Gluttony Ghouls possess an insatiable appetite for flesh, consuming any living creature unfortunate enough to cross their path. They are relentless hunters, stalking their prey with relentless determination and ferocity. Their senses are heightened to an unnatural degree, allowing them to detect the scent of fresh blood from miles away and track their quarry with uncanny precision.
Once they have cornered their prey, Gluttony Ghouls descend upon them with ravenous fury, tearing into their flesh with razor-sharp teeth and gnashing jaws. They show no mercy to their victims, devouring them whole and leaving nothing behind but bones and scraps of torn flesh.
Despite their decayed and desiccated appearance, Gluttony Ghouls possess surprising strength and agility, able to overpower even the most well-armed and determined adversaries. Their undead nature renders them immune to pain and fatigue, allowing them to pursue their prey relentlessly without rest or respite.