"Is everything all right with you, hey, Miss...?", a man's voice somewhere in the distance. "I wish I'd brought some salt, poor thing, she's dehydrated." Where was I? Slowly my eyes opened again and I recognised a field worker with a hat. She has regained consciousness, that's lucky," he whispered, "Can you answer?" I became more and more aware that I was still lying in exactly the same place under the weeping willow as I had been when I fainted. I tried to nod. "I'll give you some water," he said and opened his bottle with a plop. He lifted my head a little and the cool liquid ran down my throat, it was so soothing. I heard such a beguiling scent in my nose, so sweet, it drove me crazy. Better?" he wanted to know. I nodded, but I could still smell that fragrance. What was it? I sat up and looked around. It was nearby, suddenly I heard it throbbing wildly. It was melodic, but he probably didn't hear it, it was just me imagining. He put his hand on my forehead: "You have a slight sunstroke, but don't worry, it will go away in a day or two." That's when I finally saw what that throbbing was, his carotid artery. I licked my lips, the fangs were back. Temptation built up inside me, I needed it, I wanted it, I had to taste his blood. I was in a frenzy and threw myself on top of him, then I just lightly scored his skin with one tooth, it was so delicious, the smell of iron and sweetness, I licked at it and so immediately wanted more. The man beneath me screamed, his cries brought me back to the here and now. He writhed beneath me, I recoiled from myself. What had I done? I'm so sorry,' I cried. I picked myself up and ran away.
There was a pounding on my door: "Dinora, open the door now!" It was my mother, but I didn't even think about it, I didn't want the same thing to happen to her as to the poor worker. Open up or I'll kick the door in," she repeated. I still made no move to meet her. The next moment she actually kicked in my door, that's when her ranting began: "I am beside myself, you know that, you have disgraced us as a family, you have humiliated me and your father, I am very angry with you!" She only went off the deep end like that once, when I was on a state visit with my sister, giggling and laughing as the Genoese Irish folk dance was performed. But it was also really funny to watch, they had made a fool of themselves. I should add, however, that we were 12 and 14 at the time, so we were rather childishly immature. Why don't you want to take this nice young man, he would be the best match for you and the people? I hardly know him, mother, I only know his name, that's all," I shout at her. Actually, I remembered that he read Austen, but I didn't think it was worth mentioning at that moment. He defended your honour, what more do you want, believe me, this happens so rarely! Desperate for me? What would be so bad about me not finding a man, I'm happy as I am," I counter-argued. But one day you'll get tired of your books and then you'll be 40 and no one will want you any more, I want to protect you from being alone," I could tell she was serious. I could feel the fangs developing again. Could I hold back my urge? Queen Layna strode closer to my bed and sat on the bottom edge of the bed. I didn't want to be near her, I didn't want to hurt her. Sliding my feet to the other side, I apparently irritated her. She slid her hand under mine. I squinted, my body tensing. Please, may she let go of me. Child, please calm down, I'm not going to hurt you," she replied to my reaction in her motherly kindness. Please go," I could hardly stand it any longer. She was offended, but quietly heeded my request. I was alone, scratching the wall with my nails.