Before the battle even commenced, Maximus abruptly questioned Atreus about his true identity.
This unexpected revelation left Kahn in a state of shock, as no one could anticipate such a direct and incisive inquiry at that moment.
The tension and intrigue surrounding the impending conflict were further heightened by this sudden turn of events.
[What do you mean?] asked Kahn in return.
[I've known you since before you even became a member of the Hero's party.] Maximus declared with a stern demeanor.
[The circumstances of your victory in the Elysium Tribal tourney and your subsequent inclusion in this group are well-documented.
Your remarkable feat of defeating everyone on the very first day of your commemoration has not gone unnoticed.] stated Maximus in a stern voice.
[However, ever since we entered Babylon, you have done things that shouldn't be possible.