If I had showed anything but nonchalance right now he'd have taken me up on my offer to keep an eye out. Good thing my casualness led him to lower his guard and he threw his phone at me to catch, which of course I did—would've been so embarrassing if I missed and it crashed into the wall behind me, also problematic since I needed his phone—before turning back around to disappear in another part of his apartment.
Quickly I typed a small text for my dear ex and sent it. I wanted to check his phone a little as a precaution, in case I needed some info about him for later use—you could tell a lot about a person thru their phone— and with all I could find about him before I was interrupted rather earlier than expected, I can say he's our regular, early twenties, perverted drug dealer, that usually thinks with his d**k than his head, yeah, nothing out of ordinary.