One year has passed, time doesn't seem so fast, Edward has also started to organize his life again. Currently Edward is opening a small office in the field of contractors as well. While Edward's family also still lives in the city of Tallahassee, Florida, United States, it is still unknown what business they are currently running. Exactly this September on the 15th, Joana intends to call Edward to his house to hand back Eagle Corp assets and lead the Eagle Corp company. When Joana finished contacting Edward on her cell phone for a meeting, not long after an hour Edward had arrived at the Andreas Enterprise. A year has passed, Edward's appearance this time is so masculine with a slight mustache on his lips and of course his handsome face is still attached with a firm jaw and sturdy shoulders and a height of about 182 cm. Joana who saw Edward's new appearance after a year of not seeing him, Joana could barely say anything, I know Joana has always liked handsome men, but she tried to control all of that because it seems Joana is starting to miss the figure of Arkha who she had been waiting for him for a long time.

"Hmm, good afternoon Joana, btw what are you calling me today? Is there a problem at Eagle Corp or is there one of my subordinates who may not work well... Edward asked Joana.

"Oh no that's not it, hmm I've never had any trouble or dissatisfied with the employee's performance. I called you here because it's about time I want to returned what was rightfully yours.

"What do you mean it's time to return what is rightfully mine, what do you want to return?

"Look Edward, I just want to return all Eagle Corp assets because I think I have taught enough to give you a lessons so you realize your mistake to Carlos, I see now you have become a better person,

"Hmm for what Joana, I'm no longer interested in companies that make me lost and trapped by crime. I don't want to, because I've built a small office with my halal money.

"Shhh don't be like that, no matter how you like it or not this is still your company, don't let it fall into the wrong hands, you forgot to tell me when I was Mona that your brother Bram wanted to rule Eagle Corp alone, so I hope you come back to lead Eagle Corp. in a clean way surely one day you will be successful again.

"Hmm, okay, okay, I'll listen to your advice, thank you, thanks to you, you gave me life lessons so I can change into a better person.

"No need to thanks , you can be what you are now because it's purely your own effort and hard work, yes it's time for me to return Eagle Corp's assets. Hopefully now and then you can become a better leader, I hope you don't repeat your mistakes again. for the second time.

"Amen, I will try to be a better person. Yes, is there more, if there is nothing else I want to talk about, I want to say goodbye to take care of the office again. And hopefully you will soon find a life partner who loves you for who you are, not just your property .

"Hmm sorry I'm not thinking that way, I'm better now thinking that I can be a good person and leader too. The issue of feelings and hearts let it be a divine mystery because I'm still traumatized by love and I still love a woman named Mona which is currently in your body.

"Oh yeah hahahahaha, you don't remember that thing anymore, once again I want to apologize for trapping you and bringing you into a romance full of falsehood. Learn to open your heart to others, because living alone is not always good, think about it too your future, don't be afraid of marriage because God wants us to have a family.

"Ahh, let's not talk about it now, I'm leaving the Eagle Corp office.

"Okay, be careful on the road, warm regards to all Eagle Corp employees. I also want to go to the office first to take care of some work or documents that I need to sign.

"I'll definitely tell you later, you are also careful, when there is time I want to take you to dinner can I?

"Sorry I can't Edward, because my future husband will come in a few weeks.

"Ohh I am sorry Joana, I didn't know that you already had a partner, I hope you are always happy with him.

"Yes indeed I have never been exposed to who my boyfriend is, he lives in the city of Milan, Italy. Yes, come back to the Eagle Corp office, lead the company well and don't be cruel anymore.

"Hehe, sure.

Finally, both Joana and Edward both went to their respective offices, Joana was very relieved because she had finally returned the Eagle Corp assets to Edward's hands. Hopefully with the lessons learned, Edward can become a better company leader. While Carlos' Steel Corp company has started to run smoothly and is starting to reorganize from scratch, Carlos' company has started to be flooded with big projects again. It turns out that what Joana has done is having a big impact both for other people and for Carlos' company profits. Arriving at the office, Joana called Dawny to ask about the process of rebuilding the branch office building owned by Mr. James.

"Morning, boss, Sonya said that you called me. Is there anything I can help you boss?

"Yes Dawny just take a seat, hmm how about the problem of rebuilding Mr. James's building, where has the construction gone, there is no problem, right?

"For the time being the construction stage for the third floor is still underway boss, it is estimated that it will be finished in two months. Everything has gone according to the material standards you want. Hopefully there will be no obstacles in the future.

"Yes, you must always check and control the construction of the building, dont let Mr. James be disappointed for the second time, remember that Dawny? Joana's firm order to Dawny, her trusted person at Andreas Enterprise.

"Okay boss, sorry boss excuse me and the team wants to go to the field again.

"Okay please Dawny, thank you.

"You're welcome boss.

When Joana was signing documents suddenly her cell phone rang and read "Agreyta Calling".

"Tuutss tuttss (Joana's cell phone voice)

"Hello, what are you doing? Well, it's been a few days since I contacted you, why is it so difficult?

"Yes, because for the past few months there has been a little work, by the way what's wrong Grey?.

"Hmm it's nothing, I just want to say that next week me, Queen, Mikaelo and Arkha will come to visit your house, do you think you mind or not?

"Hmmm, how could I object, it's absolutely fine Grey, you all happen to have lots of rooms to stay here.

"Yes, I'll definitely stay, that's all, okay later when it's close to the day we want to leave, we'll definitely let you know.

"Okay Grey I'm waiting for your arrival, be careful if you lie.

"Yes Joana be patient, I'm sure I'll get there later, okay I'll hang up the phone, see you Joana.

"Okay, see you later.

Hearing that Agreyta will come to America with Arkha, Joana is very happy because lately Joana has often dreamed of Arkha either because Joana fell in love with Arkha or was just amazed. Because Arkha's personal figure is very similar to Andreas. Then Joana intends to contact Arkha to just ask how Arkha is.

"Tuttttss ttuuttss

"Hello...Hmmm who is this? Arkha asked Joana.

"Oh, what the hell are you pretending not to know this number, oh, I see, it turns out that my number is not saved, okay if you really don't know.

"Eitsss joking hmm you just got angry. What's wrong Joana, I miss you ehmmm.

"Hmm I just wanted to ask if it's true that you're coming to New York next week?

"Oh, that's right, I'll definitely come, Agreyta, who told you?

"Hmm, I just asked that, are you healthy there Arkha?.

"Don't worry, I'm healthy and fine, you're worried about me. Hmm, how are you doing there, right?

"I'm fine here too, oh yeah, don't forget to give me a souvenir from Italy later. Anything is free.

"Yes, I'll definitely bring it later, you don't like work too. I love you, Joana, even though maybe you can't accept me, but I always take care of you from afar.

"Hmm take care of me, you really have knowledge, hahahaha.

"Hahaha, that's just a figure of speech, Okay I want to finish my work first, Joana, we'll continue later. Don't forget to prepare a good room for me to sleep, okay?

"Hmm, you're making fun of me again, there are dozens of rooms with facilities like the Arkha hotel.

"Well, I know, there are 23 rooms, each room is also full of technology and air conditioning.

"How can you know about ny house hahaha, you've never been here.

"Yes, I know from Grey that she told me, hahaha you must be confused right?.

"Hahaha, I was surprised that you knew what was in my house. Okay I closed the phone. I'm waiting for all of you to come.

"Yes my lovely Joana , I'll see you there later.

When she hung up the phone, Joana felt that Arkha's figure was just like him being close to Andreas, his voice and humor could be exactly the same, and the way he paid attention to Joana was also the same.

"Oh my God, is this just my hunch or just a deep longing for Andreas, so I think Arkha is very similar to Andreas, only they have different faces. From the start of the perfume smell, which is very similar to Andreas, it makes me think that Andreas is still there and alive in Arkha's body. Ahh never mind I'm mostly day dreaming so my thoughts are inconsequential" Joana mumbled.

Yes, hopefully one day Arkha's presence by Joana's side can make her smile and be happy again. Because Andreas' goal was revived by Mikaelo so that one day Arkha alias Andreas would be able to reunite with Joana.