Still at Braga's residence, the prayer event had also ended, but Dave also still hadn't come out of the room. He was still saddened by the departure of Braga and Queen had ignored him. When Xeon and several other bodyguards were cleaning up Braga's house, Queen came and immediately met one of Braga's bodyguards, Xeon.
"Xeon night sorry is Dave inside, what event is this, what's the prayer?
"It's evening, Miss Queen, yes, Mr. Braga has died and this has just finished his prayer. Mr. Dave still doesn't want to leave his room and he doesn't even want to eat. What are you doing here alone, why?
"Oh, my dad was the one who brought me but he has gone home because he still has work to do.
"Yes, Miss, just go into her room, it's on the right near the stairs.
"Okay Xeon, thank you.
"You're welcome, Miss Queen.