Chereads / Sent to Skyrim with mods / Chapter 9 - The making of a monster

Chapter 9 - The making of a monster

Pump full of adrenaline I Spin around And Loss the arrow And shot the fucking horse as I grab the second arrow and hit the horse again I smiled a little getting through this pumped full of adrenaline I did not want this to stop it felt like I was really

playing the game how are used moving around I quickly went through the bandit Cave Quickly grabbing a couple of things and reading a letter not really caring about it thought it was interesting but some shit about a banded hideout probably will take the board to later more right now I should do something with all of this Adrenaline and I have

Deciding to go To where the Giants are to try it out with them I quickly running I could see the Giants camp on my sensor deciding to do more as I got more adjusted to this body I should be able to take down to Giants and Mammoths picking my strongest arrows and my strongest poison putting them in my favorite column so would be easier to

pull them out of the bag I decided to run as fast as I can to where I could find the damn giants creeping up to the again I Dipped the arrowheads in the poison as I knocked another Arrow I quickly looked around for the Giants As I saw one of the Giants after a slow my breathing As I loss the Arrow

heading to giant I quickly grabbed another one letting that one go moving as the giant slowly approached me noticing that the other giant still hasn't noticed me Quickly grabbing another arrow I loss the Arrow go grabbing two more Arrows And losing themI started getting more comfortable with

the bowl noticing that it was easier for me to fire it then I would thought even with those Bandits it was quick movements as of this but i have been doing it for years Quickly looking for the other chain after this one started to stagger I notice he still hasn't seen me approaching the giant I shot another arrow in his head and finally he stopped moving

looking for the other giant I crept up on him as a shot to Arrows at him Quickly backing up I shot another arrow at him this time the fucking mammoths noticed me in my head I was thinking I was going to be in a rough situation taking on two mammoths and one Giant at onceAs I started

tumbling backwards I quickly saw them approach me as I was trying to kite them aroundMoving as fast as I could I ran back crouched again and did my arrows in poison as a fire two arrows at the mammoths Shooting another two at the giant firing another one at the giant I took the giant down as I look towards the mammoths quickly wanting to

take them down I shot another two arrows as they Fell I quickly ran up and shot them again Killing them Quickly getting Bored I continue to look to look for any other bandit or giant settlement not seeing any I quickly decided to keep walking looking for anything I could hunt for practice

Deciding to run quick After I saw an elk shooting two arrows I quickly took it down looking for something more exciting I kept running noticing that my stamina has not even gone down I was truly enjoyed this it was like shackles were released off my feet moving around like a superhuman felt

amazing knowing damn well shit was about to get real soon I decided to go back to white one so I can find out where I have to meet the Ebony warrior as I started to approach the city again I saw nothing it just look like a plain old ass place continuing to walk up to the gate the guard stopped me as I told

them to fuck off As the guards love to me and pull the swords I remember that I probably should be polite but fuck that I'm in a rush I screamed to them a dragon is attacking just attacked the helgon As they quickly let me through the gates after asking me more questions about where the track and flew to and how I saw it I explain to them that I was riding past helping with my faithful horse

before I saw Dragon Leave the city Explaining to them that people from Riverwood when I stop there asked me to tell Lord about it They quickly let me into the city after all of that has it started walking through I saw A 7 foot tall man wearing Ebony armor caressing his blade seeing my opportunity to grab my bowl I did my air I dipped five arrowheads

in the poison and I shot him one by one as he turn to notice me quickly used one of my shouts and sent him flying back as I quickly switch to my strongest arrows I continue to shoot at him Trying to avoid all of his attacks as he was getting out I quickly ran up and shouted at him againLooking at is how far it was falling but slowly if I had stronger

poisons this would be easier But as they say fuck it you got to do what you Gotta do Quickly cats and three spells to summon three elemental a frost fire and the storm as I quickly move the shout out I was using in to storm hoping that there would be damage from that tooAs I continue to try to Hit him with arrows thinking about it I should try to use my

sore butt I am better at a distance with my arrows because I switched my Shout he ended up getting up He shouted at me and pushed me back 20 feetThen he ran up and attacked me with his sword as he started casting healing on his self The battle continue like this me trying to get up him shouting

me 20 feet back as I try to grab my bowl for dear life as I was flying Not knowing what else I should do I went through my favorites menu and found a spell that would freeze him for 45 seconds between Skyrim and oblivion so he wouldn't be able to move that would give me enough time so I can better equipped myself as a cast my sperm it

hit him unable to move quickly dip more errors in poisons and Re-summonThe elementals Hoping that they would be enough quickly going to another power I could use this one would still just 100 health from him as I quickly switched around using almost all of my abilities 100 health may not

be in a lot for me but it should damn near take him down somewhat where it would be easier to kill him I could always my vampire lord ability but in this crowded city everybody Transform and that would be harder to come back from I still have 15 seconds left before he would appear back as I hurried up and thought of a plan I had to think of a back up

plan in case it didn't work it would be no way in hell I'd be fighting this guy for fucking days in the city the guards alone would be a pain in the fucking ass as the 15 seconds End itI looked around for the Ebony warrior he appeared right behind me as I quickly spent around grabbing my bow he went to slash at me I quickly tumbled backwards shooting

two arrows at him these arrows really not having any effect on him as my summons attacked him he quickly summoned his storm elemental as the battle was falling I noticed he was not Using his shield Using it to Cast restorative spells on him looking at his house it was more than 25% gone

knowing that this was going to end up being a lot harder than I thought As I use most of the powers I have I summoned a where beer To see if that would helpNoticing that my storm Elemental that has disappeared as my frost elemental was going to disappear and not knowing what the fuck

happened to my flame Elemento as the battle continue I decided to use my back up plan I Quickly used one of my abilities Emperor's voice calm everything down for 30 seconds with him being in a calm state forgetting about the battle I quickly left and continued up the stairs not knowing if he would go back into a fight afterwards I cast a spell of invisibility on myself as I left thinking to myself next time you won't be so lucky and I will kill you as soon as I can make stronger poisons

Author thoughtsIf you are truly enjoying this book and you have any suggestions please let me know I would love to put them in the book