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The autobiography of an insignificant Ravenclaw

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Harry Potter fanfic about a seemingly insignificant Ravenclaw and her seven years in Hogwarts (from 1991-final battle) **I don't have the books, and I'm going to try to use what I can remember as knowledge, but I'm going to be honest that most of the scenes are going to be made up and use movie/Fannon knowledge. ** I'm writing a harry potter fanfiction. Warning: Hermione and Harry are POC. Hermione is mixed (she's light enough that you wouldn't think she's anything other than white, but her hair gives you pause. Her dad's black.) And harry is Mixed as well (I'll leave it up to you to decide his ethnicity, but I don't want to open that bag of worms. but he's something. Just, obviously not white.) MAJOR CHANGES FOR READERS TO KNOW: Harry is bisexual, and he's not going to end up with Ginny, (deal with it,) And It'll be explained in the fifth year with a lot of drama. Hermione and Ron also won't end up together. They'll date, but (and, SPOILER) Ron will end up with Lavender, and Hermione...well, surely, you can guess. Tall, dark, and broken English? Fred lives. Draco never gets the mark. He's still the adorably meanspirited boy, but... well, I'll let you find out after I write it. Snape is cruel but redeemable. He didn't love lily in the way he did in Jk Rowling's version. He has a son. He's not the big bad bully, at least, not to Thea...that's actually how I got this idea! I wanted a character, who was silent and always in the background, not the main character, but just there, and Snape, the terror in Hogwarts students' nightmares, was simply nice to her. Only nice, never cruel. Maybe because she looks so much like Lily...would be a replica, if she had those famed Avada Kedavra green eyes...Yes, but for now, it will simply remain a mystery...

Chapter 1 - Chapter One : The sorting

The battle was fierce and long. Friend and foe alike dying around me. Friends. Family. I'm pretty sure I spied my brother's corpse down the way but I'm trying not to think about it. Fred and Percy Weasley were to my left; casting spells and conversing.

"I think I'm going to quit my job at the ministry, nasty gig, it was. Maybe try...accounting." Percy commented offhandedly, blasting an approaching death eater.

"Really? Accounting?" George asked.

"Yeah. At Gringotts. Probably pays better anyway."

"Tired of the minister getting your name wrong, Weatherby?" Fred joked.

"I was just a glorified assistant," Percy quipped.

The twins were shocked, "Percy, did you just-" George started.

"-Make a joke?" Fred ended.

I noted Augustus Rookwood making his way for us, already casting a spell.

A blasting spell.

"You're joking, Percy! You actually are joking...I don't think I've heard you joke since--" Fred started. I cut him off with a screamed, "Look out!" As I threw him out of the way of the curse.

Pain. Pain, unlike anything I'd ever felt before.

I watched George takedown Rookwood as Fred cradled my charred body into his chest, probably wanting to be with me in my last moments. I knew these men, who were once boys and will always be boys in my eyes.

"You…" I started.

"Thea…" George muttered mournfully.

At least I made a slight difference. Even if it's this small.

"I...saved't die...promise me." I gasped through the pain.

"We promise." They said together. Twins.

"Tell my mother...that I love her?" I asked, and they nodded, unshed tears in their eyes.

"Live," I ordered before everything ebbed away, and I took my last breath.


I suppose this is something like an autobiography.

Hello. My name is Theadoria Althea Nott, granddaughter of the famed Auror Alastor Moody. I am a pureblood, but don't hold that against me. My father was a Nott; Tantakerois Theodore Nott. (Weird name, I know, but it suited him. He died last year, a...complication at work.) My mother is the daughter of Retired Auror Moody; Althea Lillian Nott nee Moody.

I am starting at Hogwarts this September. It's currently July. The last day of July.

I am incredibly nervous.

My brother is a second-year Slytherin, so I have nothing to worry about regardless of the house I am sorted into. I would like to be a Ravenclaw, but I'm no good with riddles, so I'm hoping for Hufflepuff.

I know I'm not cut out for Slytherin. I am too soft. Too weak. But I absolutely abhor Gryffindor. Even though my best friend, Neville (Longbottom), wants to be in Gryffindor. No, needs to be is a more appropriate answer. I swear his grandmother is trying to make him a carbon copy of his father; Same wand, same hair, same...Well, that's actually it, isn't it?

I mean, Neville likes plants, and he's a bit weak-willed. He's...incredibly shy, though that is probably because of his uncle Alphie. Rotten old man, he is. And he's a scaredy-cat.

Don't tell him I said that though, okay?

I'm not entirely sure how we're getting sorted, but my mother said it's not dangerous, and incredibly easy, so I'm not worried.

This is the year Harry Potter is supposed to be going to Hogwarts. It's all anyone can talk about; the mysterious boy-who-lived. The defeater of you-know-who! I don't really know how to feel about a boy who's my age and has supposedly defeated a dark lord, fought dragons, cured lycanthropy, all while he was a baby. And lycanthropy is still a curse...Maybe that book is just fiction after all.

I mean, how could a baby do any of that?! But he supposedly did the first one… oh well, no use worrying over spilled milk! Now, onto more pressing matters!

...Should I cut my hair? I feel like it's too long and I want to try sporting a bob.


I should ask mom!

...she said to do whatever I want.

So I'm cutting it!

I can always grow it back with a potion if I don't like the outcome. I had our house elf; Stevie (I named her) take me there, and afterwards we saw THE Harry Potter in flourish and botts!

I just had to meet him! He was near a the back of the store, upstairs. He didn't look like his father like everyone claimed. More like a black with those cheekbones and the eye shape. His eyes were Avada-kedavra green. Apparently like his mud-muggleborn mothers. His skin was darker than I expected, like a Potters' and his hair looked a little red in the sunlight. No, he didn't look like a carbon copy of James Potter at all.

"H-hello." I said to him.

"Hi." He jumped, clearly not expecting to be spoken to.

"W-what are you reading?" I asked. Stupid question, me!

"Uhm...moste potent potions," He replied, clearly nervous.

"So your excited for potions, then?" I chirped, grasping for a topic.

"I suppose...I reckon it's kinda like cooking, and I'm rather good at that..." He smiled. It was an amused smile, but also a sad one, like he didn't know if should be amused by that. "I'm Harry. Harry Potter."

This is it!

"My name is Theadoria Nott, but you can call me Thea! It's nice to meet you, Heir Potter!" I exclaimed, holding out my hand for him to shake. "I'm starting Hogwarts in September too!"

"Heir? Why did you call me 'Heir Potter', and come to think of it, how did you know I was a first year?" He asked me, shaking my hand.

"You don't know? The potters are an old pure-bred family! They would have been apart of the sacred twenty-eight had Auctavious Potter not caused that scandal back in the thirties. You know, when he knocked up your great-great aunt?" He said nothing, so I went on. "Naturally, with the Potter being an OLD pureblood family, they have a lordship. So when you become of age, or get emancipated, you'll be the lord of your family...and everyone knows who you are! your the boy-who-lived!" I told him, grabbing a book title "the rise and fall of Voldemort. There's actually not a lot known about Voldemort and where he came from, so the book is mainly about his fall, and the night it happened.

"You defeated Voldemort on All Hallows Eve, in nineteen-eighty-one, ending the eleven year war!"

"Twenty-eight?" He asked so I handed him another book on the In and out of pure blood society for the last one hundred years. Quite informative.

"The sacred twenty-eight are the twenty-eight most pure blood lines! It means that there were no mud-muggleborn relations in at least ten generations!"

"My family has a fortune?"

"Have you not been to Gringotts, yet?" I asked him.

"I have... Hagrid took me. I saw my vault, and it was FULL with gold!"

"Hagrid?!" I exclaimed, aghast.

"The grounds keeper?" I confirmed and then continued when he nodded, "if your family couldn't have taken you, a professor should have. The grounds keeper didn't even take him OWLS and I know from my family that he's a half-blood so he wouldn't know anything about it! He doesn't even use a wand!" I groused.

"Hagrid's not that bad!" Harry defended.

"That's fine, but I'm going to take you to back to Gringotts, you need to speak to your account manager!"

"Account manager?" He asked and I nodded.

I helped him get a few more books that would help him blend in, before we paid and I took him to twit and tattings for some new clothes. "Those ghastly things your wearing won't do in our society. You have enough change for a new wardrobe, Harry. You should take advantage of it!"

He muttered something about his clothes being cast-offs and I told him we could have the seamstress burn them. His face lit up like a christmas tree and I felt like I had my good deed for the day.

It was satisfying to see those giant rags burn. For Harry, at least.

Once he was measured, the tailor helped him pick a few styles he liked before I dragged him to this small salon in Knockturn alley.

Don't knock the alley until you explore it!

I had the stylist grow his hair out, and as that took a bit, we talked while we waited.

"So what house are you wanting to be in?" I asked.


"Merlin, you don't even know about the houses?! Well, there's Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Slytherin. Ravenclaw is the house of Wit and Learning; it's where I'm hoping to end up. Though I am adverse to riddles. Hufflepuff is where those who are hardworking and loyal end up; it's a good house and where I want to go if I can't get into Ravenclaw. Gryffindor is where those who are brave at heart go. You didn't hear this from me, but they're all reckless and they don't think. I don't want to end up there but won't blame you if you do. It has its charms and your parents were in that house. Slytherin is the house of Ambition and cunning. It's a good house. My brothers in that house. But it has a bad reputation because you-know-who came from Slytherin."

You-know-who?" He asked.



"...My twin, Theodore, is hoping to end up in Slytherin. 'To do the Nott name proud!', at least that's what he says." I shrugged. "My older brother is the heir, but only because my grandparents couldn't have anymore children after my father. If my mother hadn't been a pureblood..." I trailed off, noting his confused look.

"What does being a pureblood have to do with it?"

I laughed nervously before steering the conversation into a better direction. For me at lest. "...what classes are you excited for? Personally, I'm looking forward to charms and astrology. And potions, of course."

"Uhm...I think potions sounds fun. But you already knew that. Like already knew that too... And maybe, transfiguration?"

I nodded. That was an Acceptable answer.

But the savior of the wizarding world probably needs to be earning EE and O, not Accetables.

After his hair was done (no longer looking like the birds nest that it was but adorable waves that looked smooth to the touch! The black blood really is strong in this one), I dragged him back to Gringotts and walked up to a teller.

"Can I help you, young witch?" The tellers voice was harsh, but not unkind.

"Heir Potter would like to speak to his account manager." He looked surprised and then surveyed the boy behind me before handing me a paper and pen. The pen wasn't actually a pen, but a knife shaped like a pen.

"What's that?" Harry asked.

"An inheritance test. You prick your finger with the pen and drop seven drops onto the paper and it will tell you your tittles, parents, vaults, etc." I explained. "Seven drops. No more, no less. And clean the blood off the knife when your done counting." I warned and ignored the look the goblin was giving me.

It scared me.

He made a sound before he pricked his finger and dripped exactly seven drops of blood onto the paper.

We watched as it slowly changed, and the blood morphed into words.
















MAIN POTTER VAULT (16 million galleons, 134 thousand sickles, and 3 millions knuts) (Not accessible until emancipation)

POTTER HEIR VAULT (5 thousand galleons, 10 thousand sickles, and 554 knuts) (refills every July 1st)

SIRIUS BLACK VAULT (28 thousand galleons, 14 sickles, and 334 knuts) (Not accessable until death of owner)

MAIN BLACK VAULT (56 millions galleons, 387 thousand sickles, and 673 knuts) (not accessible until emancipation)

BLACK HEIR VAULT (two million galleons, 47 thousand sickles, and 3 knuts) (not accessable until heirship is claimed)

SLYTHERIN PERSONAL VAULT (10 million galleons, 23 sickles, and 495 knuts) (Not accessible until emancipation)

GAUNT FAMILY VAULT ( 100 galleons, 400 sickles, and 23 knuts) (not accessable)

PEVERELLE FAMILY VAULT (27 millions galleons, 42 thousand sickles, and 230 knuts) (Not accessible until emancipation)

GRIM FAMILY VAULT (15 million galleons, 557 thousand sickles, and 23 thousand knuts) (Not accessible until emancipation)

LEFAY FAMILY VAULT (13 million galleons, 230 thousand sickles, and 54 knuts) (Not accessible until emancipation)



POTTER COTTAGE (needs repairs)







GAUNT SHACK (unlivable)







PARSELTONGUE (37% broken, previously 100% blocked)

PARSLEMAGIC (97% blocked, 3% broken)

OCCULMENCY (90% blocked)


"Whoa..." I gasped.

That's a lot of money. And tittles.

"Someone blocked your magic!?" I gasped, enraged.

"I demand that Gringotts expel the blocks, and restore his magic and core to the way it should be!" I tell the teller.

He huffs but Agreed. "It will cost a fortune," and when Harry said he'd pay it, "If you'd follow me, please."

"Thank you," I tell him and miss the surprised look in his eyes.

He leads up to the Potter account manager who talks to Harry about his account and tittles, giving Harry his heir rings and I watch as they merge (like my rings have) and grin at his surprised and shocked expression. I watch as a goblin healer comes in and leads Harry out.

He looks at me, nervous and I smile, telling him I'll be right here.

I wait for two hours while Harry gets a deep magical cleaning from the goblins and watch him come out, looking refreshed and more healthy than I've seen him in the four hours I've known him.

"You look better."

"They cured my malnutrition, too."

"That's good. Okay, what's next on our agenda?"

"A pet...?" He said, hesitantly.

"Great! As you are a parselmouth, I think we should find some books in Knockturn alley and maybe a magical snake."

Harry agreed and we set off for the only bookstore in knockturn; Borgan and Burks. Or at least that's what it used to be, but since it's just Burks' who's alive now (most speculate he killed Borgan in a lovers spat!), we simply call it 'Burks'. We asked if they had any books on parselmagic and they directed us to so pathetically small a pile that Harry just ended up buying all of the books. We also found a chest shop, where we got him a black dragon leather chest with seven individual and expanded compartments and a small apartment consisting of a small kitchen, bathroom, and living space with a queen bed and a fireplace. It's nice. We found a pet shop that sold dangerous and borderline illegal animals (not that I told Harry that) and he got an Ashwinder and I got a mixed kneasle that was black with white paws. It's adorable. And big. Larger than the typical cat.

"Nice snake," I said.

"Nice cat." He shot back.

"Kneasle," I corrected and he shrugged. "Bless you."

"What else do you need?"

"...wand and a uniform."

"So, Ollivanders and Madam Malkins. Got it."

I led him to Ollivanders where I made him go in alone, already having my wand. I waited nearly an hour before he came out with a look of wonder on his face.

"I know." I grinned.

I led him to Madam Malkin's and opened the door to the sight of Draco Malfoy getting measured.

"Didn't expect to see you here, Heir Nott," he commented.

"Likewise, Heir Malfoy." I said, and let Madam Malkin whisk Harry away, and onto the platform next to Draco.

"...who's your friend?" He asked.

"Heir Potter, nice to meet you." Harry said with an eye roll.

I raised my eyebrows but said nothing as they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you, Heir Potter."

"We shall see, Heir Malfoy," Harry said mysteriously and I rolled my eyes again before hitting him.

"Ow!" He cried as I chastised him. "Be nice." He stuck out his tongue at me.

He chuckled and said, "it's nice to meet you, Malfoy, really."

Malfoy had his nose in the air, and this "I'm too good for you" air about him, but he simply sniffed and looked at us in distaine, before smiling slightly, and relaxing his features, becoming the eleven year old I knew well. We were childhood friends, after all.

We continued to talk while we were getting fitted before leaving satisfied.

We stopped to get ice cream and that was when Hagrid found us, eyeing me carefully, as he handed Harry a snowy white owl from the owl emporium.

"Happy birthday, Harry." I told him, handing him a book on the inns and outs of wizarding society as we said goodbye.

"I'll see you at Hogwarts."

His beaming smile was the last thing I saw before I had Stevie take us home.


I was nervous. Very nervous.

Malfoy was just called and immediately the hat yelled, "Slytherin!" And now it was my turn.

Or my brother's turn, I guess.

"Theodore Nott!" Professor Mcgonagall called. I watched my twin put the hat on and then I watched the hat yell out "Slytherin," once again before Professor Mcgonagall called my name.

"Theadoria Nott!"

I gulped and walked towards the stool and sat down nervously.

The hat gently landed on my head.

"Hello, child." I nearly jumped before I gripped the stool.

"Ravenclaw, please." I beseech.

"Hmm, yes. I can see it. The wit and the desire to learn. But that's not all. Ambition. Loyalty. You'd do well in many houses, are more loyal than a Ravenclaw would be... are you certain you want Ravenclaw, dearie?"

"Yes." I said but even I knew I sounded unsure. Hufflepuff didn't sound all that bad, after all.

"Very well. Better be...RAVENCLAW!"

I sighed and watched as my uniform changed to be lined in blue and sporting the eagle crest before I joined the three other first years at Ravenclaw.

I looked over and smiled at Nevelle, who was in Gryffindor, like he hoped. He smiled back and then we both turned to watch the hat as Harry Potter sat down.

It was silent for a long, long time. Long enough that the older years started whispering.

"...Harry Potter... sorting...Slytherin...Hufflepuff...hat-stall..." I heard whispered from a table over. The Hufflepuffs were major gossips, this everyone knew.

"Hmm... better be, GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yelled, and Harry walked calmly over to the Gryffindor table, smiling at Draco when he caught his eye.

The rest of those who needed to be sorted, were, and the headmaster stood up to do the typical announcements and warnings, before saying some random words and like magic the food appeared. I saw some muggleborn's looking around in wonder. I see. That was his angle. But it wasn't my buisness, the amaclimations of an old fool.

The sorting was over, and I was now a Ravenclaw.