"Princess Lily!"
"Lily, where are you, sweetheart?!"
The whole castle was put into motion as the search for Lily begins. Lucas takes us up the mountain where he last saw Lily before closing his eyes to count. Apparently, they wanted to play hide and seek in the mountain area since there are more places to hide up there.
No matter how far across everyone scattered to find Lily, there were no signs of her. Michael and his squad flew over the mountain to get an arial view but to no avail until we hear someone shouting.
"We found the princess!"
"Come quickly! She's injured!"
As quick as we all could, everyone runs over to the soldiers who are kneeling over a small gap in the mountain. I instantly drop to my knees and peer down the gap and find Lily passed out at the bottom.
"It looks like she didn't see the hole when she was looking for somewhere to hide and fell into it," one of the soldiers hypothesizes.