The abyss was where she found herself again; she could feel that she had been laying in water as the bubbles popped the moment they had reached the surface. As her vision started to clear up, she could see a familiar watery surface as she had been laying in it.
Though she felt herself shiver ever so slightly.
"It feels… Cold…" She found herself saying, "... Like it's winter…."
She tried to move though she found herself struggling as she collapsed; the water splashed beneath her. She thought she had been imagining it, but she could've sworn she felt something along her spine, the back of her arms and legs.
"My body… Hurts so much…" She said, "... It hurts to move…. Mom… Dad… Help me…"
"...Et… U...p…."
She flinched slightly as she could hear a voice call out to her. It hadn't been one she wasn't familiar with. All she knew was it belonged to a man.
"Who's… There…?"
The voice soon came again.
"... Hear… Me… Wake… Up…"
She struggled to move though it was as though her body wasn't allowing her to do so. She seemed to have stirred slightly as she felt a blinding light. She had finally picked up her head as she noticed what looked to be a doorway that had been circular and transparent. She could barely see through as she could swear she could feel the heat of the sun, in the cold abyss.
Though one thing she could see clearly, had been a hand, as it was placed upon the glass.
"You can hear me--" She heard the person say, "--Right?"
Prism used all of her strength as she lifted her hand, before she placed it just right where his own hand had been, as if to show him a sign that she could hear him.
"Who… Are you?"
Prism had awoken with a yawn as she had rubbed her eyes, and felt her body ache and her head throb. As her vision became clear, she didn't recognize her surroundings. Until she found that she had been leaning on Asta's shoulder and noticed that Feodora, and her Familiars had been in a cage with her. She could hear the sound of someone softly snoring coming from her lap. The little Spirits had gestured towards the direction of the sound as she saw a familiar canine, with a skull as he had been sound asleep.
"... Oh, right…" Prism said as she recognized it had been the little Devil--Donkey as he called himself as she adjusted Asta's jacket that had been on her shoulders, "... The thieves took us, we must've spent the night here."
The Spirits soon spoke to her as some of them that hid in her hood started to ease the pain.
"Yami and Jack will come. It's like Feo said, they're not gonna find them, they'll find me." Prism whispered.
The little Spirits still voiced their concerns as she soon gave them a warm smile, "Don't worry--They still don't know I have a cursed stone. They're going to come soon. For now, we just have to sit tight. Besides--I can't just leave all these other people to fend for themselves." She soon brought her legs close to her chest as she soon had a look of worry; some of the spirits started to lose their color.
"Yami… Jack… Please hurry." She said.
"Prism Aurora Clover."
Prism had been startled by the sound of a voice that seemed to have come just behind her; the Spirits appeared to have hid, while some of them even crawled in her shirt. A chill seemed to have gone down her spine as she noticed that everything seemed to have darkened around her; though then again, it could've been from the poison that was still flowing in her veins.
"That is your name, isn't it?" The voice said.
She could feel her anxiety rise as she didn't know how to react; she could almost swear that her heart was about to burst out of her chest from the sheer fear. All she could do at that moment was scream. Or at least that's what would've been if she didn't find a hand quickly covering her mouth as he pulled her towards him, till she was against her body. Immediately she froze.
"Who--Who is this?!" She thought, "Is he another prisoner here?! No--The little Devil was the only one in here! "Who--Who is he?! Is he going to kill me!?"
She soon turned to get a good look at his face, but--
"Don't." The man soon said, as his voice made her freeze again, "Just keep your eyes forward, and listen carefully."
Prism tried to break free though she could feel her head start to throb again. She was about to fight to break free until--
"I know who you are." He said as Prism stopped before she could start, "I know how this looks but trust me when I say I'm your friend. You have nothing to fear, Princess."
She flinched slightly at his tone, she could even feel the firm yet gentle grip on her. "His voice--" She thought, "--It sounds warm and gentle… Like dads… But… Why is it--?"
"I have something for you." The young man said.
Prism couldn't help but wonder what he meant, until she felt something slip into her hand as it had been a hard and smooth surface; she soon brought it forward to see what it had been. She gasped in realization as she realized… She had been holding--
"My grimoire?!" She thought as she had a look of shock, "But how?!"
"I only wish I could help you for what's to come next for you, but I am needed somewhere else." He said as he slowly removed his hand from her mouth, "With the Death incantation, you and the others will pull through. Though you must be careful, if you are distracted, if only for a moment, it will only bring you harm."
"Death… Incantation?" She said softly.
"I know I'm asking a lot from you--" He told her, "--But you have to trust what I say, and everything will be alright in the end. That I can promise you."
Prism could only think to herself as she looked to the grimoire in her hand, as her anxiety seemed to have lessened. The young man gave a pat on her hand before she saw him retract it.
"Good luck." He said.
With a flicker of the lamp light, Prism finally turned to whoever had been behind her, only to find nothing more then an empty space and a set of bars in front of her line of vision.
"He's… Gone?"
A sudden smack made her jump followed by a grunt; Asta had awoken from his sleep as his face had hit the floor, which stirred the others.
"Owowowow!" He cried, "That hurt!!"
"Well--" Feodora said with a yawn, "--That's what you get when you use someone's shoulder as a pillow."
"Well it's not like they're pillows in here! What was I supposed to do?!" Asta said as he gave Feodora a look.
"Pain is an illusion and so is death." Donkey said in a monotone voice, making Asta and Feodora freeze and pale up.
"O-Oh, I kind of forgot you were here!" Asta said as his body shook.
"Are you doing okay?" Brenin asked Prism, "Did you sleep well--"
Brenin didn't have time to finish his sentence as he noticed that Prism had been holding her grimoire in her hands; the others had been quick to notice too.
"What in the name of--!?" Saorise exclaimed, "--Is that you're grimoire?!"
"U-Uh… Yeah?" Prism replied awkwardly.
"It looks so pretty!" Donkey said happily before his tone changed as well as his eyes as they shifted to green, "And fitting for an overlord!"
"How in mana's name did you--?!" Liam started to say before he said in a low voice, "--Last I checked the humans took your grimoire!"
"I know, I know but--" She said before she groaned slightly, "--I'm as confused as you are."
"Pri--!" Asta said, "--How in the world do you have your grimoire? Did you sneak it in somehow?"
"I--" Prism started to say, before they were taken back by a set of footsteps. It had appeared they were coming towards them.
"Oh crap!" Feodora said as she stood up, "Someones coming!"
"Hide it!" Brenin told Prism, "Quick!"
"Oooo! Are we playing hide and seek?!" Donkey asked in a happy tone of voice as his eyes were pink.
"This is not the time for your weird mood swings!" Feodora told him.
"Where am I supposed to hide it?!" She exclaimed with a whisper, "It's not like I brought my pouch with me!"
The light lemur, Elior soon spoke to her as he held out his paws towards her. With confusion, she handed her grimoire to him as it started to float while it illuminated a golden glow. Much to their own shock, it's mouth opened as wide as the size of her grimoire before it swallowed it whole; his size stayed the same small size like nothing happened. All of them, especially Prism, just looked at Elior in shock.
"Did Elior just eat your grimoire?" Asta asked, completely shocked.
"Bime i elena--" Prism said dumbfounded as she grasped her head, "--This poison hit me harder than I thought."
"... I wish that was me." Donkey said in a monotone voice, earning an awkward look from each of them.
"Wait--" Feodora said, "--You didn't know they could do that!?"
"This is kind of a first for me!" Prism replied, "Something like this has never happened before!"
"EH!?" Asta and Feodora exclaimed out of shock.
Neither of them had time to dwell on it, as the footsteps came closer. Prism quickly pulled on her shirt slightly, allowing Elior to hop inside before she readjusting it; Asta, Feodora, Brenin, Saorise and Liam had quickly collected themself, just as a familiar young man and woman--Blaise and Erin had approached the cells.
"Heyo Magic Knights--" Blaise said, in a sassy sort of tone, "--Hope y'all got a good night's rest! How's the cells treating ya?"
Feodora merely scoffed as she sat pretzel style, "Being in a cold dark cell? Been there--Done that pal."
Blaise flinched back, "Whoa, you've been around haven't you Ice Kitten."
Feodora growled at this for a brief moment her eyes had shifted to an ice blue color as a white streak came to; if it hadn't been for Asta placing his hand on her shoulder allowing the streak and eye color to vanish.
"What are you doing here?!" Saorise asked with worry, "What do you want with us?!"
"Ain't it obvious?" Erin said with a smug smile, "You're gonna participate in a game our leader prepared for ya."
"A game?" Prism said confused before she let out a cough, making her Familiars jump and rush to her side.
"Like we're gonna be doing that crap!" Liam said with a growl.
"Just let us go!" Asta said before he gestured to Prism, "Our friend is still infected by the poison! She needs to see a Healing Mage!"
"Oh no, no, no, no little bean." Blaise said as he swayed his finger, "You're not getting a second opinion on this."
"What?" Erin said as she went to open the cell door, "Did you think you were wearing those jade bracelets for nothing?"
"If you think we're gonna--" Brenin started to say before they were each taken back. The moment Erin tapped her staff onto the floor as six owls manifested before taking a hold of each of them shocking them.
"Like we said--" Bliase said, "--You ain't getting second opinions."
"Goodbye pretty lady!" Donkey said with a wave, "See you again so--" Donkey was suddenly yanked by the tail by Blaise causing him to squeak. "Oh no little Devil buddy!" Blaise said, "The boss wants you in on this little game too! Whether you like it or not."
"Wha--?!" Donkey exclaimed as he was struggling to get free. Blaise soon took hold of his wrists as he placed the jade wrist bracelets on his paws as it made him whimper.
"Hey! Leave him alone!" Asta said as he struggled against the talons.
"Let him go!" Prism pleaded.
"Uh--No. We don't think we will" Erin said as she soon motioned the owls to follow her, "Lets go."
The six of them struggled to break free as they were taken off to who knows where as they each let out their protests and screams.
-Ashtown -
Captains Fugeleon, Yami and Jack had been leading the small group towards the slum town that had been dubbed Ashtown; the small group of magic knights had consisted of Karasu, Pluck, Noelle, and the Triple A's. As they approached the entrance they could see staircases had descended; the stairs had been poorly made and nails that appeared to be creaking; even the railing looked unstable.
They could see the makeshift buildings that had been down below as it seemed as though a fog started to roll in.
"So...This is Ashtown." Yami said as he took a puff. "Well it lives true to its name."
"Captain, I don't think we can joke around on this matter." Pluck told him
"It--Looks kind of creepy." Aisling said before she turned to Karasu, "No offense."
"Actually, I'm with you on that." Karasu said.
"I can't believe the others are beneath this place." Noelle said, "I thought you said the Pack often moves around? So they wouldn't get caught?"
"Yeah, I thought that too, what gives?" Aidan added.
"Apparently they used to." Karasu said, "Though I guess since Hywel took over he thought it better to hide the Pack in one place where any Magic Knight Squad couldn't find them."
Fugeleon had said, "Just in case we need to make haste into getting the young Magic Knights and the Princess." He turned over to Yami, "Where does the map say she is?"
Yami opened the device as it showed the transparent map, "Underneath. Looks like there's a pathway we can take in the middle of the town."
"That's the main square. It's where what we consider markets are." Karasu said, "I'll take you to it."
Pluck had said with a look of determination on his face, "Then that's where WE'LL go!"
Pluck had been ready to run down the stairs, though before he could he felt himself pulled back; Karasu threw him roughly to the ground. "What are you doing?!" Karasu told him.
Pluck replied as he recovered, "What else? Going to save our squadmates."
"Well--" He soon said, "--In case you didn't notice, Ashtown hates anyone who's a part of the Magic Knights. Royals and Captains especially. If they so much as see you and the others around, let me tell you--They will stick your heads on a pike first chance they get to send a message to other Magic Knights.."
Pluck paled up before he gulped as he said "Oh that so?"
Jack had said, "KEKE--Let them try."
"You REALLY don't want that." Karasu told him, "We need to ditch the Magic Knight Robes and blend in in order to stay alive in this town, meaning--" He soon pointed over to Pluck, Noelle and Fugeleon, "--You guys can't be walking in there all fancy like."
"What?!" Noelle exclaimed.
Pluck had shouted, "NOW you tell us?!"
"Hey--You're supposed to be the smart one!" He said, "I thought you would have researched Ashtown by now, since you stayed in our era for a whole year!"
"He's got you there bro." Aine said.
Pluck said with a puff of his cheeks, "Damn it."
"You gotta be kidding me!" Noelle said. "I'm Roy-"
"These guys aren't going to care!" Karasu told her, "The moment they find out your a royal they WILL kill you!"
"Seriously you stupid Silva, quit using that as a damn excuse! We don't have time for that!" Pluck said.
"And not to mention, when they see how high strung and stuck up you are, they're gonna gang up on you and probably make you eat your own books! Or even Addeline, either way both options are pretty bad!" He told Pluck.
Pluck gasped as he flinched. "EHHH!?"
"QUACK!" Addeline exclaimed as she hugged Pluck.
"It wouldn't be our place to get rid of our Robes." Fugeleon said, "As Magic Knights we're meant to protect everyone in the kingdom and that includes the people in Ashtown."
Yami added, "I hate to agree but he's right, We can't get rid of these things, but what we can do is disguise them."
Karasu only sighed, as he rummaged through a bag he had carried as he pulled out a jacket. "Suit yourself--" He said, before he did something that shocked them. He removed his own Magic Robe before stuffing it in his bag, "--Don't say I didn't warn you. I'll meet you below." Putting his hood over his head he soon descended down the stairs before anyone could stop him; he had been cautious as he took each step.
"What's with him?" Noelle asked.
"I guess he's still on edge after what happened." Aine said.
"I wouldn't blame him." Pluck said, "But how are we supposed to go incognito?"
"Maybe we can push you in mud?" Aisling suggested.
Pluck only pulled down her hat as it had caused her shriek. "OH MY GODS, NOT THE DARKNESS AGAIN!" She exclaimed as she ran back and forth.
Pluck had been taken back as he felt himself get bonked by Jack as he let out a shriek.
"KEKE--This is not the time to be messing with your little siblings!" Jack said, "We got a Lizard Girl and your squadmates to save."
"Seriously?!" Pluck said, shocked, "You of all people are worried about Prism?!"
A threatening aura soon came over Jack as Pluck himself seemed to have shrunk before he told him, "Sorry right, Student and Teacher."
"AND IT STAYS THAT WAY--KEKE!" Jack shouted as it made him freeze up again.
"Uh--Not that I don't want to rush anyone or anything--" Aidan said, "--But we got our friends to save here!"
"Though seriously we can't just abandon our Magic Knight Robe--" Aine said, "--What are we supposed to do?"
Fugeleon soon had a thought come over him, "I think I have an idea." He soon said, which the teens had been taken back by.
"Wait captain...what are you--?!" Pluck asked before his face paled up as he had a look of realization, "Oh no.."
-A Few Moments Later-
When they had finally gotten to the bottom of the stairs, Karasu had nearly lost his breath at the sight of Pluck and Noelle. Not only had they been wearing cloaks to hide the Magic Robes, but the outfits they were put in had looked… Ridiculous--Yeah that would be the best word to describe it in Karasu's case. Pluck had been wearing underneath his cloak, what looked to be a light puffy shirt with ragged jeans and blue shoes. Noelle had a shirt with a light midriff on her chest as it showed her stomach as she had a skirt with light periwinkle shoes.
Karasu and even the Triple A's had been trying real hard not to laugh as they both had been embarrassed.
"What the hell are you wearing?" Karasu said with a snicker.
Pluck had replied with a grumble, "Don't ask.."
Noelle couldn't help but pout, "I'm can i be wearing such costumes like this?"
"We're doing it for the sake of the mission." Pluck said. "No complaining."
"I'm just gonna say it--" Aidan said, "--You two look like clowns!" He soon started to laugh along with his sisters, making Pluck turn even more red.
Pluck had told them as he had been embarrassed, "Don't make me pull your hat down!"
"That also means no arguing from you two." Fuegoleon said as he came in their view, as he had worn a simple vermillion orange shirt and blue pants with a green hood covering his cloak, "If you end up arguing like you usually do, you're gonna blow our cover."
"So what? You want us to act like the opposite?" Pluck asked.
"You just answered your own question, not us." Karasu said as Pluck flinched.
He turned to Noellle as he said. "Please tell me you all are joking."
"I don't think he is bro." Aine said.
"So if Pluck and Noelle have to act like the opposite they do--does that mean--" Aisling said before she gasped. "Pluck and Noelle sitt-"
Pluck immediately used his Gum-Gum Strickler to cover her face as she shrieked which made them jump.
"None of that." Pluck told her.
"Hey--" Yami told Pluck as he bonked him on the head as he himself had been wearing a black cloak, "You can be mean to your siblings after we rescue your squadmates. Now Take it off her."
Pluck groaned as he took the gum sword and removed it from Aisling as she gasped for air. "Seriously bro, that's no way to treat a girl!"
"I do it to everyone all the time even the stupid Silva." Pluck said.
"Well That's gonna spell divorce later." Aidan said.. "It's bad enough you argue on a daily basis."
"But she's a bi--" Pluck started to say, "--I mean a cow sule!"
Noelle only gave a look as she said while taking out her wand, "Repeat that again, Barbados. I'm a what now?"
"You heard me, a cow Sule!" Pluck said to her.
Noelle was about to use her magic but Yami and Jack beat her to it as they smacked him on the head causing him to yelp.
"Hey, He just said no arguing with Noelle." Yami told him
"KEKE--You two have to get along, even if you hate each other's guts!" Jack added as he had been wearing a cloak himself, before looking at Noelle. "That goes for you too, Girl!"
"ME?!" Noelle exclaimed.
"W-Well, what are we supposed to do?!" Pluck exclaimed.
"Simple--" Karasu said, "--Just act like you're a couple."
Pluck and Noelle gave him a look before they ended up shrieking. Pluck soon yelled, "Not hating her I can do, Maybe as a friend, But a COUPLE out of all things?"!
"I'm sorry--" Karasu said as he gave a look of his own, "--Do you WANT the residence of Ashtown to make it a SLOW--" Pluck's face paled up as Karasu continued, "--And a PAINFUL death when they find out your of royal stature?" At this he seemed to have shrunk as Pluck gulped.
"Yup--" Karasu said as Pluck himself had been visibly shaking, "--That's what I thought."
Noelle could only huff as she said, "I can date whoever I want but why pretend it's a Barbados out of a--OW!" She was taken back when Addeline whacked her leg with her stick as she said "ADDELINE!"
"QUACK!" Addeline exclaimed. "QUACK QUACK! QUACK QUACK!!" she made a gesture as she said "Quack Quack..."
Karasu had a look of confusion before he asked Pluck, "She just threatened her, did she?"
"That she did." Pluck said. "Also ADDI! You can't just say that to people!"
Addieline gave a huff as she turned her head, "Quack!"
"Anyway--" Karasu said as he adjusted his sword slightly, "--Let's go, stay close and whatever you do--Don't stare at it."
The group, except for the Captains, looked at him oddly. "At what?" Aisling asked.
"Any of it." Was what Karasu replied as he went ahead as it made the Triple A's and even Pluck and Noelle flinch. The group soon stepped into the town. Though it had been rundown and they could feel the mud and dirt beneath their shoes, they could see how lively it had been--It had been in their own way.
Most of them had flinched as they saw one person burning their hands while laughing hysterically, and another group looked to be having a match, which had been more like a blood bath.
"What the--" Pluck asked Karasu. "Don't tell me THIS is Ashtown?"
"Welcome to what was once my life." Karasu said with a grumble.
They soon heard the sounds of arguing.
As the person got the boot, Pluck immedally covered his siblings eyes before they heard an unsightly sound. Pluck, Noelle and the Triple A's couldn't help but cringe.
"That's gonna haunt me for weeks." Aisling said.
"Don't get used to it." Karasu said, "This kind of place is only filled with thieves like me, and psychos." He soon pointed to Jack, "No offense to this guy here."
"Watch it Crow boy." Jack said to him with a look.
The teens nearly jumped back when a cart had nearly hit them. "YOU'RE HOGGING THE ROAD YOU BRAT!"
"HEY, I'M WALKING HERE!!" Karasu shouted as he flipped the guy off. He soon turned to the others, "See? What did I tell you?"
Yami had said with a puff of his cigarette, "This town's a circus."
"Hey baby." One of them said as he made his way towards Noelle while he hiccuped, "You look cute. What do you say, me, you and the boys go to pound town?" he pointed to the bag of flour with smiley faces as it couldn't help but creep them out.
"N-No thank you, I'm seeing someone." Noelle said as she shook.
"Oh come on.." the guy said graggly. "Sure they might have put on some pounds but they're okay people."
"What she means is that she's with me." Pluck said as he held her close causing Noelle to blush. "Isn't that right sweetie?"
Noelle flinched as she looked to Karasu who only had a stare that meant roll with it. Noelle gulped as she said "W-why yes dear..See, this is my hu-hubba-bubba-ubba--err,"
"She can't even say boyfriend?!" The Triple A's exclaimed in their heads.
"Okay--Move along." Karasu told the guys, "If you don't mind, we're gonna head on over to the Poison Apple for a couple of rounds. Best be on your way--" He soon showed his blade to the people, "--Unless you want to be skewered."
Pluck and Noelle flinched as did the men. They only scoffed, "Whatever." One of them had said. Thus they went over to their own way as the teens breathed a sigh of relief.
"Now you get why you gotta pretend to be a couple?" Karasu told Pluck and Noelle.
"I can see that." Noelle sas she huffed "Honestly I would rather pick the Barbados over those creeps if we were the last people on earth.."
"Yeah-come again?" Pluck asked with a raised eyebrow.
Noelle flinched before she turned with a huff as she said "it's not like I like you or anything! It's only for this mission only!"
Yami soon looked at the device as he could see the map clearly. "We're getting close to the market." Yami said before he asked Karasu, "You said it's just up ahead?"
"Yeah, we should be--" Karasu started to say before he noticed something ahead. He could see a crowd had started to form nearby. They could hear sounds of cheering and what appeared to be chanting.
"What the--" Aisling said, "--What's going on?"
"Is it some sort of festival?" Aine asked.
"Oh no…" Karasu said as he could feel his arm throb. The group started to make haste as they had soon reached the crowd. They had soon heard the chants become clear.
Fugeleon had said, "we found him.."
Yami had said with a sneer, "he finally shows up."
They could see what looked to be a stage at the very center of the square. He had been standing in an arena of sorts. It had been large enough to fit a whole herd of cows.
"That guy is Hywel?" Aidan asked.
"This can't be good." Karasu said as he had gripped his arm.
Hywel had calmed the crowd with but a wave of his hand. "Friends--Brothers and sisters of Ashtown--" Hywel said, "--It is time for once again for the trail of the Royals and Magic Knights to be brought to justice. Because they are as unforgiving as the King himself! It's time to put them where they belong! Not even the Magic Parliament can judge the way we have!"
The crowd cheered causing most of the group to jump, as they each noticed how disoriented they looked and even dazed.
"Bime i elena!" Aisling said, "Did he actually turn a whole town into hating people like us?"
"Oh he's good--" Aidan said, earning a look from each of them, "--I mean he's a terrible guy, but he's pretty good."
"This guy, he makes me sick...even more than the royals are." Pluck growled.
Karasu had a troubled look, "... Something isn't right. What's he planning on doing with that arena?"
Yami had said, "Something bad I'm assuming."
"Though I am not one without mercy, like them--" Hywel soon said, "--I will give the ones who are guilty to fight for their lives. Bring out the prisoners!"
They could feel the ground shake a little before they noticed an opening upon the arena itself. A familiar set of golden owls soon flew up as they had been carrying a few familiar faces as they were struggling to break free; Erin and Blaise had been standing beneath them.
"It's them!" Noelle exclaimed.
"LET US GO!" They heard Asta shout as he had kicked his legs.
"PUT US DOWN YOU SON OF A TROLL!" Feodora shouted.
"Be quiet." Hywel told them, "You have no position to speak here, unless I allow it."
Pluck growled as he was about to get his sword out but Fuegoleon stopped him before he could even draw.
"Don't." Fuegoleon said. "You'll blow our cover. Have patience."
"What are we supposed to do?" Pluck whispered back. "We can't just stand here!"
"I know how you feel, But don't worry." Yami said as he had an aura but cloaked it so that they won't get noticed. "We'll strike at the right moment.
"Uh--" Aidan said, "--Is it me, or does anyone else notice that there's a fox of some kind?"
"Please, just let us go!" Prism pleaded, "You don't know what you're doing!"
"I think I do, little girl--" Hywel said, "--And I don't think I gave you permission to speak."
"Don't talk to her that way!" Brenin said.
Asta told Hywel, "She's right! You don't have to do this! Just let us go!"
"Sorry, that's not happening." Erin said.
"Not until you face your trail." Blaise said.
"Give us one good reason why we should!" Saorise said.
"... If you don't go through with it--" Hywel said, "--Then you WILL die. And just to show you I'm not lying--" His grimoire soon started to glow as he held up what looked to be a blue card. "Card Magic--Gambit's Bane!"
The card glowed a purple glow before to everyone's shock he tossed it towards Prism in particular. The entire crowd gasped as a hawk made of flames appeared out of thin air. The crowd had a look of shock, while the Captains and the young teens had a look of horror.
"No--!" Karasu said.
"Shit..." Pluck said.
"Uh-oh…" Prism said as her face had paled.
"So--" Hywel said, "--It's just as I've heard--You COMMAND Spirits."
The crowd had soon become agitated, and began to shout towards Prism in particular.
"Well you don't have to be rude." Donkey said in a sad tone of voice.
"No! I don't command them!" Prism said as the fire hawk sat upon her shoulder, "I don't command any of them! "
"Leave her alone!" Asta shouted, "She's not a devil!"
"You think about killing her and you answer us, you assholes!" Feodora yelled.
Hywel soon stepped towards Prism as he held a card close to her, "I don't know how exactly you have these Spirits do your bidding, but by the time I'm through with you--" He soon ran his hand along Prism's cheek which made her shudder and Asta and Feodora's expression had grown cold as did Brenin, Saorise and Liam's expression, "--You'll tell me how you have accomplished such a feat."
"That brute!" Noelle said, "How dare he!"
"Oh HELL no!!" Aisling said with rage in her eyes, "He did NOT just do that to our girl!"
"That little--" Aine said, "--I am getting--ANGRY!"
"I want to punch his stupid smug face!" Aidan said.
"Now i REALLY wanna teach him a lesson." Pluck said with a growl as he got his grimoire as Addeline came out with her stick glowing before she added "Quack..."
Yami said as he cracked his knuckles, "That Bastard."
"KEKE--I got the fingers!" Jack said. "You go for the legs!"
"How dare he treat the princess like that!" Fuegoleon added
"I vote we blow him up sky-high!" Aisling said as she had gotten out her grimoire, "Who's with me?!"
"No!" Noelle exclaimed as she swiped her grimoire from her before she could start up her magic, "Are you insane, you could blow them up too!"
"But he touched OUR girl!" Aisling shouted, "He's gonna get his ass blown up!"
Fugeleon soon told her, "Noelle is right, as much as we are infuriated, we can't blow our cover."
"Then how do we get to them?!" Aidan said, "Who knows what that guy is going to do to them if we don't do something!"
"He's got a point, if only we can sneak in." Pluck said.
"Quack!" Addeline suggested.
"Addi, no, this town is full of weirdos, you can't waddle on your own!" He told her.
Though Karasu gave a sneer, he couldn't help but give a look of suspicion, "... Hywel--What are you planning?"
"Now--" Hywel soon said, "--It's time for the punished to revive their judgment.. If they manage to survive they will be let go, but if they fail, their lives will be lost."
The crowd cheered as Prism, Asta, Feodora, and the Familiars flinched slightly, as Donkey looked nervous. "Okay that sounds pretty bad--!" Asta said.
"What the hell is he planning?" Feodora said.
"You're kind of in a bad place right now!" Donkey said as his eyes were still blue.
"Bring me the board." Hywel soon said.
"Board?" Prism, Asta and Feodora said confused.
Dylan soon stepped onto the stage as she had been carrying a jade box of some kind. It had an insignia of a chimera on it The Familiars expression had grown cold as they immediately recognized the scent as well as the insignia. He opened the box and they could see what looked to be a chessboard and pieces; however each of them appeared to be made of jade like the box.
"A chess board?" Asta said, confused.
"Are we supposed to be scared of that?" Feodora asked.
"The smell of rot--" Brenin said as his expression grew cold.
"A cursed item?!" Saorise said.
"But--" Liam said, "--How did he get a hold of that one?!"
"Wait, wait, wait, you know what that is?!" Asta said.
"Oh no--" Prism said as she had a look of horror, "--That's--"
Dylan handed the box to Hywel as he opened the contents. The Captains soon noticed the insignia on the cover of the box as did the Triple A's and Pluck.
"Oh Mana!" Aisling said, "Where in the heck did he find that?!"
"What is it!?" Noelle said, noticing how troubled and off they looked, "What's wrong?!"
"Is it a Cursed Item, like that totem?" Karasu asked.
"That's not just any cursed item--" Fugeleon said, "--It's the Devils Board."
Karasu and Noelle had a confused look on their faces.
"The Devil's Board?" Noelle asked.
"It's one of the really dangerous and probably one of the most high level of Cursed Items!" Pluck said. "And if he has it out of all people--"
"Wait, a minute, what's this Devil's Board supposed to do?" Karasu asked.
"Rumor has it's supposed to be a twisted version of Chess." Yami replied, "Back in ancient times, rich people used it on the poor for their own entertainment."
Jack had commented, "KEKE--And in the hands of this case, he's gonna do the same to teach the royals a lesson!"
"How do you know this?" Noelle asked as she looked to Pluck, and the Triple A's in particular.
"The Elders told us a story about it to scare us--!" Aine said, "--Saying that bad children would be forced to play for eternity!"
"But we always thought the Devils Board was a silly fairytale!" Aidan said.
"I don't think there's nothing silly about this situation.." Pluck said
"Okay but do you know how it works?" Karasu asked.
"No one knows how the Devil's Board works!" Aisling argued, "Not even Pluck knows and he's the smart guy!"
Pluck had said with a nod, "There's nothing in the books about that item, which proves how dangerous it is!"
The moment Hywel took the pieces and board out of the box it started to hoover with the red board. "I assume you're familiar with the game of chess?" Hywel said to Asta, Feodora, Prism, the Familiars and Donkey, "If you want to leave here with your lives, you just have to win only one game."
"That's it?" Feodora said, surprised, "You just want us to play chess?"
"Not us--" Hywel said, "--Only one of you will play. If they win, I'll let you go, if they lose--You know what will happen."
Erin soon tapped her staff on the ground as the owls dropped them to the floor with a grunt. "I'll give you a minute to decide who will play." He said, "Choose wisely."
Hywel soon backed up from them as Erin and Blaise walked to the opposite end of the stage as they had quickly huddled around. "You know I'd never thought I'd say this out loud--" Feodora said, "--But where the hell is our Captain when you need them?!"
"This human is just as crazy as the Bandits--" Liam said, "--I say we get the drop on him, and get out when he's down."
"We can't! It's too risky!" Saorise said, "Besides we don't even know what these items on our wrists can do!"
"Maybe we can pretend we're invisible." Donkey said in a sad tone of voice.
"We need to leave while we still have time." Brenin said, "Our chances in the town is better then here."
"But what about the other people trapped?" Asta said, "We can't just leave them down there!"
"He's right!" Prism said before coughing, "We're not abandoning them!" She soon looked over to Hywel, "He said we can leave if we win the game--If we can beat him, then he'll let us go."
"Yeah, there's nothing to it!" Asta said, "And when we win, we can get to Yami and the others then come back and help the people held prisoner!"
"You two--" Feodora soon said as the look on her face changed slightly. She soon sighed as she looked over to Hywel as despite his mask, she could sense the look on his face, "--That's not a good idea. I've seen people like him before--We are SAFER away from a man like him. If we play right into his hands, then it's only going to get worse for every one of us."
"But we can't leave them to die either." Prism whispered, "We need to help them--I need to help as both a Magic Knight and as a duty to my people." Her own look soon changed as the fire hawk's flames changed color, "--As much as I don't think I'm ready, but if I'm going to be Queen, we need to show them that we have to take initiative and to show those people that they aren't forgotten."
"It's still risky--" Brenin said, "--Are you sure about this?"
"It's a risk worth taking--" She said as she coughed again, "It's just like regular chess. Only I'll play to win."
The group looked to Prism as they each noticed that the purple mark had started to return on her. "Prism--" Asta said, "--Are you sure you're gonna be feeling okay?"
"I'm alright--" Prism replied, "--The poison isn't bothering me that bad since Feo sucked it out."
Saorise soon placed her hands on her shoulder, "I know you can do this--But as a duty of a Familiar, it's our job to protect you." She soon had a smile, "Let me take the reins in this."
"Are you sure?" Asta asked.
"Don't worry about it Asta--" Saorise said, with a wink and a smile, "--You're looking at the second best player of chess in all of Airedale!"
"Aw yay!" Donkey cheered as his eyes turned pink, "I love friendship and teamwork!"
It hadn't been long before they heard Blaise's voice come over them. "Heyo kiddos!" Blaise said, "You made a decision yet?!"
The group looked to one another before Saorise had stepped forward after she took a deep breath. "I'll be the one to play the game!" Saorise said, not realizing that the jade bracelets had lost its color, "But you better hold your end of the bargin!"
Hywel chuckled, "I'm counting on it."
The box soon floated towards her as did the board. Saorise heaved a sigh before she took the darker green shade of jade. "Alright--" She said as she placed what looked to be a knight on the board, "--Let's do this thing."
The moment she placed the knight on the square the board had soon become a lit shocking them. Asta was soon taken back when he saw the jade bracelets had become a lit. "What the--" Asta exclaimed as the bracelets on him had soon been surrounded by a green light; the others had a look of shock and horror.
"What's happening?!" Asta exclaimed before he disappeared, making them jump.
"Asta!" Prism, Feodora and the Familiars exclaimed.
The Captains, Pluck, Noelle the Triple A's had gasped in horror at what they had just witnessed. "Asta just disappeared!" Noelle exclaimed.
"Oh my Gods, he killed him!" Aidan shouted.
"That Bastard!" Pluck said.
"So That's The Devil's Board?!" Aisling said.
Yami and Karasu soon noticed the arena as it had started to glow. The arena had soon started to form a large chess board. "Wait--" Karasu said, "--This presence--"
Yami had said with a grit of his teeth, "so that's how he does it.."
The others on stage looked towards the arena, as they noticed Asta had appeared on the same box as the knight on the chessboard. Though they noticed he had been wearing armor made of jade, and even holding a sword that was of the same material.
"He's there now?!" Brenin said shocked.
"Oh thank goodness!" Feodora said as she was relieved to see that her friend didn't actually disappear.
"Asta!" Prism exclaimed, "Are you okay?!"
"Ye-Yeah, I think--!" Asta said, "--Though I'm kind of freaking out! My body literally disappeared into thin air!"
"Looks like you picked yourself a fine knight." Hywel said.
"You're a sick bastard, you know that!" Feodora told him with a glare.
"Too bad sister, that's how this game works!" Blaise said.
"Now choose your next piece!" Erin said.
Saorise could only gulp as she picked out one chess piece, which had been the bishop. The moment she put it in its place, Feodora started to glow.
"OH SHI--!" She started to shout before she vanished into thin air.
"Feo!" Prism exclaimed with worry.
Though in a blink, Feodora appeared on the board where the bishop had been; Feodora herself had been in a bishop's outfit as she held a jade scepter in her hand. Though she looked down at herself as she had been wearing a jade dress that had been too revealing as she could hear wolf whistles in her general direction.
"Well--" Feodora said with a nonchalant tone, "--I feel violated."
Pluck began to choke on his spit as it made them jump, before he groaned. "Why...Why is she--" He said as he started to have a nosebleed.
"Pluck, now's not the time for your weird hormones to kick in!" Aisling said.
Noelle smacked him on the head as she added, "Don't stare at her there, pervert!!"
Pluck had said as he had gotten a handkerchief to wipe away the blood. "That aside--we have to do something."
Saorise soon took a deep breath as she looked to the others. "Okay--" She said before she took hold of three more pieces, before placing them on the board.
"Saorise wai--!" Brenin tried to say before he vanished along with Liam and Donkey. It hadn't been a moment later before they each appeared on the board. Brenin had been dressed as a rookie, while it looked as though Liam had been another knight, while Donkey had been that of a pawn.
"YOU DARE PUT ME AN OVERLORD AS A PAWN!?" Donkey shouted, as his eyes were green before they shifted to blue, "Aw, I don't like this piece…"
Saorise soon looked over to Prism as she had been nervous. "Get ready Primrose--" She said as she took hold of all the pieces, "--There's a chance you could be next."
"O-Okay." Prism said.
With a deep breath, Saorise placed all the pieces upon the board at once; it had been a few short moments before a larger set of the pieces had appeared along the arena. Though to their own surprise Prism hadn't been on the board. She soon sighed with relief, "I guess, I'm not in the game." She said, "Thank Mana."
The others in the crowd sighed with relief as well.
"Well at least Prism's out of danger." Aisling said.
"Thank goodness." Pluck said, "She had me worried."
Karasu soon noticed the smirk Hywel had on his face as he took hold of his own pieces with the help of his magic. "No--" Karasu said in realization.
He placed them all on his side of the board as each appeared on the opposite side. Much to everyone's shock, the jade bracelets on her started to glow. She could be heard screaming as she vanished which made them all jump.
"Pri!" Asta exclaimed.
"Where did she--" Jack started to say.
"Don't tell me--" Fugeleon said as he looked to the opposite end of the board.
They soon saw Prism appeared on the opposite side of the board, as she had been in the Queen's place. She had been wearing a jade dress that looked too big to fit her as did the crown that had been sloppily put on her head; thankfully it had covered her ears as the spirits had appeared at the feet of her horse she was on.
"Pri!?" Asta and Feodora shouted.
"What is this?!" Liam exclaimed.
"TRAITOR!" Donkey shouted as his eyes were green again, "A POX ON THEE!"
"Why are you over there?!" Brenin said.
"I don't know!" Prism exclaimed, "You tell me!"
"Looks like your little friend is playing on my side." Hywel said with a smirk.
"Are you kidding me?!" Noelle exclaimed from where she stood, "You mean he can just do that?!"
"This means--He's going to make Prism fight them?!" Aidan said.
"That Bastard.." Pluck said as he gripped his grimoire. "He's gonna pay."
Pluck soon froze up as he could feel a death threatening aura behind him. The teens froze up as they noticed, Yami, Jack and Fugeleon each had their own glares.
"That guy--" Yami said with a growl.
"KEKE--Forget the fingers! I'm going for the head!" Jack said.
"Unforgivable!" Fuegoleon said. "Simply Unforgivable."
"O-Oh man!" Aidan said before he whispered, "I guess Prism had a REAL impact on them."
"Q-Quack.." Addeline added as her feathers shook.
Pluck had commented, "Yes Addi, this is Prism we're talking about."
"Hywel you damn bastard--" Karasu said with the grit of his teeth.
"No, no guys, it's okay!" Prism said as it had gotten the crowd's attention, "I'll just play terribly so you guys can take the win!"
Asta, Feodora, Brenin, Liam and Donkey each had a smirk on their faces. "Hooray!" Donkey said, sounding cheerful again, "I love sabotage!"
"Way to think of a strategy shortcake!" Liam said.
The six of them had been taken back when their jade bracelets started to glow. The crowd had gasped in shock as it had suddenly forced their hands close to their bodies. "What the--?!" Asta exclaimed, as he struggled to move, only for it to be pulled back in place, "--What is this!?"
"I--I can't move!" Feodora grunted as it ended up being the same result.
Liam and Brenin had tried to use their magic, only for it to end up in a puff. "Our magic--!" Brenin said, "--It's not responding!"
"Oh didn't I tell you?" Hywel said as he soon had a twisted smile. "While here, your movements can only be commanded by me and ONLY me and you--Saorise is it?"
"WHAT!?" Asta, Prism, Feodora, Brenin and Liam exclaimed.
"This is a bad place!" Donkey said, looking fidgety.
"Don't worry guys!" Saorise said with a reassuring smile, "I'll just play in a way where none of you gets hurt!"
"Are you sure you can play like that?!" Asta said.
"There's a first time for everything right?!" She added as she rubbed her hands together.
Yami soon cracked his knuckles as he said, "That Bastard is REALLY pushing it."
"Now can we do something!?" Pluck said as he looked to be twitchy.
"Not yet.." Fuegoleon said. "We have to wait for the right moment.."
"What right moment!?" Pluck exclaimed, "You see how this guy is! At this rate Pri and the others are gonna fight to death because of this psycho!"
"But we can't exactly go in there without a plan either." Fugeleon said, "If we do, it won't be just their lives to consider!"
Pluck clicked his tongue as he said, "Then what CAN we do?"
"Wait--" Karasu soon said, "--If this is really a cursed item we're dealing with--Then there has to be a way we can break it like with the totem!"
"You mean the totem that Pluck brought and changed him and Prism into animals?" Aisling started to ask before she was smacked by Pluck.
"Don't bring that up!" Pluck said.
"But Barbados just said this is a high level Cursed Item--" Noelle said, "--That means it might be hard. How are we supposed to break it?"
"We just have to find the weak points on this board!" Karasu said, "I have to get closer to the board in the arena."
Yami soon gave Karasu a bonk on the head, "That guy sees you, then our cover is blown and you can't exactly hide your presence with your mana. I'll go up there and have a better look."
"Hey, I can hide my presence just fi--" Karasu started to say before he was bonked on the head again.
Yami had told him, "Not with that bad luck of yours."
Jack soon said, "KEKE--They're gonna notice someone like you meathead! I'll go and check it out!"
Yami told him while giving him a look, "And let you take the fun? No thanks stringbean!"
Addeline soon came down as she said "Quack!"
"Wait, you too, Addeline?" Pluck asked. "But what if they see you?"
Addeline smirked before she gave a low voice, "Quack."
"Yeah you're small but how will you know this can work?" Pluck asked.
Addeline said. "Quack! Quack quack!"
"Huh...that can actually work." Pluck said,
"What's she saying?" Karasu asked., "Does she have a plan?"
Pluck nodded as he said "Addi's gonna find a way to destroy the board from the inside. She's gonna get close to the board they're playing on and try to see if there's a way to break it that way."
"Oh because she's small right?" Aisling asked.
"Wow for a duck, she's really smart." Noelle commented.
Addlie told Noelle with a prideful smile as she said "Quack! Quack Quack"
"Now, now Addi, it's not nice to brag." Pluck said before giving a smug smile. "Even though it's true."
Noelle gave a look as she said, "hphm, I don't even want to know what she said."
"That just leaves the arena." Yami said, "I'll take care of that--"
Jack soon argued, "KEKE--You mean me!"
"Hey Beanpole, I thought we agreed that I would get dibs?"
"Whoa guys!" Aisling said, "I know you love Prism but we got better things to worry about!"
"LIKE HELL THAT'S TRUE!" Yami and Jack shouted as it made Aisling jump back.
"Oh yeah, she's totally gotten to you two." Aidan said.
Pluck added with a nod, "100%!"
"He-Hey it can't be that bad right!?" Aine said, "I mean it's not like we have anything dire to worry about here!"
Up on the stage, Dylan had flipped a coin before revealing it had been tails. "The accused has won the coin toss--" She said, "--Therefore they will be the first to make their move!"
Saorise took a deep breath before she cracked her fingers, "Okay--If you want to play hard--Then I won't be holding back!" With a spin of the chess piece she placed the pawn on the second square.
The one Donkey had been next to started to move forward in position. "I believe in you comrade!" Donkey said in a happy tone of voice.
"What a bold choice to make--" Hywel said, as he took his own pawn, "--But I can definitely do one better." He soon put the pawn in position before the large piece started to move in the same spot. Though the crowd started to cheer when they saw his pawn form what appeared to be a beast of some kind. It bared its claws as it let out a roar before it took a swipe.
Everyone had jumped when the jade palm had been broken apart as the group had been frozen with fear as they paled as the beast reverted back to a pawn. Donkey especially as he couldn't help but fall to his knees. "I DON'T LIKE THIS GAME!!" He shouted as his eyes shifted to blue.
"OKAY WE CAN PANIC NOW!" Aine shouted fearfully.
Yami said as he clicked his tongue, "Can we strike now?"
Fuegoleon told him, "Go and find a way to break the curse."
"You heard the man, Addi." Pluck told her.
Adedeline gave a salute as she said "QUACK!" she jumped off as begun to make her way to the area. "Let's go!" Yami told Jack.
"KEKE--Don't gotta tell me twice." Jack said.
Yami and Jack quickly ushered their way through the crowd and towards the stage as Asta, Prism, Feodora, the Familiars and their new friend Donkey had been on edge as the game continued on.