Chereads / The Beast and the Sword / Chapter 60 - Journey of Dreams

Chapter 60 - Journey of Dreams

She could hear the sound of thunder crashing around her as she found herself dashing through the clouds, and lightning that rained around her. Adrien had been trying to do his best to bring her through the clouds as she kept the bundle close to her. She could hear voices all around as she felt herself shaking.

Despite it's incoherent words, she could hear only two words that had been clearer than the day itself.


"Keep going, bud!" She told Adrien, "Just keep going!"

She could hear the bundle whimper as it appeared to be in pain.

"You'll be okay, I promise." She told the little bundle.

Like many times before she found herself falling as Adrien let out a shriek as they toppled over onto the ground. She could see the spear embedded in his neck as foam formed in his mouth; she held the bundle protectively as she could hear the voice coming closer and closer until suddenly… It stopped.

Despite her shaking she started to sing the first song that came to her head.

A-As the stars, sta-start to al-align

I-I ho-hope yo-you ta-take it a-as a sign

You--You will be--Okay

Everything will be okay

And if--The Heaven's crash aground

I know--You'll hear the trumpet sound

You will be oka--

She suddenly felt herself freeze as all of a sudden swish. This time, what had differed from before she didn't scream, instead she fell to the ground as her pupils dilated, while she still held the bundle in her arms. She felt her vision become hazy as she could feel the sting in her chin and neck as she couldn't even speak though her breathing became labored. All she could make out was a set of red eyes staring down at her before she heard the sound of a loud piercing roar.


"Your highness! Your highness!"

Prism found her eyes wide open as she had her eyes wide open and practically gasping for air, as she didn't realize that had been shaken by William in an effort to get her to snap her out of it. The spirits appeared to be in a state of distress as they looked as though they were losing colors and shifting back to what they looked like originally.

"Prism!" William said, "Prism, it's alright. You're alright."

Finally Prism slumped over and ended up passing out as William allowed her head to rest on his shoulder; the spirits had reverted back to how they were as they started to gather around her again. Adrien let out a worried chortle as he nuzzled his head against her own.

Asta, and Feodora peeked through the door as they had a look of worry.

"Captain William?" Asta said, "Is everything okay? We noticed that the Spirits--"

"It's alright." William replied, "The Princess seemed to have had a nightmare."

"Seemed like a pretty bad one, seeing as how they reacted." Feodora said, gesturing to them.



Asta and Feodora both let out a shriek when Pluck came jumping out of the door, though out of reflex, Feodora ended up smacking him across the face as he let out a shriek of his own. "Whoops--" Feodora said, "--Sorry Stuck Up."

"Gee, don't worry about it." Pluck said as he gave a leer while rubbing his cheek.

"Seriously you scared us!" Asta said, "I thought you were cleaning up the living room with the others!"

"I was till Brenin, Saorise and Liam simantousely gasped for air." Pluck replied, "I had to check on Prism, is everything okay?"

"It seemed like it was a bad dream Pluck." William replied, "Though I can understand your concern."

Pluck immediately turned red as he maintained his composure, "i-it was nothing.."

"Is Prism gonna be okay?" Asta asked, as he noticed that some of them had been almost struggling to maintain their color, "Do you think we should wake her up?"

"No, it's better if she rests." William replied as he stood, "Though if you don't mind, will you keep an eye on her, while I discuss the manner with the other Captains?"

"O-Of course." Asta said.

"No problem." Feodora said.

Pluck said with a salute, "Yes sir!"

With that William went inside the house, though not before telling them, "Let us know if it happens again."


Yami and Jack had been in what had been the study of the house as they had been examining the now cracked mask of the fox they had gotten from the thief that had tried to take Prism the week before. The only one that had been in the room with them had been Karasu as he didn't seem to be nervous at all--Rather he had been just confused as they had been.

"Huh, well for a couple of thieves, to have a name like that is ridiculous." Yami said as he took a puff.

Jack added, "KEKE--it's like they're asking to get skinned."

"How are you a Captain again?" Karasu asked as he shuddered.

Yami took a puff from his cigarette, "So this Fox's Pack--You sure they never thought about trafficking people before?"

"It's like I told you--" Karasu said as he spoke calmly, "--They never resorted to that sort of thing, it wasn't worth the time. All they did was break into a noble's home, and only took the most valuable thing and something they don't pay attention to. We take what you neglect, is how they would put it. They wouldn't kidnap people, especially in broad daylight."

Jack had said, "KEKE--sounds like the rules have changed!"

"Would you know who they would hit, if they wanted to swipe someone in broad daylight?" Yami asked.

"Well theoretically if I wanted to kidnap someone I'd pick a mark that won't put up much of a fight." Karasu said, "Like a child, younger sibling, or even a baby. I wouldn't target people that seem like they could kill me in one shot or someone that has a grimoire like mine unless I was desperate."

"You sound like you've done this before." Yami commented.

"Hey, I said theoretically." Karasu said as he put his hands up, "Never have I ever kidnapped someone or attempted. Wasn't a savage."

"KEKE--Think these thieves will make a hit on the Princess again?" Jack asked.

The look on Karasu's face changed, "If I know those guys--They never leave a job unfinished."

Yami and Jack's expressions soon changed the moment he said that.

"Well, that won't do." Yami said as he took a puff, "If they end up finding out she's the real deal, we can't exactly cover that up even with Mushroom Head's magic."

"He wiped out the memories of Prism from those other entries at the Entrance Exams." Karasu said, "What makes them any different?"

Yami merely told him, "That was because he knew the amount of people. Thieves like what you used to be are everywhere in the capital. Word will get around fast and all hell will break loose. Meaning there's only one way around this."

Karasu seemed to have gotten the idea as he noticed the look in his eye as he let out a huff, "... You want to find and silence the current leader of the Fox's Pack."

"Not exactly silence--" Yami said, "--Rather take him in for questioning. If he does know of the bounty and puts two and two together about the Lizard Girl then Mushroom Head can do something about it."

"KEKE--I beg to differ." Jack said, "It'll be easier if we slice him up!"

"How are you a captain!?" Karasu had exclaimed out of confusion.

Yami had argued, "Are you stupid? You trying to get your sorry ass in trouble?"

Jack had told him as his magic became active, "KEKE--are you trying to stop me?"

Yami said as his eyebrow twitched, "what? Are you asking to die now?"

Karasu soon gave it some thought before he spoke up again, as he took them back a little, "... I think I can help you find the leader. The Fox's Pack hideout never stays in one spot as a precaution in case they are compromised. I still have connections back in the slums and around the capital. They'll know where they are."

"Huh? How so?" Jack asked.

"You have your ways of finding people, I have mine." He replied, "The only thing I'll ask is for you to give me time."

Yami looked to Karasu who had a look of determination, he gave a sigh as he said "Alright, then. But your source better be reliable, and they better not say anything."

"Don't worry--" He said, "--I know what I'm doing."

Soon enough they heard a knock at the door, before it opened with a click as it was revealed to be William. "I apologize for interrupting." He said, "If I could have a moment of your time?"

"We're done for now, Crow Boy." Yami said, "You can go."

Karasu nodded before he went out of the room, leaving the three captains alone. "There's been an issue regarding her highness." William said.

"Hmm? What kind of issue?" Yami asked

"She suffered a night terror." He replied, "And her Spirit friends around her reacted to her fear. Thankfully they haven't attacked, but who knows how long it will stay that way."

Yami sighed as he said, "those brats, i'm still pissed that they did that stupid challenge, i'm giving them EXTRA extra chores today and I'm gonna double up on Liam's training that way they'll learn."

Jack had added, "KEKE--might as well add an extra chore too as punishment. Maybe we should take the training that I do with my squadmates!"

"What are you insane?" Yami said.

"Whatever happened to her in that storm seems to have really affected her." William said, "If we let this drag on, then she could hurt others or worse herself." The look on his face soon changed, despite his mask covering most of it, they could see it, " The only way to help her, is if she confronts this nightmare that's plaguing her."

Jack and Yami only gave William a look after he suggested it. "I know how it sounds--" William said, "--But we all know that these nightmares she spoke about, will only get worse. She can't keep running from them."

"KEKE--In other words she has to face them head on!"Jack said.

"I take it you got a plan?" Yami asked as he took a puff.

"I have one--" William said, "--And her name is Dorothy."

Yami couldn't help but doubletake at this sort of thing. "Wait, her? You want to bring in Dorothy?"

"If anyone can help her, it's her." William reasoned, "With the kind of magic she has, she'll be more than capable of helping her."

"KEKE--Like we have a choice!" Jack said

Yami rubbed the back of his head as he said, "well, might as well head on over. Should we call her?"

"I was thinking---We go to her." William said with a smile.


"Prism--Sweetheart. It's time to wake up."

Prism let out a groan as she opened her eyes at the sound of her mother's voice, only to find that she had been moving and not to mention she was outside. She found that her hood had been over her head as she noticed she was being carried. "Wh… What….?" She groaned tiredly, "...Wha… What's going on…?" She looked around, as the Spirits that hid in her hood spoke to her, "This isn't the back porch…"

"You're right, it's not."

She soon noticed the sound of Yami's voice, though had been quick to realize that she had apparently been on his back.

"Yami…?" Prism said as she could feel her exhaustion taking hold of her again, "... What's happening…?"

"We're on our way to see another friend of ours." Yami told her.

"A… Friend?" She asked.

She could hear the sound of the door opening before she could no longer feel the sun; she figured she might've been inside somewhere. When she looked around the area again, she noticed where she had been. "The Magic Knight… Headquarters?" She said tiredly.

"Yep." Yami said. "And hopefully her magic can cure your night terrors."

Prism could only groan in response before she yawned, "... Wanna sleep…"

"Nope." Yami said as he gently shook her. "Wait till we see her, and the last thing we need in another episode."

"...We?" Prism asked tiredly.

It was then she noticed William and Jack had been at his side as she rubbed her eyes. "Hi…" She said as she gave a wave.

"Hello." William said, "Still feeling tired?"

"Immensely…" She groaned as she rubbed her eyes, "... Wanna shut my eyes… For five minutes…"

Yami gave her another shake as he said "No. Take one shut eye, you die."

"Meanie…" She said, weakly hitting his head.

Jack commented, "KEKE--even her hits are weak."

Yami sighed as he said "how much longer?"

"Not long." William replied.

The three of them soon noticed a young man just down the hall standing by a door. The young man had been in his twenties as he had been wearing a Coral Peacock vest. His hair had been long and parted and was tied back into a braid that went across his hairline and he had a thin band around his head.

"Oh there you are! You kept your sweet time coming!" the man said

Yami couldn't help but let out an annoyed groan, "'s you."

"Who's… He?" Prism yawned.

"The Vice Captain of the Coral Peacocks." William replied, "Kirsch Vermillion."

"...Oh…" She said, dazed, "... That's nice…"

"And this must be the future ruler of Clover!" Kirsch said as he bowed, "It's an honor to be next to someone who is as beautiful as me."

Prism only smiled tiredly as she blushed with embarrassment, "It's nice to meet you too…"

"Is Dorothy here?" William asked.

Kirsch replied as he appeared to have done a pose, "why of course! She's just waiting for you in the room!"

Yami said as he suddenly pushed him out of the way, "okay enough theatrics, just let us in."

"How rude!" Kirsch said as he fixed himself up, "I was just about to do that!"

Kirsch went to open the door as Prism could see that Dorothy had been in the middle of the room as she had been sitting sleeping soundly like she had been the first time she had seen her. Though she had been a bit shocked to see that a bed had been set up.

"Why is there--" She said in a tired tone, though she looked fearful, "--What's going on…?"

Yami told her as he got her off his back, and set her on the bed, "don't worry about it kid."

"Yami, what's--I don't--" Prism tried to say as she only had a look of worry, though the spirits had started to lose their color.

"It'll be alright." William said, as he placed his hand on her shoulder to keep her still, "No ones going to hurt you."

Yami added, "you can trust her. Don't worry."

"But--" Prism said, "--I don't understand--Why did you bring me here?"

William's gaze soon softened before he told her, "Your highness--I understand why you've been afraid of the nightmares even before you made your way to the capital. But you should know that this isn't something you can run from forever. Sooner or later, you have to face this."

Prism didn't seem to have understood what he was saying as she looked even more confused. "Dorothy here has dream magic." Yami soon told her, "That's why she's basically asleep all the time."

At that moment, it seemed to have clicked for her as she sat up. "You--" She said as she shook, "--You want me to relieve that dream? About the storm?"

"Not necessarily." William said, before he sat at her bedside, "We are hoping you can help Dorothy walk through it at your own pace. Whatever gave you those scars might hold the key to what happened to you, and why you disappeared in the first place."

Prism couldn't help but think back to the storm as her scars burned; her face had paled as some of the spirits became discolored. "I…" She said, "... I don't know if I can do that…. I don't want to go through it…" She looked at her hands, like she had been expecting something to be there, "... That dream, it felt so real--Like, whatever attacked me actually--" She couldn't bring herself to finish her sentence as she felt sick to her stomach just thinking about it.

She soon felt Yami's hand on the top of her head as she froze. " he said, you can't keep running forever. This fear of yours will eventually limit you in your state and we can't have none of that. In order to surpass your limits you gotta fight your fear head on. Even if it's scary."

"But I don't know if I can…"

"You won't know unless you try, kid." Yami told her.

Prism still looked troubled but felt the exhaustion take over her again before she yawned. Yami soon pushed her back into the bed as her eyes started to close shut.

"Beanpole--" She could hear Yami say, "--Stand lookout would you?"

Jack had told him as she could see him flipping him off and as he went towards the door, "KEKE--don't tell me what to do, meathead!"

"Don't worry your highness--" William said, "--We'll be right here. We won't go anywhere."

Yami added, while placing his hand on her head again, "rest easy, lizard girl. You're in good hands."

She could see Dorothy's grimoire float by her side; and as if she had been wide awake, she had placed her hand over eyes as the world turned dark.


The second she opened her eyes, she felt herself falling through the air as she couldn't help but let out a shriek as she did. The air had been rushing through her hair as she instinctively covered her face to avoid the debris that would hit her. Though she had been taken back when all of a sudden she felt her back hit something soft before she found herself… Floating?

It was then she realized what exactly had been around her as what appeared to be a large rocking horse passed her by, which made her jump at the sight. She saw cookies both large and small pass her by as well as a floating hot spring as even though it was upside down the water didn't spill, even what looked to be a grandfather clock with odd looking numbers and even a set of plush toys.

She soon let out a squeak as she found herself landing on what appeared to be a bed of primroses.

The moment she had recovered, her eyes soon started to sparkle in awe, "Bime i elena!"

The world she found herself in had been practically filled to the brim with clouds in the color of pink and magenta; she could even see a streak of colors go across the sky as butterflies that were silver and white flew by her. The river ran upward as the waterfall looked to be going towards the sky filling a lake above. Prism looked around and saw most of the animal plushies had been alive and moving with ease; each one had been hopping on clouds or even swimming in the sea above.

She had been even taken back when she noticed a large mammoth plush step above her as it had sauntered it's way through the land.

"Wow…" Prism said in sheer awe.

Suddenly she found the world shaking slightly as she could see the animals start to run; she looked above her head as she noticed the clouds started to move and even take shape. It formed in what looked to be a door of some kind as it opened as it nearly blew her off her feet. She could see a blinding light coming from it as it became a vortex of some kind.

She couldn't help but let out squeak as she nearly found herself falling over again. She felt the winds become stronger as it had been practically sucking everything inside. It made her nervous as she noticed that the center had started to ripple. She could hear someone inside, saying something incoherent until—


The winds soon calmed the moment a person came through the rapid tornados. He looked to be a man with shaggy looking hair and had been wearing a simple shirt with pants and wearing a set of slippers; though strangely enough his entire clothes and even his hair looked to be entirely made of sand right down to his hat, and even from the tip of ears that appeared to be that of deer.

"Phew!" He said as he fixed his shirt brushing off the dust before he allowed the vortex to vanish with a snap of his fingers, "That's one way to make an entrance!"

"What in the world?" Prism said shocked.

He soon took notice of the young girl as he soon held a wide shark tooth grin, "Hey there sport! Sorry I was late, I was dealing with a nightmare!"

He soon snapped his fingers as he looked to have a cane that had been transparent, before floating down towards her. He soon did what looked to be a tap dance, before he bowed his head.

"Who are you?" Prism asked.

"Why I'm the bringer of dreams!" He replied, "The happy ones at least! I bring only the finest of my dreams to every man, woman and child in Clover and other Kingdoms, since before you were even born! I don't want to brag, but you're my favorite and have presented to you only my finest work whenever you're asleep!"

It took all but a moment for Prism to process, as she soon realized who or in this case which Spirit she had been staring at right now. "I've seen you before, in Uncle Nolan's book--" Prism said before her eyes brightened, "--Are you the Spirit of Dreams, the Sandman?"

"Correction, I am THE Guardian of Dreams!" The man--Sandman had told her, "The only one of my kind since the dawn of man and magic! I'd often come by and visit you to give you some of my most pleasant dreams! And I have to say--You have a nice subconscious Prism!"

Prism looked a bit shocked by this as she felt the need to clean out her ears at the sound of her own name. "How--" She said, "--Do you know my name?"

"Oh, I know LOTS of things!" The Sandman replied as he spun his cane, "It comes with the job as Guardian of Dreams, so I could know my people personally!"

The Sandman soon gave his cane a tap as his feet touched the ground. "For instance I know your full name is Prism Aurora Clover instead of Silvamillion, the Princess and future ruler of the Clover Kingdom!" Another version of himself soon walked out from behind him, "Your magical beast name is Adrien!" Another one walked out from behind him as it shocked her, "Your Best Friend from Childhood is Pluck Baxton Barbados and his magical beast, Addeline but you always call him Plu-Plu!" Another version soon came up from behind her as it nearly made her shriek, "Your scared to death of failing, and not to mention, ghosts, getting angry, and the Elders from Airedale!"

A fourth and final one split off of him as he looked to be thinking, "Annnd--" His eyes soon lit up, "--Oh! This is interesting!" He chuckled as he had a devious little smile, "You spend A LOT of time thinking about that anti-magic boy!"

Prism's face began to turn as red as a tomato before She began to sputter "w-wha-wha-who-w-who--buh--buh--buh--w-wha anti-magic boy--i d-don't kn-know anyon-one l-like the-that w-a-ant-magi-ic t-that's new--t-to-to--me!"

"Ooo give details, give details!" One of his clones said.

The fourth one started to whisper in his ears as they each had devious little smiles on their faces, making Prism's face turn redder. "Whew mama!" One of them said, "That IS scandalous~!"

"HEY!" Prism couldn't help but shout, as her face was still red with embarrassment, "Is there a reason why you're here?!"

"Oh yes, of course!" The Sandman said. With a snap of his fingers the clones merged back with him before he spun his cane again, "Now normally, I wouldn't let myself be known around mortals, but every, I'd say give or take, a few millions years, I pick one lucky winner to be their own Jiminy Cricket through the world of dreams when dealing with someone with Dream Magic or even through their nightmares! And your sport is the lucky winner this time around, since you were favored by the Spirits themselves!"

Prism lost the red in her face as she looked intrigued, while she thought about what he was saying. "So what you're telling me is--You're my personal guide."

All the Sandman did was give a smile as he gave a thumbs up to Prism as she couldn't but giggle at how silly he looked. The thought soon hit Prism as she had a look of realization, "Oh right--Dorothy brought me here. Yami, William and Jack brought me to see her." She soon looked around again, "This must be done by her magic."

"It's a mixture of your subconscious and her own magic really." The Sandman said leaning on his cane, "In simpler terms, Dorothy Unsworth is a visitor in your dreams, via her magic!"

"Really Unsworth is her last name?" Prism said, a bit shocked.

"You'd be a surprise sport!" The Sandman said giving her a pat on the back, "Now I bet she's waiting for you to meet with her ri--"

Prism had suddenly been taken back when something came flying by as it knocked her over again, this time she nearly fell off the bed of flowers. It would've been the way were it not for someone catching her before she found herself falling through the clouds. It was then she found herself staring into the eyes of a blue and purple from the looks of it.

"Heya sweetheart!" She said with a smile.

Prism let out a squeak as she was suddenly dropped down, but suddenly found herself floating which couldn't help but freak her out.

"Whoa now! Don't freak out girl!" She said with a laugh, "After all it's only a dream!"

Prism looked shocked by this sort of thing as she realized who she had been looking at, "Captain Dorothy?"

"You got it!" The woman--Dorthy said with a smile, "And you're the one and only Princess Prism Aurora Clover! It's a pleasure to finally meet you face to face, your highness!" She soon noticed the Sandman who had floated down beside them.

"And I take it, you must be one of her spirit friends that likes to come visit!" Dorthy said.

"Milady!" The Sandman said as he tipped his hat.

"You know me? But no offense, weren't you asleep the whole time?" She asked.

"Well just because I was asleep all the time, doesn't mean I wasn't any less aware! And I gotta say, you're much more cuter than I'd thought you'd be!" Dorthy told her.

Prism couldn't help but turn red at this as she immediately went to hide her face, which caused Dorothy to giggle at the expression she made. "Bi-Bime i elena, you're WAY more different than I imagined you to be!" Prism said nervously before she added softly, "Definitely nothing like Reve."

Dorothy said with a smile, "Aww, you even sound adorable! But I'm getting ahead of ourselves, why don't we relax?"

With a snap of her fingers Prism found herself falling back into a sofa which surprised her as it soon floated down onto a set of clouds before Dorothy herself fell back into a lounge chair. "Care for some tea?" Dorothy asked as she snapped her fingers before a teapot poured in a cup.

"No, I really shou--" Prism started to say before she noticed the scent, "--Bime i elena, is that chamomile tea?!"

She soon took the cup as she almost immediately took a sip from the cup before she couldn't help but have a smile of bliss on her face. "Oh my Mana, that is so good!"

"I'm glad you like it!" Dorthy said with a smile. "It's a dream after all! The possibilities are endless!"

"Amazing!" Prism said, "Y-you wouldn't happen to have some snacks with you?"

"Do I!" Dorothy said before she snapped her fingers and plates of pastries appeared; some had cupcakes, some had pies, and even one had a pot potato. Prism's eyes sparkled at the sight as she couldn't help but squee.

"Oh my gosh--" Prism said in awe, "--This is the best dream ever!"

"Thank you!" Dorthy said with a smile. "Now that you're comfortable, why don't we discuss the matter at hand?"

"Sure of course--" Prism said before taking a piece of apple pie, "--What was it again?"

"Oh, you don't remember?" Dorothy said, "Well that's no surprise, when you first enter a dream."

"What do you mean?" She asked as she had been halfway through her apple pie slice.

Dorthy clarified, "well tell me, how have you been sleeping these past few days?"

Prism flinched at this sort of thing as she nearly choked on her pastry before she looked oddly nervous. "Well…" She started to say as she tapped the table, "... It's a uh--Not that great."

"Because of your nightmare you've been having?" Dorothy asked.

Prism looked shocked by this as she nearly fell off her chair making Dorothy giggle, "How did you--?!"

"Like I said--" She said with a smile, "--I'm pretty aware even when I'm asleep. Now anyway, I understand that the nightmare you have is about the storm, the one you vanished in from the stories, is that right?"

Prism nodded at this as her hands shook slightly which had Dorothy soften slightly. "There, there now--" She said as she patted her hand, "--I understand why it would trouble you, believe me I do. It must've been traumatizing for you."

"It's… Not just that." Prism soon said honestly, "... The nightmares about it, I've been having lately. It's never the same."

"Oh?" The Captain said with a raised eyebrow.

Prism looked even more nervous as she didn't even realize the clouds started to shift into a different color. "The nightmares--Lately they keep on changing. It always starts me in the middle, but whenever I get to the end of it all, different things keep happening to me."

"Like what exactly?" The Sandman asked before with a tap of his cane, the clouds reverted back to pink.

Though Prism still shook, she had tried to recall, "The first one--I can't really remember that well, but--I think, maybe I was fighting…"

"Fighting?" Dorothy said, "You were fighting?"

Prism nodded, "But then, everything turned red when something in the clouds attacked me."

"Do you remember what it was you were fighting?" The Sandman asked as he had been filing his nails.

"No…" She said, "... At least I don't think so."

"And what about the recent nightmare you had?" Dorothy asked, "Do you remember anything from that?"

Prism did her best to recall as she thought about the dream she had. "All I remember was… I was singing a lullaby before I heard… A roar, I think."

"Was it from your raptor, Adrien I believe his name was."

Prism shook her head in reply, "Adrien's roar didn't sound like what I heard. It sounded angry not to mention, it was in pain."

Dorothy soon thought it over as her expression seemed to have gotten the idea. "I think I might know what the issue is here!" She said as it had confused Prism, "All these different nightmares you've been having are confusing you! You've been having fake dreams dear!"

"Ooo, that's a new one!" The Sandman said, "I like you lady!"

Prism looked even more confused as she appeared to be processing the information, "Most of the dreams I've been having… Are fake? But how could they be fake? They're from my own head."

"That's exactly why!" Dorothy said, "When someone is traumatized it's not uncommon for them to get all their stories mixed up! So much in fact you can't tell what's left or right, or up or down! This must be why you've gotten so confused sweetheart!"

Prism started to think about it as she thought back to the other nightmares she had thus far as it seemed to have become more clear, "... Now that I think about it. The nightmares I saw didn't make any sense. One of them even had Plu-Plu in it, which I always thought was weird."

"Exactly!" Dorothy said with a snap of her fingers.

"I knew choosing you was the best idea!" The Sandman said, "Walking through your head is gonna be interesting!"

"Wait, wait, wait--!" Prism said, "--If most of the ones I have are fake, then what are we supposed to do about them?"

"That's actually simple--" Dorothy said, "--All we have to do is determine which ones are the fake!" She soon stood up from the chair, "--We might as well get started shall we!"

"E-Eh!? Right now?!" Prism exclaimed before she found herself being pulled from the chair, "Like now, now?!"

"Sure, there's no time like the present as they say!" Dorothy said. "And off we go!"

Soon, a pink cloud began to form around them as Prism found herself falling through; the set of clouds had blinded her for a moment as she ended up hanging onto Dorothy for dear life. Until she opened her eyes as she found herself in front of a set of doors that had been binded together with chains.

"Wha-What is this?" Prism asked.

"Welcome to the door of nightmares!" The Sandman said, "The one place where your fears and anxieties are stored!"

Prism walked towards the door, as she placed her hand on the surface, "All my negativity is in there?"

"Everyone has something like this." The Sandman explained, "Though every now and again, the fear behind the door ends up slipping between the cracks."

"If your fake dreams are anywhere, it's in there." Dorothy said.

"You mean to say I'm gonna have to go in there?" Prism asked as she shook.

Dorthy replied, giving her a pat on the shoulder, "yep yep! It's the only way we're gonna see what the real one is!"

"O-Oh, good." She said with a gulp, "So this is what Yami meant by helping me? Talk about being tossed to the wolves."

Dorothy said with a laugh, "That's dear Yami for you!"

"Dear?" She said a bit taken back.

"Anyway, let's get the door open, shall we?" The Captain said, rubbing her hands together.

Prism took a deep breath as she went to approach the door, though she was soon stopped by the Sandman. "You better let me open it for ya sport." He said, "If you end up letting out all of that negativity it can change you ya know?"

The Sandman soon stepped forward towards the door with his cane in hand and tapped onto the large door twice. She jumped as she saw a light illuminate from it before something more accustomed to their size opened up as it had been surrounded in a golden light.

When the doorway had opened it revealed what appeared to be a thick black void. "And there we are, the entrance to the storm dreams!" The Sandman said, "Now, I should warn you, when it comes to dreams like this one, things are unexpected, they're never to memory, never in the right order, and always at random!"

Prism could only gulp as she stepped forward towards the door, though she showed hesitation stepping inside. She found her hands shaking as despite her in the dreamworld she could feel the anxiety in her chest rise a little.

"Come now dear, no time like the present!" Dorothy said before giving Prism a good push.

She found herself falling through the door as Dorothy and the Sandman found themselves floating in the dark void; the light from when they had entered started to fade. She found herself breathing unevenly as she could swear they were falling. It was then she heard the sound of thunder which made her freeze.

"Here we go." The Sandman said with a smile.

The flash for a moment blinded Prism as she let out a scream; out of instinct she ended up hugging Dorothy as she had been practically on the verge of hyperventilating again when she heard her own voice repeating the scene until--


A bolt of lightning suddenly struck her arm as she saw her fall off of Adrien tumbling onto the ground with the bundle in arms. "... Wait a second…" Prism said as it seemed that her posture had changed. She removed herself from Dorothy as she walked over to herself on the ground. She could see a fresh wound on her arm, about the size of her own scar. She looked to her own arm as she compared it to the one on her dream self.

"The lighting… " Prism said as she brushed her fingers over the scar, "It didn't make this…"

"Oh, it didn't?" The Sandman asked, "There a reason for that sport?"

"I remember reading about it once." She said, "When lighting strikes someone or an animal, it's almost as though your body explodes. It's not concentrated. Almost no one can survive it. And call it crazy but--" She could feel the phantom pain in her arm act up, "--But I think this scar was made after I was attacked..."

Dorothy looked satisfied at this sort of thing as she had a smile, "And there's the first step dear." She looked at the Sandman, "Do you mind?"

"Not at all." The Sandman said.

With a tap of his cane, the very nightmare they were in, began to crumble and break apart. By the time everything had crumbled, Prism found herself sitting in a white void.

"See?" Dorothy said, "That was easier than you thought it was gonna be."

Prism soon stood as she couldn't help but have a look of confusion, "How--How did I know this dream was a fake?"

"Because you didn't think outside of the box before." Dorothy answered, "See, fear has a funny way of working with people. We get so scared we forget about the little things we missed. We keep up like this, and we'll find the real nightmare in no time."

Before Prism could say anything more, she suddenly saw the world begin to blur around her. "Oh, looks like it's time for you to wake up." Dorothy said.

"Already?" Prism asked, "But it hasn't been that long."

"In here it may seem that way--" Dorothy said, "--But out there, it's been awhile. So, we'll have to continue with this another time." She soon tipped her hat as she gave Prism the peace sign, "I hope you understand your highness!"

"O-Of course." Prism said, "But how am I supposed to wake up from a dream if you laced it with your Dream Magic?"

"That's quite simple!" She replied, "Just use your imagination"

Prism looked confused for a moment though did what she was told. She took a deep breath before she shut her eyes and concentrated. She didn't seem to realize that a door had seemingly grown from the white void before opening. She only seemed to have realized it when she heard a click from a door. At the end of the blue lit pathway, she could see where she had gone to sleep.

"Well that worked!" The Sandman said.

"You're a natural at this!" Dorothy said, "Are you sure you didn't have dream magic like me?"

Prism smiled as she shook her head, "I may not remember my magic, but--I know for sure it wasn't like yours. But it wouldn't be so bad if I had it."

Dorothy giggled, "Not only are you adorable but you're fun too!" She soon bowed her head, "I look forward to working with you again Princess Prism!"

"And I can't wait to see more of your work." Prism said, "But please, Prism is just fine. Still not quite used to the title."

"Whatever you say sweetheart!" She said, as she went through the door, "See you in your dreams~!"

Prism waved Dorothy goodbye as she could see her vanish the moment she stepped into the doorway. "Well then little lady--" The Sandman soon said, "--It's been fun meeting you, but I gotta hurry on and spread my other dreams, and keep the bad ones at bay!"

"You mean you're not coming back with me?" Prism asked.

"I'll be back when you're asleep--" The Sandman said, "--But I can't go to the real world. Like I told you, I don't allow mortals to see me. Only exception was you and Dorothy, since she has Dream Magic." He soon gave her a pat on the shoulder, "Though when you fall asleep tonight, know that I'll come back and give you some of my best work!"

Prism smiled at this sort of thing, "I think I'd like that."

The Sandman soon took a bow, "I bid you adieu my good lady! Until later tonight!"

With a tap of his cane, the Sandman vanished with a puff of his own sand. Prism then turned to the door, and went to step in. Or at least was about too, until she heard an odd sound. Or rather… An odd voice.

"Hun… Gry… Hun… Gry…"

She turned around to see what it was, but found nothing to be in there.

"Was my head playing a trick on me?" She wondered aloud.

She soon shrugged before she turned to the door and stepped through it; her body had vanished the moment she set foot inside. What she didn't seem to notice was that a set of white eyes had been watching her. Its own mouth had been salivating as it could only utter one word.
