Brianna looked down at the piece of parchment she had written as she recalled the events with the First.Her hand had gone off course as she scribbled illegatement as she rolled her eyes and crumpled the piece of paper in her hands as they evaporated to ash.
" Shit, that was the fifth time writing this invitation for the Prince." Brianna sighed as she attempted to convey the letter personally, to add a more sentimental and status of peace and friendship. She decided to take a break as a loud rumble came from her stomach. " Perfect timing."
Brianna stood up as she made her way to the dining hall where her parents had conveniently arrived as well as they sat down.
" I guess we really are family." Silas joked as he looked at his daughter.
" I believe it's like connected telepathy." Lucia added as she rubbed her neck.
" Or how our body functions when we are hungry." Brianna smiled as her parents chuckled.