I will start with that old witch, her time is up, I don't want her around anymore, let her die now and leave me to handle this clan as I like, I will

shake things up, Micheal will run , even that Layo, she will run from pillar to post, Olarenwaju must marry another wife, there will be no one to help them all when im through with them, they either bend or break to pieces. Bunch of nepios! The old witch first.(Laughing hysterically now, she calls her daughters out) Dolapo, Olamiposi, Oyindamola…where are my princesses oh! (She keeps calling their names with style) dolllllly, laposh baby, wealthy honeybee mi!

Dolapo, Olamiposi, Oyindamola: Yeeees Muuuuuummy! (They all walk majestically into the living room, dressed to the teeth, looking sophisticated and sassy, synching their mum with her appellations)

Dolapo: mummy tio bad, another Madam Susan Dollar is a counterfeit!

Posi: All hail Yeyelua 1! I want to be like you when I grow up oh!, I salute you! (she shows salutation bursting into laughter with her sisters)

Oyin: Madam Susan Dollar tio loga!, I dey gbadun you mummy Madam Susan: Thank you my princess, I call you to let you know that, we are now in control, I will start

my tenure with the old witch at the back, I'm done with the woman, I want you dolly to end that generation with our game plan tonight. We must have her burial TO ADD TO MY FEATHERS, imagine the headline like this: THE YEYELUA OF ERUWI KINGDOM REGRETS TO ANNOUNCE THE PASSING OF HER MOTHER, MOTHER_IN_LOVE (LAUGHTER), MADAM AGBEKE GLADIS AGBOOLA, who slept in the Lord on

Thursday 24th February, 2020… (They all erupt into laughter) Dolapo, Olamiposi, Oyindamola: Yeeeeeeeeees! Oh! The burial will be lit, imagine the aso ebi things, food, music, they party will be a banga! Mummy yeeeeees!

Dolapo: consider it done your majesty! (Pretending to honour her with her knee bow as to a king) (Mr Agboola walks in on them dressed in pajamas, looks sleepy, stretching, they all adjust as if something else is happening, the children quickly knelt as instructed by their mother, and Madam Susan feigns anger, talking to the children as if she's cross with them)

Micheal Agboola: what is happening here, I thought I heard some noise (talking sleepily)

Madam Susan: is this bunch of idiots, you can't believe they've not taking mama's food to her, because I went out they could not instruct the servants to do so if they are busy, the sick old woman will be hungry now, ema so mi lenu oh, and I'm trying my best,,, (pretending to slap them around, while those ones run out)

Michael Agboola: don't worry about mama, have given her out of my egg and tea, the breakfast given to me this morning. She's doing fine, though very weak, we should try and give her pap or eko as shes requesting, I hope she gets better soon, though have called Dr. Smith for a second opinion, to come by later in the evening to check her vitals. Thanks my dear wife, you are really trying, it's not easy to cater for an aged woman at 79.

Madam Susan: Why would you call another doctor?, despite all the effort of our family physician, Dr. Emeralds, please do not appear as an ingrate Michael, that man has done so much on mama, there won't be need for a change, please tell Smith not to worry, call him now and cancel, how could you even think of changing her doctor without telling me? Micheal , I am taken for granted here, despite all my efforts…

(she raises her voice at him) how dare you Mich Agboola! What are you trying to proof, that you can do better than I'm doing right now. Henceforth, take care of your mother by yourself…Period!!!

Micheal Agboola: Biiimpe! Come now, I didn't mean to upset you by my action, that poor woman has been lamenting, she's in pains, come let's talk nooooooow… running after her while she runs off..he walks back to the living room with his phone dialing a number) Dr. Smith… its me, Mr. Agboola, please do not bother to come, my wife will be taking mama for a checkup tomorrow, and we would be out of the house later today for her exercise session with her

physiotherapist, so sorry for the inconvenience… no don't worry doctor, you know she's been handling her case since she became ill, I will call you later, let's see at the club on Friday, bye bye, yes, I will, Bye…

(He ends the call and stands there in pensive mood, tired of all the fights, he walks out dejectedly)

Light Out


(Dolapo is in mama's room nwith a tray in her hand, she places it on the tool beside mama's bed while she wakes mam with a touch, mama wakes up opens her eyes but does not say a word, she's just staring at Dolapo shaking her head, Dolapo opens mama's poison laced akamu, takes the spoon as if she wants to feed her, mama then turns her back on her)

Dolapo: mama, granda ma! Maami! Come and eat, have brought your akamu, mummy will be taking you to Dr. Narts for your exercise by 6pm. Please get up now!

Grandma: hmmmmmmmm! (She turns her back crying, shaking her head intermittently with tears in her eyes) chanting names of the departed elders, singing sorrowful songs.

Dolapo: maami! E wa jeun now, I will call my mum if you don't eat now!

(Mr. Agboola walks in, fully dressed for an office)

Micheal Agboola: Oh thank you Dolapo for this, I just came to check if shes eating, I am on my way out for a meeting, please ensure that she eats it my dear, God bless you for taking care of mama. Let me be on my way. But why is she not sitting up and what sound is that? (he moves close to mama on the bed)

Maami! Kilo se yin tee da Omo yin loun? e dide kee jeun now, akamu te e ti n beere ni o!

Grandma: "Omoo mi Akanmu ogo, kare, bee n tie ri, boo tin se nio maa seo, mayi wa rere re pada, ma seyonu o jare, ikum mi si kun na, e gbe akamu uh boode, n ko mu akamu loni. Ni komoo re o boode mo fe bao ni gbolohun"- weldone my son, I trust you jare, don't stop your good deeds, but don't worry about me right now let her take the pap out, I need to speak with you my son.

Micheal Agboola: Dolapo! Please take the food out, she is still full, let me take spend some time with her she has some private matters to discuss with me. Thank you so much, I owe you for this my daughter. (Dolapo leaves reluctantly with the tray of poisoned akamu)

Maami! Omo yin ti jade, se ko si? Abi efe nkan bayin sere die ni? Saaro baami n soyin ni?

Grandma: Akanni omo mi, dakun sunmomi nii, o se mi bi eni pe koo gbori mi sese, (Micheal Agboola moves to the bed, raises mama's head and sits on the bed, places mama's head on his laps, he is playing with her hair after removing her scarf, laughing at his mother's childish request) Akanni Agboola! Oro po nkoo lee soro to bee, sugbon teti re sile koo gbomi, asiko ere ko leyi, mo fe koo mop e Isoro nla nbo, gege bi mo ti so fun Olanrewaju tii se arole re, san igbadi re dayin dayin, wahala nla nbo, sora, kun fun

adura gidigidi, boba seese, wa bi gba pelu lanrewaju, Bimpe o fio lakalaka! Mura oh, Akanni mi, Ori awon agbagba isaaju yoo ti o lehin. Nkan ti bo si o lara sugbon ori baba re yoo ti o lehin.

O digba o, Oju asa kii ribi, tawodi kii ranran! Mo lo Fadebimpe o, ki won to pete pero lati pami tan, mo rele oh A- a …kaaaaaaaaaaa…niiiiiiiiiiiii mi (she started coughing while humminhg an ode, and gasping for breath, Micheal Agboola is screaming, calling her)

Micheal Agboola: Maami! Maa.aa.aa-mi! egba mi o!, maa-mi o!, who is around here? (he carries her out running to his car, screaming, there is commotion, confussion sets in, Madam Susan, Dolapo and her sisters are running out, wondering what happens) Maami! No maami, ema se bayi fun mi, please don't do this to me maami, stay with me please, I will be prayerful, and I will be careful maami…

Light out.

Scene 4

(Micheal Agboola in a miserable state, sitting with sympathizers in his house, he is wailing

and shouting his mother's name, while his wife and children mill around the living room,

quietlyu seated, only Larry and Layo are truly sad, the rest are indifferent. Micheal Agboola's

extended family members are consoling him)

Baba Esie: Akanni! Don't behave like a woman now, why being sorrowful, Agbeke lives on in

you now and you tried your best, at least you've been taking care of her here since the illness

started till her death this morning, thank God she passes at this time that her children and

grandchildren will give her a befitting burial. She tried now, her husband; your father- Akanji

died at 62. May their souls rest in peace Akanni.

Madam Susan: I told him baba, it's the burial we should be planning now not crying as if we are

bereaved, for woman that would have turned 80 in August, it's a life well spent. We took care

of mama as if she should live forever. Micheal so ara e o! ma so mi di opo osan gangan oh! Ekun

too sun to ge. We should call for meeting to plan her 7 days first while she's in the mortuary,

abi Baba kile ni mo wi?

Baba Esie: eyin uin naa da, O mo pe Akanni ati iyaa re sun mo raa won gidi, yoo ri bee. "Pele

Akanni ogo, omo bojuowio yi oge, omo Agbeke ogo, Omo beru ba daa afi somo, omo eleru pupo

nile esie" (Olori ebi is chanting Akanni's oriki idile) ori re o tio leyin lati sinku re botiye, ku

aseyinde iya re Akanni…

Micheal Agboola: E seun baba, ee pe fun wa lase edunmare, nko sunkun owoti n fi sin iya mi,

bikosepe o ye kii ya mi o gbadun ola mi ju bi won ti se ku sinu aisan yii, lati odun bii meji re ti

won ti n saare, moti lu Oba de pe ki yaa mi maa jola ni, aaaaah! O se, iku doro!. I will call my

fathers' family and my maternal home too to start the burial rite. Ke bami wi fun Baba Oloola

pe, o ti dele o, ki gbogbo won je ka se ije maaami keyin won le dara. Aaaaaaaaaah! O ma seo, se

bi ya mi Agbeke o se lo naa nuhun Hmmmmmmmmm! Sunre iya mi, iya rere abiyawo lojo ogun le. Nko ni gbagbe re agbeke aya Akanji Agboola, e ki baba mi fun mi bee dorun, orun re re iyaa mi Agbeke, uuuuuuuhuuuuuuuu aaaaaaah!…

(He throws himself on the couch crying, holding his head, everybody gathers round him

consoling him, while the wife keeps shouting at him to stop wailing



(At Larrys house in Elegushi, he and Layo are in hot exchange over Larry's new ways of staying

out late, wasting cooked food, staying often in their family home for days, not answering his

calls. Why Becky is in their lives again, what the future holds for she and her children).

Layo: how dare you Layo? You slapped me! Just because you came in late drunk and exhausted

at 5am since Friday you left this house, this is Monday morning, I called your phone severally

you did not pick until later yesterday it says switched off. I am tired of all this Olanrewaju!

(she's crying holding his shirt)

You will kill me today, what did I do to you? Why is Becky suddenly back into our lives?, that

was how she and your mother took over at mama's burial, I was ashamed for you Larry, you

abandon me on seat, I became an object of ridicule among family and friends, why Larry? What is my offence? What else do you want from me after 4 children? You never cared for me

neither our children anymore… (She cries on, holding on to her husband, blocking his path)

Larry: get out of my way woman! Who are you to question me in my house, if you are tired,

please leave! Do I ask you to stay? I can stay anywhere I like to enjoy my money… (he is shaking Layo, he is enraged, looking possessed, he pushes her away) see how ugly you are, is this how I married you? Look at her, if you and your children don't behave, I will move back to my

mother's house permanently, do I owe you anything? Idiot! Just pack yourself aside, let me go out jare. I'm tired of coming here listening to your rants, nagging me all the time. Get out of my way madam!

(He pushes her away with force and grabs his packed bag and leaves)

Layo: move to your mother, woman wrapper, why won't you tell me I'm ugly now, after 4

children, God will judge you and your wicked mother, it's been like this for over 6 months now, go to her and leave us alone, my God will not abandon us… (she wails, runs after him shouting

while Larry goes out, enters his car and drives out of the gate speedily.


(Madam Susan sits in her residence, sipping wine, she is on phone conversation with Becky,

her son's ex-girlfriend, they are both laughing hailing each other, she is giving her more gist

about the burial, how they both took over the dancing floor preventing Layo from dancing

with Larry, and she is threatening to do much more).

Madam Susan: don't mind the fool, she does not know what is coming to hit her, im sure this

will be her end, me…I will crush her finally, Larry! That one is already inside my pocket, see the

way he's been dancing round you since you arrive, just relax in the hotel for now, I will call for a meeting soon.

The one I show her at mama's burial is small… (she laughs hysterically) you Becky are her

undoing, she was shocked to see you at the burial…I know…before nko, you own Larry whether

she likes it or not, if she does not want to shift, we push her out or she dies…I don't have time

for nonsense my dear… I'm tired of seeing her around here. You are the acceptable one, see

how my friends were spraying you that day… Yeyelakin said I should bring you to see her, that's where you will start your business, she will introduce you to so many property

merchants…don't worry, and Larry will be happier now with you and his son, Tiffany, oh! I can't wait to see you guys living together as one. Okay see you later tonight my dear… we will be

clubbing together aya mi to daa. Bye for now.

Continuation- Becky is seen with Madam Susan, they both in skimpy wears, exiting the hotel at

the reception heading to the club.

{They met later in the evening at the hotel and headed to the club while Tiffany is with Becky's

sister, they club till morning drinking and mingling with men)

Light out


(A meeting ongoing at Micheal Agboola's House, the whole family is present with Becky and Tifany. Micheal Agboola is ruffled, both Larry and Layo also sit there quietly while Madam Susan preside over the gathering).

Madam Susan: I call for this meeting and I hope everyone present will ensure all my instructions are carried out to the letter, whoever violate any of my orders will have me to contend with, I am in charge here, all my rules are laws.

To begin with, Layo! Or what do they call your name (she shouted at her to rise, while she point fingers for directive) move out there and stand this moment ( Layo moves to where she is ask to stand, having been surprised to see Becky in the house again, ewhile Becky sits smiling and giving her attitude Madam Susan continues her orders)

Like I said, I called this meeting, since my husband can no longer act like a man; the supposed head of the family, I will rather take over than watch things go wrong against my wish. Layo is hereby ordered to vacate Larrys' house in Elegushi with immediate effect, she is to move within 24hours to her husband's

flat in 1004 Estate, while Larry pays 1.2 million into her account quarterly; failure to do so will mean forfeiture of same and leaving this family forever. Larry and his original wife; Becky love, will take over the house in Lekki, she is to take over her husband's business with immediate effect, I have made her the CEO/Managing Director of Agboola Estates and properties Investment Company. Larry will be assisting her as the Director while my husband retires

back home to ma. He needs to rest now. All the cars with Larry are hereby taken from Layo, shes is only allowed to go with the Camry at Michael's insistence anyways, and the rest of the cars are now for Becky and her husband.

My lovely daughters will be in charge of all our clothing lines, event centre and water plant businesses respectively, I have briefed them on what to do (Dolapo, Oyin and Posi are jubilating where they sit, while Layo looks dejectedly on) under no circumstances should Layo go to disturb either the new couple or the Agboola's for anything, every communication will be through email or the secretary at the office

in VI. Any question, contributions or observation? (Layo makes a move to talk, while Micheal Agboola is looking surprised but could not make any move, just shaking his head, Larry is all over Becky, kissing and necking)

Layo: I have something to say ma, I will…

Madam Susan: what do you have to say, I did not advise but gave an order, if you are not pleased, you are free to go away to wherever you crawl here from, just know that if you leave now, you are forbid to ever come again and if you try to file for a divorce we will match you fire for fire in court. My son is ready for his real wife now. You know I told you that you are just wasting your time, that you are not my son's wife, he marries you for himself not for this family, so it's time to face the consequences of defying me. I don't have time for your rant. You hear me…so leave immediately! (Layo walks out crying, Larry

and Becky embrace each other and move out with Tiffany, the 3 ladies gathers round their mum in excitement, while Michael Agboola looks on)

Light out

*Watch out for the concluding part in Series 2 soon to be released. Thanks for reading.