As for the reference of Divine personality in relation to Divine descent is Divine Femininity.
It is the relationships between the descending qualities of universal potentialities of Energy / light (Nur) levels of vibration.
These references of Divine feminine personality are the pronouns that references the Divine Acts
of (Energy) descent.
Because time is relatively slowing when the Energy vibration / frequency is getting lower in the process of Energy manifestation from higher levels to lower levels.
Manifestation is Energy addition that is define by Energy multiplication, and this is the act of
Divine Femininity. The whole processes of Universal Manifestation from growing, lightning,
shadowing, receiving calls, software engineering and all things to become are nothing but the act
of Divine Femininity relatively from all universal levels.
You "for single feminine entity" (Anti) refer to the intrinsic level after the Grand Universal
Energy level towards descent, which is referenced and manifested by the Grand Universal Energy.
However, in a relative reflection, due to the Divine geometric progression of loops of permutations and combinations, "you (anti) of femininity" also refers to any level of Divine Presence, if and only if the level is a lower level after a higher level towards descent. Whereby the higher level references the lower level as "you (anti) of femininity".
In the Divine descent, Nasut is the last (akhir) and the world of matter and multiplicity of
divinity, because it is manifested / disclosed and will be annihilated. Therefore, it is most likely
to be a Divine Femininity. Hahut references Lahut as "you", Lahut references Jabarut as "you",
Jabarut references Malakut as "you", and Malakut references Nasut as "you", but "you" here is for femininity.
You "for three or more of feminine entities" (Antunna) refer to all the three or more lowly
levels from the immediate level after the higher level towards descent. However, in a relative
reflection, due to the Divine geometric progression of loops of permutations and combinations, "you (antunna) for three or more of femininity" also refers to three or more levels of Divine Presence from the immediate level after the higher level towards descent. Whereby a higher level references the lower levels as "you (antunna) of three or more of femininity", only if the lower levels are the immediate levels after the higher level.
She (Hiya) refer to the third level after the Grand Universal Energy level towards descent, which
is also manifested from the Vibratory Grand Universal Energy. However, in a relative reflection, due to the Divine geometric progression of loops of permutations and combinations, "she (hiya)
of femininity" also refers to any level of Divine Presence, if and only if the level is a third lower level and beyond after a higher level towards descent. Whereby a higher level references any
lower level as "she (hiya) of femininity" only if the lower level is not the immediate level next to
the higher level.
They "for three or more of feminine entities" (Hunna) refer to all the lower levels only from
the third level after the Grand Universal Energy level towards descent. However, in a relative
reflection, due to the Divine geometric progression of loops of permutations and combinations, "they (hunna) of femininity" also refers to three or more levels of Divine Presence, if and only if the levels are not the immediate levels after a higher level towards descent. Whereby a higher level references the lower levels as "they (hunna) of femininity" only if the lower levels are not the immediate levels next to the higher level.