Chereads / Hidden Toxic In Fun Generation / Chapter 42 - Dangerous

Chapter 42 - Dangerous

"Sorry Mam, be strong!" they went to visit Eric's grave; my Son, forgive me! it's like i abandoned you, i was really busy and hope you understand, i miss you!

Donna went to visit Debra's grave but MS Claire didn't like it, she grabbed Donna's hair; "Mam what are you doing?" we came here to visit my Son's grave not that loser, "Mam, it wasn't Debra's fault,.." if it wasn't her, my Son wouldn't have met Catherine.

"No Mam that's not Debra's fault, Eric was a Playboy,.." what did you say? "he have cheated on Laurance and then Debra too, Debra have tried everything to stop him but,.." shut up! you can't talk about my Son like that, "let me go!" Donna pushed Claire and she fell on a grave.

I'm sorry Mam! but it's all your fault now stand up, Lucette might be mad at you. MS Claire got shocked; Mam wake up! Mam? what's wrong?

Donna took Claire's phone and called Eric's Father, MS Claire woke up before before MRS Pierre arrived at The Père La Chaise Cemetery. Mam, what's wrong? she turned around and stared at Lucette's grave, she was fearful, at the time she was going to leave, MRS Pierre arrived there.

Claire what's wrong? Pierre saw Lucette's grave too; ~i guess she's coming back to you and i've told you that one day you will pay for what you've done to my girlfriend.~ MRS Pierre was talking to his soul. Claire, let's go!

Donna was left in the cemetery alone, she stared at Lucette's grave; you were very beautiful! what have Claire done to you? you passed away at a very young age, 17? "she was unlucky!" Donna turned around.

Who are you? "you who are you? and what are you doing here? do you know my Mother?" Ah! no, sorry! i was passing by and,.. "What'syour name?" Donna Reece. "What's your relationship with Claire and Pierre Moulin?" Donna got scared.

~Should i tell him the truth? no, Prince and Prince might get in trouble~ she was talking to her soul. Ah! nothing much,.. "and what's your relationship with Eric Moulin?" nothing! "really?" yes, ah.. i'm leaving and it was nice to meet you! your Mother was really beautiful!

At the time Donna was going to leave, Roger grabbed Donna; "what are you doing?" a cute Ballerina isn't suppose to lie, i'm Roger Charpentier,.. "i'm leaving!" let me take you home,.. "no it's okay!" have a nice day! "you too!"

Donna went at Raimo Dessert Paris Shop and had Chocolate Ice-cream as usual, she visited The Opera Nationale De Paris. On 12th April, Donna went back in Greece and on 14th April- 4th May 1991, as Charles was in Greece National Ice Hockey Team, he participated in Ice Hockey Championship and he gained much attention from public again.

Congratulations Charles! even if your team didn't make it, but you never give up, and that's what i love the most about you.

They kissed; "and you motivate me that's why i never give up, are you worried about Martin and Robert?" Robert is in jail, but alive! i don't know what will happen to Martin, i'm confused and worried, my Uncle might hate 2nd Mommy.

Martin is really taking too long to come alive and he's worrying everyone,.. "maybe he wanted enough time, he was tired and i guess he was blaming himself, he's afraid and not yet ready to face the world again." i know! even if he didn't want to listen to Patricia, he truly loved her but maybe it was hard for him to accept that Robert was lying to him.

Same as 2nd Mommy, that's how it feels to have Children, it's hard for Parents to admire their Children's mistakes because they always sees them as babies.

On 26th May, Donna went in London at Saint Bartholomew Hospital; "Uncle?" Donna? "how are you?" i'm fine thanks, how are you? and how's Rebecca? "she's doing well and Alexander, Alexa. where's 2nd Mommy?" we argued,.. "what? about what?" Martin and Patricia. "again?" we're humans we can all do mistakes,.."

But Harris Family lost their daughter because of Robert and Dorothy, you're a Mother now hope you're understanding what i'm saying and what they're going through. i love my Wife and Son, but i'll never forget about this,.. "Uncle, can't you forgive them?" i forgave them, but think about Harris Family.

I understand, but we can't do anything about that, we can't bring back Patricia, 2nd Mommy was feeling guilty please understand her too. "Donna?" oh! 2nd Mommy? how are you? "i'm good! and you?" we're fine! Uncle? 2nd Mommy? please stop fighting,.. at the time they were talking, Doctors informed them that Martin is awake from coma.

"Martin are you alright? i'm glad you're back!" Mommy, i don't want to have any kind of conversation with you, give me enough time. is Robert still in jail? "yes!" and how about Susan? "we don't know where she is , but she's still alive, do you want to eat?" no, give me some water. "Donna give him some water, now i can go back in San francisco and later i'll go in France."

MS Dorothy was very sad!; Mommy hope you understand me if you truly cares about me, i can feel your sadness but, don't be selfish. you still have Dad, and i'm going to spend my whole life alone, i wish i could bring back Patricia.

Daniel started at his Wife; "i understand Son!" Mommy, we don't hate you, where's Tammy? 'she's in Greece.' "Son, hope you're coming out soon." i'm hoping too! MS Dorothy went in San francisco. on 30th May, Martin was out of the hospital and visited Patricia's grave.

Patricia, i'm really sorry, please forgive me! don't be mad at me. i'm speechless, should i hate Robert? should i hate my Mother? i truly loved you Patricia! i'm sorry i don't know what to do without you now, i hate everyone, even my Father who tried to warn me.

I hate Robert and my Mother, i'm blaming everyone i'm blaming myself, but Patricia, you didn't even tell me that you were going in London, i can't do this, i can't live without you, what about our dreams? please come back to me. he took a nap on Patricia's grave and spent 7 hours.

Martin? Martin wake up! "what are you both doing here? leave me alone!" Son, let's go! "where?" home,.. "i can't leave my Wife alone, i'm not coming with you,.." Martin we can't leave here,.. "then stay with me." Donna went to talk with Uncle Daniel and Martin was curious.

What we going to do? "i don't know!" we need to make him happy. "how? his happiness was Patricia and she's here." Donna performed for Patricia's soul to put a smile on Martin's face, and Daniel was very embarrassed.

"What are you doing?" but when Daniel saw Martin laughing at Donna's performance, he felt very happy; ~Son, hope you're happy and hope you will forgive yourself and forgive everyone.~ Daniel was talking to his soul.

On 6th June, Reece, Wang, Kim, Bonnet, Renaud, Carre and Clark Family, went in Greece to celebrate Donna's Birthday, lately Mauricette and Michel joined them.

At 18:50 PM; who's knocking? Donna opened the door; Catherine? "Donna, i missed you, Happy Birthday! how old are you now?" 29! "oh! so, i'm 30 then,.." thanks for your Birthday wishes! and now you can leave! "don't you want me to celebrate with you?"

Catherine please, leave! i can't trust you anymore,.." you never wanted to know if i was okay or not when i was in jail,.." there was much going on and i can't betray Laurance, you've murdered her Son's Father. "he've played with my heart,.." and you've believed in him, it was your fault too, can't you even feel guilty or sorry?

Laurance is a beautiful young lady and Debra was beautiful too! "because you look alike?" no we're not twins,.. "how about me?" every Women have their own unique beauty. so, you've taken taken Eric away from Debra, thinking you were beautiful than her? you were totally wrong.

You've betrayed your Best friend, you were like Sisters, i can't trust you leave! "where's Prince?" who's Prince? "Prince Renaud and Prince Hartley." they're in San francisco, "nobody's in San francisco, that's why i came here." Catherine, could you please leave in peace? don't kill anyone,.. "i don't want to kill anyone because i don't want to be in jail again and die like my Mother."

"What do you mean?" my Mother Cécile passed away in 1988, she tried to escape, then the police shot her. i know that it might be a very good news to you. "oh! KARMA is real!" same as her Cousin,.. "Catherine, change and start a new life,.." i'm not the old Catherine,.. "and you think i can trust you easily?"

'Donna, who are you talking with?' Laurance, come here let's talk! 'what? Catherine, what are you doing here?' she wants to see Prince and Prince. 'you can't see them, you've murdered their Father.'

I want to apologize to all of you,.. "Catherine, don't ruin my Birthday Party, i don't want anyone to die on my Birthday, we're still in pain." about Patricia? let's have a deal, 'with who?' me. Laurance and Donna stared at each other.

"Catherine, what do you want from us?" just apologizing, i still have money and i'm going to manage my Mother's properties, i don't want anything from you, please let me in! 'what deal are you talking about?' let me celebrate with you and then i'll tell you where Susan and Tina are hiding, they're gonna come back to destroy your Families with drugs.