Chereads / Hidden Toxic In Fun Generation / Chapter 61 - 20's Birthday

Chapter 61 - 20's Birthday

~What Am i going to do?~ what are you doing here? "Alexa? you skipped the class again?" i'm asking you, what are you doing here?

Give me that,.. Oops! Alexa locked her room's door; so, you told me that you're not here to fight me, now what's going on? "Alexa we need to talk, i'm not here to fight you but, don't do that, please!" i thought that you were here because you want to be with me.

Alexa in a quavering voice; nobody wants to understand me, you know what i'm planning to do but, you don't know the reason why i want to do it, because you doesn't want to understand me, were you spying on me? "no!" yes! "Alexa?.." shut up! "listen to me." i hate this kind of feeling.

Why Am i feeling like, i don't want to be Alexa? i want to be Emma or, Rebecca, i want to be a good person, but the world always changes my mind. Alexa held a knife; "Alexa, what are you doing?" do you really care about me? "i do! Alexa, Catherine isn't the person who have murdered your Mother,.." you can't fool me, last night you fooled me.

It was real! we were happy, i love you! Emma loves you Catherine loves you! she even chose to hurt her own daughter because of you, Alexa, you can't do that, Dad?.. "shut up! shut your mouth." okay! Alexa, Catherine have nothing to do with your Mother's death,.. "then who?" place that knife first, and trust me, now give me that.

"Luna, are you crazy?" Luna stabbed herself on her wrist; now you got to listen to me, i'm telling you the truth. now cancel Saturday's appointment. Alexa bursted into tears; 'Alexa? Luna? what are you doing? what's going on? open the door.' Luna was still bleeding.

'Alexa, don't be scared,.' i don't want Dad to hate me,.. 'he knows the truth, and he still loves you.' are you sure? 'yes, go ahead, open the door.' how about Mom Catherine? she will stab me... 'stop it! now open the door.' fine! at the time Alexa opened the door, Martin saw too much blood stain on the floor, Luna was hidding in the bathroom, because she didn't want Martin to be mad at Alexa.

●"Have anyone tried to kill you? don't tell me that you tried to commit suicide,." Uncle, it's not like that i'm okay, i'm safe, i'm just on my period.● Alexa was fearful and her hands was shaking.

"Alexa, i heard you last night singing, playing guitar, now what happens? where's Luna?" 'in the bathroom.' "Luna, open the door." Dad, i stabbed myself, it's not Alexa. she wasn't listening to me, so, i wanted to have her attention. "you're crazy!" Luna was taken at Meiringen Hospital but it wasn't a very big wound, Martin sent an email to Donna and Tammy due to his panic.

At the time Catherine arrived home, she saw too much blood stain on the floor in Alexa's room and bathroom, she was fearful, she called Martin and didn't noticed Alexa's Agenda Notebook.

Love where are you? where's Alexa? "at Meiringen Hospital." i'm coming.. "no, it's fine!" Catherine hanged the phone. at the time she arrived at the hospital, she was surprised to see an adhesive bandage on Luna's wrist; oh! Luna, what happened? and we didn't talk,. " i'm fine now! it's a every long story, but don't worry!" Alexa, are you alright? Alexa kept quiet.

They arrived home at 19:06PM; Catherine, i want to know the truth about my Mother's death. "well, your Father knows more about it than me, because i was in jail." i was planning to kill you tomorrow. "what?" i thought that you have murdered my Mother. "no! i have murdered Little Prince's Mother and Father, and Big Prince's Father, they have forgiven me."

Then who? "Alexa, let's talk about that tomorrow, or next tomorrow." they all went to sleep without having dinner, Luna was sleeping in Alexa's room; Luna Eonni, i'm hungry! 'let's eat then.' they had Authentic Texas Chilli; "i'm hungry too." 'it's okay, join us.' "thanks!"

On the next day, Alexa sent an email to to Emma; "how are you? i'm sorry for everything i have done to you! don't hate me, i miss you and i miss my Twin Brother, i admire that i'm a loser, thank you!" Alexander? 'yes, is it Alexa again? i'm done with her.' no! look, this is real. 'i can't trust her.' i guess Luna did it, she's the best. 'why isn't she apologizing to me?'

Are you jealous? 'no!' she said that she miss you,. 'no matter what, i'll stay here, are you going back in Switzerland?' now i like this place, thanks to Alexa. i've experienced such a beautiful life, even if i don't have friends at school. well, i miss Alexa! don't you miss her? 'i don't know!' ah, you're still mad at her, Alexander, we need to forgive her and, let go of our dark past, i'm feeling very happy,.. 'i'm glad you are.' now it's your turn! 'not now.'

On16th August, Basset Family, Emma, Alexander, Loana and Tammy, went in Switzerland. Alexa was embarrassed, she didn't want to talk to anyone, especially Alexander and Emma; "Alexa, aren't you goingto talk to us?" i'm not ready. 'for what?' could you please give me some time? "okay!"

Steeve went to visit Ashley, he was working in Oak Park City; "Hello Mam!" 'Hello!' "where's? umm.." 'Ashley?' "yes." 'she's in her room,..' oh! Steeve, i'm ready, let's go!

"Where are you both going?" Mommy, don't start now. "Ashley, i'm worried about you,.." why? i'm not a teenager, now i can make my own decisions,. "we have everything here, swimming pool and.." not. that's not enough for me. "you can drink alcoholic champagne too, but stay here." how could you treat a 21 years old girl like a little kid? you're embarrassing me in front of my Boyfriend, again?

'Ashley, listen to your Mother,.' what? are you kidding me? i can't miss Amanda's Birthday Party. "because it's a pool party, right?" Mom, i know that you hate that but, i can control myself and i can be careful, why do you always bring back the past? "let's not talk about my past,." it's all your fault. well Steeve, if you're not coming with me, that can't stop me,.. "Ashley please, don't go there, i have a bad feeling about..."

Enough! you're always like that, let me be happy, atleast once. "fine! go." i love you! "okay!" Steeve, let's meet another day. Ashley kissed him on his cheek, but he wasn't happy.

Alexa apologized to everyone and they forgave her, Tammy told Alexa everything about her Mother's death; "hope you're not going to attack Robert or your Cousins,.." no! i'll never attack anyone or hate anyone again, i want to be a good person. well Dad, when are we going to visit Mommy's grave? 'i promise, soon we will!' thank you!

Happy 21st Birthday Amanda! "thanks sweetie! we'll be great Artists, cheers to our Future!" my Boyfriend changes his mind because of my Mommy, she really hate pool party. "next time i'll never organise a pool party again,.." Jonathan? what is he doing here? "he's Monica's Boyfriend. oh no! sorry! i didn't tell you.." how could you do that to me?

"You have to choose between me and Monica." 'she's my childhood friend..' "and that means?" Amandaaa, Happy Birthday! i can't believe you're 21 years old,. 'well, i am!' "Amanda, Congratulations! here's your Birthday gift." 'thanks!' Ashley, how are you? "i'm fine thanks, and you?" i'm fine! me and Jonathan, we're happy together and we're getting married soon. "Congratulations!"

Well, he's invited too, "i see!" can't you say Hello to him? "that doesn't matter to me." sorry! "Amanda, it's your day, enjoy your Birthday Party, be happy, and thanks for inviting me." 'are you leaving? don't get mad!' "i'm not mad at you, i'm mad at myself, i should have listened to my Mother." 'Ashley? wait...

Ashley arrived home at 19:35PM; Ashley i'm glad you're back! i don't know why i was feeling bad, wait... are you crying? what's wrong? Ashley went in the bathroom and locked the door.

~Oh my God! what's wrong with her? i told her to stay her, now she's crying.~ Big Prince, your Sister is crying again,. Prince? he's not in his room? oh! he's in Japan? Ashley? "Mommy, i'm no longer crying. Amanda invited Monica and Jonathan and, they're getting married soon,.."

But you have Steeve, then get married too. "thanks Mommy, you always come up with best ideas.." but not this year. ^sigh.^ next year,. "that's not bad." aren't you going to eat? "tomorrow." okay! "i love you!" Laurance kissed Ashley on her forehead; i love you more!

On 17th August early morning, it was reported by the police that Monica Elliot, The University of Chicago student who was an Artist, passed away from propofol overdose on 16th August at her classmate and childhood Best friend's Birthday Pool Party Amanda Cowan, at 22:30 PM, and that the whole class was sent in Mcc Chicago, Federal Bureau of Prisons for two years, except Ashley Hartley Renaud who left the Party at 18:46 PM.

Ashley was shocked by news and didn't eat for two weeks; "do i deserve to be lucky like this?"

On 20th August, Ashley went at Mcc Chicago, Federal Bureau of Prisons with her Mother, and they were allowed 45 minutes conjugal visit, she talked to all of her classmates; Amanda, i'm really sorry! "it wasn't your fault, i'm the one to say sorry. well, we'll talk about it later, not here, i love you!" i love you more!

On 25th August, Ashley attended Monica's Burial Ceremony and on 13th December 2009, it was Alexa and Alexander's 20th Birthday Party and Taylor Swift was a special guest, Alexa bursted into joyful tears.