The next day, a grandiose scenario of celebration and festivities occurred throughout the entire Vulcan empire akin to their biggest cultural event. A few hundred thousand spherical projection screens that displayed the holograms of a particular arena's live feed to the populace had occupied all the major streets and gathering spots in cities, towns and villages.
At this moment, a grand colosseum in the capital Arkensan that was situated in Dvalin, the city which was also the main headquarters of the Dwarven Council. And the entire site that was displayed at this moment was called Thamur Colosseum.
In the annals of history, all the major blacksmithing duels in the Vulcan empire were held in this very arena to pay respect to Thamur, an ancient and renowned blacksmith who was the figurehead in leading the dwarven race to reform the empire after the Firebornes overthrew their old rulers and freed their species from slavery.