I'm completely limp. I can't even lift a finger without losing my breath. The mind link ritual feels like it took more out of me than last time.
"You weren't kidding when you said that you wouldn't be able to move." Isaac washes my hair as he laughs to himself. "Are you sure that you're fit enough to be going to school?"
'I will be fine as long as the twins keep an eye on me,' I answer through our newly established mind link.
"What are they going to do? Tie you to your chair with tape so that you don't fall out of your desk?"
'It's funny how I can see them doing that.'
Isaac bursts in laughter while I could only let out a small weak smile.
"Oi! What's so funny to the point where I can hear your laugh from outside the Young Lady's door?" Michael calls out as he enters the room.
'Are you finished helping Delic finalize the request letter for Nakir's father?' I ask, attempting to turn my head to face the door where Michael stands.
"Yeah, it's done. Delic sent out one of the workers already to deliver the letter," Michael replies as he gets my uniform ready on my bed.
"The mind link really does come in handy when you're too weak to talk, huh?" Isaac comments, rinsing the soap from my body before taking me out of the tub.
'Don't go abusing it just to talk to me when you're bored. Only use it when a problem arises when I'm not with you,' I relay to both of the guys. "We can speak just fine aloud when we're together.'
"Yes, ma'am," replies both of the boys.
They were definitely going to abuse it if I didn't say anything. It's written all over their faces.
"Master, I brought breakfast," Xander announces as he backs his way into my room with the breakfast cart.
'Where's Alex and Delic?' I wonder while being carried into my room over to my bed so that Michael can get me dressed.
"Alex said that he needed to check on something with the village women about the fields," Xander answers, setting the food down on the table. "Delic was right behind me, so he must have slipped away when I wasn't looking."
Both of those are suspicious. Don't tell me it has something to do with Black Snow again?! I need to get better soon and get the plans rolling.
Michael finishes up with my tie and carries me over to where Isaac is sitting. Without much control over my body, I end up falling onto Isaac's lap since I didn't have the strength to hold myself up.
"Ah! Lady Viola! Are you okay?" Isaac frantically asks as he sits me back up. "I'm so sorry! I was so busy getting your food prepared that I forgot to support your body."
'It's okay,' I assure Isaac. 'I appreciate your help in trying to take care of me while I'm in this kind of state.'
"My Lady," Isaac whispers with watery eyes.
"Yes, yes," Alex interrupts as he walks into my room. "I'm pretty sure whatever Lady Viola said to you through the mind link was something very sweet, but right now you need to focus on not dropping the food onto the rug."
Isaac looks over at the plate he's holding and realizes that it's tilting. He quickly fixes the plate as well as the contents on it while nervously glancing over at me expecting me to be upset. I simply smile at his clumsiness which causes Isaac to calm down.
His clumsiness is just adorable. He's almost like a little sibling who's trying to impress his older sister but fails due to his lack of self-awareness. I really can't get mad when he's trying his best.
"What's this? You guys were going to start eating without me?" Delic questions with his best upset expression as he takes his seat next to Michael.
"I sure was since I don't need your permission to eat," Xander teases holding up a fork stuffed with a piece of gravy-covered biscuit next to Delic's face.
"Would you two stop playing with the food?" Alex demands pointing the butter knife at Delic and Xander.
Yesh... It's always the quiet younger ones with innocent faces that people gotta watch out for. They can turn on a dime when we aren't looking.
I let out a soft chuckle at the lively scene in front of me. Isaac notices me smiling and couldn't help but adoringly gaze at my brilliant expression.
"Come now, Lady Viola," Isaac says as he lightly pulls my chin over for me to face him. "You must eat so that you can regain your strength quickly."
I slowly open my mouth so that Isaac can feed me the spoonful of oatmeal. He then takes the napkin on the table and wipes my mouth to clean off the excess oatmeal that he couldn't scoop off.
Hm? That's kind of strange. It's almost like he has done this before. I mean it's not that hard to feed someone, but these gentle touches and mindfulness are not something that comes naturally to first timers. Xander was kind of rough when he fed me the last time I was like this, but that was because he was always in the forest with the men while Alex stayed in the village with the women and children. Xander didn't have any experience feeding people, so he wasn't as gentle even when he was trying to be.
'Isaac, have you fed others before me?' I ask while taking in another bite. 'Ah! Don't answer aloud. Use the mind link.'
'Actually, I have many times before,' Isaac softly replies gently, looking down at the bowl of oatmeal.
'Do you mind if I ask you to tell me about it?'
'I don't mind at all,' Isaac agrees, giving me another small spoonful.
'I didn't mention this before since I didn't think it was necessary. I wasn't the only child my parents gave birth to. I had a younger brother. He was born when I was around five years old. He was incredibly tiny, yet he fought his hardest to live. Whenever my parents were out, I would feed him some of my blood as a supplement since I knew that Mother didn't have much to give him. Over time, I filled a small bottle with my blood in order to feed my younger brother while my parents were away. Sadly, he couldn't last long given how tiny he was compared to the harsh winter. He ended up passing away a little over a year after he was born.'
Isaac not only lost his parents but also his kid brother due to the harshness of the outside. He was all alone wandering through the snow for almost two years. He was captured, enslaved, and abused for eight years. How can he be able to smile so sincerely after everything he's been through? I was only alone for two months before I finally broke. My loneliness is nothing compared to Isaac's.
"Wah! L-lady Viola! Why are y-you crying?" Isaac shouts as he grabs a couple of tissues to wipe my eyes with.
I couldn't do anything but sniffle through the tears with puffy eyes since I didn't have enough strength in my arms to cover my face.
'You've been so alone for so long,' I whimper to Isaac. 'You suffered so much for so long.'
Isaac warmly smiles at me as he rubs my cheek with his thumb. 'You shouldn't feel sorry for me, my Lady. You're the one who saved me from such loneliness and suffering. I couldn't be any happier.'
"Excuse me," Delic grumbles through gritted teeth. "You have four other people vying for Viola's affection. Don't be making such forward moves in front of your competitors."
"Mm!" Michael hums trying to swallow the food that's in his mouth. "About that. Isaac brought up a point yesterday that Lady Viola said."
"Which was?" Xander questions setting down his cup intrigued by the conversation.
"Why can't the Young Lady be with all of us?" Alex butts in taking a sip from his coffee.
"What do you mean?" Xander continues to press.
"Lady Viola mentioned yesterday that Eshea allows polygamous relationships which means that it's perfectly fine if she picks all of us instead of just one," Michael explains.
"Well, she did also say that she isn't ready yet for that kind of arrangement," Isaac adds, giving me another spoon of oatmeal.
"That's true," Delic respond contemplating. "In other words, we would all receive Master's love and attention."
"But wouldn't it be nice to know that you were the one who is the most loved over everyone," Xander mischievously suggests with an evil grin on his face.
'Would you five just can it about my future marital life?' I command the aides sitting around me. 'We can talk about it after we finish with our current problem!'
"Huyaah! That means that there's a chance for us to get intimately closer to the Young Lady!" the twins and Michael yell. They practically dance around the table in joyous celebration.
While it may not seem like it on the outside, I have actually been overwhelmed by the scent of love and adoration that just endlessly pours out from the five guys every day. At first, it was kind of annoying. People only love people that will give them an advantage in life, right? However, it's gotten to the point where I'm excited that people love me for me instead of my power. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with these five people by my side not only as my aides but also as my lovers. I knew that I wouldn't be able to delay my thoughts about everyone for much longer. I just didn't know how to put it in words. I wanted them to know how I feel about them since I knew how they felt about me.
Defeated, I sigh to myself involuntarily dropping my head onto Isaac's shoulder.
'Come one everyone,' I say, trying to avoid the previous slip up. 'We have to leave for school soon. Finish up your food so that the others can clean up.'
"Yes ma'am!" everyone giddily shouts as they munch down the rest of their breakfast.
"How would you like for me to carry you?" Isaac asks crouching down in front of me while I still sit in the car.
'Whatever is most comfortable for you,' I answer. 'As long as I'm appropriately covered to maintain decency.'
Isaac thinks for a moment resting his chin in his hand. Then, a lightbulb dings in his head as his eyes widen with happiness. Isaac reaches his hands under my arms and carries me out of the car similar to how a mother carries a child. Unlike Xander who carried me bridal style, Isaac throws my arms around his neck with one hand on my back and the other under my knees. Alex then drapes a small blanket over my lap to keep my skirt from exposing too much.
"Will this be okay with you?" Isaac asks as he finalizes his arm placements.
I avert Isaac's gaze to keep him from seeing my reddening face. I simply nod my head which makes Isaac laugh a little.
'This can be like practice for when I carry you after we get married,' Isaac comments to me with a huge smile on his face.
Oh god! I knew it would be like this after what I said this morning! This is never going to end!
'Shut up,' I mumble to Isaac while my face grows even redder. Isaac chuckles to himself as we make our way over to the school's entrance.
I couldn't hit him since I'm too weak right now, and he knows this. He's taking full advantage of the situation while still putting up an innocent front. Knowing Isaac, he won't take anything too far, but he will take the opportunity if presented to him.
"Isaac's having inappropriate thoughts about Lady Viola~" Alex teases as he hides behind his older brother.
"My, my! We were only told about the chance of potential marriage this morning, and Isaac is already going feral," Michael taunts with a smug side glance and a hand over his mouth not even trying to hide his smirk.
"So what if I am taking this chance to show Lady Viola a soft devious side of me? It might put me in her favor to become the most loved husband," Isaac retaliates, sticking his tongue out at Michael and the twins.
"You little-" Xander tries to pounce on Isaac, but Alex holds him back laughing at his brother's reaction.
"What does this filthy vampire think he's doing holding my future bride like that?" Nakir interrogates as he emerges from the sea of students that part ways allowing him to walk through.
"Lady Viola will never be your future bride," Isaac hisses, pulling me away from Nakir's outstretched hand.
"You will do well not to touch her with your tainted hands," the twins threaten, blocking Nakir's path to me and glaring daggers with their glowing purple eyes.
Nakir clicks his tongue. "Tch. Don't get on a high horse just because you serve a powerful master. Viola Winter will be mine in two days time. When she does, you dirty so-called 'aides' will be the first ones thrown out of the estate." Nakir notices Michael watching off to the side, strides over to him, and stands not even an inch away from Michael's face. "Don't even think about persuading my woman to your wretched side. No one wants a servant with loyalty issues."
With that, Nakir shoves Michael with his shoulder as he walks past him. Raphael and the three other angels follow behind Nakir but glance over at us giving us a firm nod. I told those four to continue following Nakir around so that they won't arouse suspicions of their betrayal.
"Who does he think he is saying that Master will be his bride?" Xander seethes as he turns around to face me. "The only people with the honor to be by her side are the five of us."
I was about to giggle a little until I saw Michael standing alone with a dark expression.
'Don't listen to a word that Nakir says,' I advise Michael. 'He doesn't know who you really are. If anyone is on a high horse, it's him. I know the extreme loyalty you have for me.' Michael looks up with a mixture of tears and anger in his eyes. 'Don't stand over there by yourself. Come join us like you always do.'
I try to stretch out my hand but failed. However, Michael notices my effort and jogs over to us with relief and gratefulness in his smile.
'We should get going so that you won't be late to class,' I say to Isaac as I look up at him. 'I don't want to be the one responsible for your tardiness, especially since I'm the Student Council President. It will only look bad on my part.'
Isaac nods his head. "Let's go then?"