-Royal Capital: Magic Knights Squad Hospital (Later that Day)-
The Black Bulls as well as the Golden Dawn had reported back to the capital as planned though they could sense the atmosphere that had been surrounding them. By the time they arrived at the hospital in the royal capital Prism, as well as Brenin, Liam and Saorise were taken towards the upper floors. Usually from what Asta and Yuno had understood it had been where the Captains were placed in case they were ever.
They figured considering Prism's title she had been a special case. The others had been treated for their injuries, including Feodora as some of the mages staffed their work to seal Feodora's wounds.
As for Asta, and others who had non-life threatening injuries most of them had been put in the same room as some of the mages assisted with healing up their wounds. Though that didn't seem to have stopped a certain someone as he had been trying to get out of the room despite his muscle pains.
"I keep telling you sir, you need to stay in here!" A healing mage said as he had been struggling to pull Pluck away from the door, "You're still injured!"
"But i still need to see Pris--I mean Primrose Vera! She needs my--" Pluck said before he spat out blood.
Yukiko sighed as she tossed Pluck over her shoulder like he had been a sack of potatoes, "Pluck, they're in the middle of healing her, and she's with a member of our family, I think she'll be just fine going without you for five minutes."
Pluck had argued, "But still, she has some explaining to do!"
"I know she does but we don't want to overwhelm her when she wakes up." Yukiko said before she tossed him on the bed, "Now stay in there and let the mages do their work."
Pluck said with a huff as he crossed his arms, "Fine."
"You know--" Arfau said, as he had been in a set of bandages, "--She's being well taken care of, I mean she's got your captain--"
Pluck simply said "Stop."
"He's just saying Plucky." Fafanar said as he had been in a set of bandages as well.
Noelle had sighed as she had been seen in a simple white dress as she said, "How are you the friends with the princess again? And why am I in the same room with the guys?!"
"That's what I want to know!" Morwyn said.
"I told them to get us separate rooms." Pluck said. "But they gave one to Karasu and even Luck, because they said he asked nicely. I didn't wanna get stuck with the spoiled princess."
"He did ask nicely, even Luck." Yuno said as he gave him a look making him flinch as he had been in a set of bandages, "You basically screamed at them before your Captain threw you in here."
Pluck had said as he stuttered, "I had to be assertive somehow!"
"Uh-huh." Yuno said as he didn't buy it.
"You scared the poor guys!" Morwyn added, "I think they were new."
Pluck groaned as he said "still i'm fine with everyone else, aside from her and four-eyes speaking of, why does he have to be here too?."
Klaus had said as he fixed his glasses, as he had been sitting in his own bed, "I was wondering the same thing about Barbados, but they told me the other rooms were full."
Pluck said to Klaus, "like i'll believe that."
"You didn't Mr. Mother Hen." Noelle said with a raised eyebrow.
Pluck turned to Noelle as he said, "Bite me, Spoiled Princess."
Asta had been laying back in the bed as he had been wearing the spare clothing the hospital had provided; he had held his headband in one hand as he couldn't help but have a thought while Nero sat at his side. "Hey--" Asta said, as he had gotten the group's attention, "--You think Pri's gonna be okay?"
The group couldn't help but soften their looks as they wondered the same thing.
"I'm sure, she's fine!" Fafanar said with a reassuring smile. "After all, Plucky's been telling me she's the best warrior they got back in the guild! Right bestie?"
"Yeah." Pluck said. "Pri's a fighter. She got this...except...what if her recklessness really got the better of her--THAT DUMMY! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF IF SHE DIES!"
"I'm sure she'll be alright." Mimosa said, "She's being well taken care of by the top healers in the kingdom." She soon looked down a little, "I'm just ashamed I couldn't be of more help."
"Maybe you shouldn't call her a dummy?" Yuno said, "I know she told me she grew up with you but she's a bit smarter than you peg her for."
Pluck flinched as he said, "eh? Really? How so?"
"You haven't seen her in Hage like we have." Yuno replied.
"How are you friends with her again?" Arfau questioned.
Morwyn added, "Yeah, I'm wondering myself. I mean--Is she blind?! Did her parents drop her when she was baby?"
"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Pluck immediately shouted as they flinched, "Her parents took care of her just fine! And they were new parents mind you!" He soon had a thought come over him, "Then again so was my folks when I came around."
"It's true." Yukiko added.
"Precisely my point Mother hen" Noelle said.
Pluck simply tossed his gum sword on Noelle's hair as she screeched. "Pluck--" Yukiko said in a stern tone making him flinch. "Mind you she got her injuries fixed. Don't add on to them.."
"S-Sorry." Pluck said with a shake
"I'm still worried--" Asta said, "--What if the Captains are mad at her for what she did?"
Yuno's look soon changed as well, "That's true… They were pretty upset when they got to the entrance."
"Well of course they're mad--" Yukiko said as it surprised them, "--I can't tell you how many times she worried her folks with all the danger she put herself in to rescue a magical beast or when she went out hunting with my son and the other warriors in training."
Pluck flinched as he couldn't help but recall, "Or the time she saved Addi from that trap..and ended up dragging me into her dangerous expeditions. And not to mention that time she saved my dad's rooster from that rex he decided to pick a fight with." He shuddered at this, "Dark day in Airedale."
"What was that about a rooster?" Klaus said.
"And what's a rex?" Fafanar asked.
"But--" She soon said, "--They were only mad at her because they were worried and scared. I mean I couldn't blame them, she's their first and only child. The Captains are worried about her too, I could tell. You may not see it in some of them, but she's made an impact on them, even Jack of all people, and you've seen how he is with them in general. In a way I guess you can say they've taken the role as her parents. Though a certain couple of them don't care to admit it."
"... Even my brother?" Noelle asked curiously.
Yukiko replied, before she gave Noelle a smile, "Even him. We were surprised at first, but we could tell he was speaking from experience."
Noelle only looked down at this as she said softly, "I-I see."
"Prism did get me out of my shell as a kid." Pluck added. "Before I used to be so scared before she helped me up."
At this Morwyn and Arfau began to laugh hysterically, which made Pluck give them a look.
"You? The smart guy was scared?!" Morwyn aked.
"Nice joke man!" Arfau
Pluck started at them before he said "Get em, Addi."
"Quack!" Addeline shouted before she ran up to the siblings and gave them a whack with her stick as they both let out a collective shriek. Yukiko soon turned to Asta and Yuno, "They'll give her a scolding sure, but they won't be too harsh with her. She's still basically a child after all."
Asta and Yuno looked to one another before they both made a decision. Asta soon stood up from the bed after he adjusted his headband on his head while Nero hopped onto his head, "We'll go check on her after we see Feo."
Pluck's jaw dropped as he said, "ehh?
"Are you sure?" Mimosa asked, "They could still be healing her."
"We have to try at least." Yuno said.
"Pluck?" Asta soon asked as Pluck flinched, "Do you wanna come?"
Pluck stuttered a little bit before he regained his composure and replied, "yeah sure!"
Yukiko sighed as she shrugged, "Fine--But if Prism is awake don't you go overwhelming the poor girl, you hear?"
He sighed as he said, "Yes, Mom."
"Wait--" Klaus said just as they went to leave the room; he soon stood up from his own bed. "I have something I need to say to you both." Klaus said.
Asta and Yuno looked confused at this sort of thing as Klaus had approached them. "I'm so--" Klaus started to say, before he took everyone back when he hugged them both "--Sorry!"
Most of them looked at one another as they couldn't believe their ears, not to mention what was happening before their very eyes; Pluck especially as his head had been practically steaming.
"I'm so ashamed that I didn't acknowledge you just because you were peasants! And I didn't even acknowledge your friend because she was from the Diamond Kingdom!" Klaus said, as he tightened his grip on them, "Both of you--Even Feodora are magnificent Magic Knights of the Clover Kingdom!"
Asta and Yuno looked shocked by this sort of thing as they felt something in that moment; neither could describe what it was, but they just felt like their chest had been lighter.
"Talk about a personality shift.." Pluck said as he was trying to ease the smoke with Addielines help.
"Uh--Klaus?" Yuno soon said, "Klaus?"
Klaus seemed to have snapped out of his trance he just now realized how tightly he had been holding them. "You're crushing us--" Yuno said.
"We can't breath Lord Four Eyes!" Asta said as he coughed up blood accidentally.
"What?!" Klaus said as he broke the embrace, "After I just--"
Asta gave a laugh as he smiled, "Who knew you were such a good guy four-eyes?"
"What do you mean by that, you fool?!" He exclaimed.
"Annnd he's back." Pluck said as his head stopped steaming making Addeline have a look of shock.
"You're just too serious Klaus." Mimosa said, "Kind of like how Barbados is."
Pluck flinched before he said "Shu-Shut up! You're just as worse as the Stupid Sil---OWOWOWOW!!"
Pluck had been cut off abruptly as Yukiko had pinched his ear harder then she did before, "You just don't ever learn do you?" Yukiko said, "You must get that from your father."
Pluck had exclaimed, "EH?! NO I DON'T!"
Noelle chuckled slightly as she said, "he's more of a dork when he's not mean.."
"Huh? You say something?" Yukiko asked her.
Noelle flinched slightly before she blushed, "I said nothing! He just needs to learn some manners that's all."
"Oh don't worry, he's gonna learn a thing or two about manners--" She said as she soon twisted Pluck's ear causing him to whimper as she gave a smile that looked calm, yet he could sense the menacing aura from her, "--Isn't that right dear son of mine?"
Pluck said as he sniffled a little as his voice sounded high pitched, "Yes mother."
-Fifth Floor; Captains Floor-
Most of the floor had been empty so that they could each have their own privacy; and it had been the perfect place to hide a certain princess, especially since their resident go to healing mage had been busy. Though this person in particular had to use his own methods for bringing down her fever, removing the crystal shard and healing her eyes.
Her now ruined jacket and shirt had been long since removed and her hair had been undone as she had been still laying on a surgical table. A man--An elf to be precise looking to be in his late 40s wearing long blue coat with rectangular glasses, he had short shaggy white hair and peach fuzz along with fair skin as he was focused on the task at hand. He had just finished removing a stray crystal shard from the side of her stomach as he placed it on the tray a little spirit had been holding for him as most of them had been gathered around her.
"I swear to Gods--" The man said, "--She gets this recklessness from that human side of hers."
A strange creature with bear claws soon came through the open window as it looked to be disfigured and it's head had been twitching.
"3+1+2+3+1+2+3+1+2+1+3+3--" It said took a step towards him; it's voice had sounded distorted and almost demonic, "HO-HOW MANY TIMES--DI-DID I MUL-MULTIPLY?"
The creature looked ready to attack the man, but soon let out a shriek as Yami tossed some salt in its face. He soon grabbed the creature--Tainted before he punched it out the window as it let out a shriek. Yami said while taking a puff, "Who cares, take it somewhere else."
"While I appreciate you taking care of the Tainted--" The man said as he continued his work, "--Would you mind keeping it quiet? I can't work with the noise."
Yami merely told him with a shrug, "fine i'll work quietly."
Another Tainted had crawled down from the ceiling as it looked to be that of a spider; though it let out a shriek when Jack ran a dagger through its head. Within a few short moments it had vanished into dust.
"KEKE--What a pain!" Jack said.
"Can't help what we can't control." The elf had said calmly as he continued his work, "Just be thankful they're easy to get rid of."
"Do you two have to be in here?!" Charlotte asked Yami and Jack as her own face had been red, "The Princess is a lady you know!?"
Yami had told her, "So? What's the big deal?"
"KEKE--it's not like you can take on these pests!" Jack said as he stabbed one with the same dagger as it let out a shriek.
Yami told him as he dumped salt on a Tainted he had pinned, "Hey beanpole, you're doing it wrong."
"Noises, please." The elf said, adjusting his glasses slightly, "If I end up messing up that's on you."
"Relax, aren't you fast with your hands, Speed Surgeon?" Yami said, taking a puff.
"It's Naotoshi, Captain Yami." The elf--Naotoshi said.
After taking another shard from Prism he set the dish aside before he stood. "There--" Naotoshi said, "--I think I managed to get all the shards. As long as she doesn't aggravate them, this wound will heal within a few weeks. A week at most depending if these little ones will help out with the progress."
"What of her other injuries?" Jack asked.
"One moment please--" Naotoshi said as his grimoire floated beside him; his grimoire looked to be a cobalt blue as the cover looked to be of a lighter shade as a set of clouds had surrounded the clover insignia.
"Sky Healing Magic--Raining Sunshine."
Soon enough a set of small clouds formed just above of Prism before they started to produce raindrops in the form of light. They hit parts of her body as most of the burns along her arm started to fade as she looked more at ease.
"The burns aren't serious, it won't leave scars--" Naotoshi explained, "--Most of my magic will do its work on the deeper ones though they will have to heal naturally. Her eyes however are another story."
"What do you mean?" Charlotte asked.
"Well based on what the Golden Dawn newbie told me, she might be undergoing some effects of her new grimoire." Naotoshi explained as he tapped the cover, "Don't know how the hell it happened or how she got her hands on one despite the fact she's fourteen, and a five leaf like the other guy but it seems like there's a set of rules she has to follow unlike the other grimoires. It appears if anger ends up getting the better of her something like that might happen again."
"Will she be able to see?" Yami asked.
"She should count herself lucky she'll recover her sight at all." Naotoshi said, "She'll be able to retain it after a few weeks of rest, but if this happens again I and maybe even Owen might not be able to recover her sight."
"KEKE--Well looks like making sure she gets a cool head will be added to the training list!" Jack said before stabbing a Tainted in the eye as it screeched before it evaporated.
"You sure you're okay with taking her back to your base?" Natoshi asked as he looked at Yami after he dressed Prism once he bandaged her, "There's a lot more of these things then usual."
Yami had answered, "Well yeah, she's my squad member plus it's my job to make sure she stays alive and well and granted i'm gonna give her a scolding later."
Naotoshi sighed, "Ana latta as me--You sound like Zeid, it almost scares me." He soon wrapped a set of bandages around Prism's head before he did the same over her eyes, "Keep an eye on her, make sure she eats enough, gets the rest, and change the bandages daily, and for the love of Gods DON'T let my nephew hoover her like he's a goddamn hawk."
"That's the idea." Yami said with a puff.
Naotoshi sighed as he placed Prism's ruined jacket and shirt in a bag, before he handed it off to Yami, "Then I'll leave her in your care like usual Captain Yami. If there's any problems you know where to find me."
Naotoshi went to open the door though just as he did, he and the Captains were met with the oddest sight. Pluck had been standing there with what looked to be a hammer as he had been ready to swing it with full force. "Well, well--" Natoshi said as he crossed his arms, "--Looks like I spoke too soon."
Pluck laughed nervously as he still held the hammer, "H-Hey U-Uncle Naotoshi. Thi-Thi-This isn't the bathroom! I must've gotten turned around!"
"Take it up with them." Natoshi said, pointing to the Captains. Pluck paled as he saw Jack had already had his blades out and Yami had a menacing aura to him as well as Charlotte. Pluck started to sweat up a storm before he began to make a mad dash down the hall. All the while he shouted, "ANA LATTA AS ME!!"
Jack shouted, as he ran after Pluck, "KEKE--GET BACK HERE!"
Charlotte only groaned as this time she pinched the bridge of her nose, "... Men…"
A couple of weeks had passed since they returned from the mission, and by orders from Yami himself, he told them to take it easy, after all the craziness they had to endure. It had been hard for most, especially for Pluck since he practically stayed up late nights in his study sessions and not to mention he had a stern talking to by his parents. Liam and Saorise had a bit of trouble adjusting at first, especially since they had been wary of strangers. Though after a week had passed, they, or Saorise at least seemed to have gotten along with everyone rather quickly.
Well, mostly everyone.
Much to the Black Bulls own shock, they found that Liam had been camping outside despite the fact that he was technically still in recovery. His personality seemed to show more, as even if one of the members had been near him, he would either glare, growl or threaten them.
Most would think it would be long before he actually trusts them.
As for Prism--Let's just say she was a bit restless, more so than usual.
She had mostly stayed in Yami's room for the time until she had regained her sight, though he made it clear to her that she wasn't allowed to leave unless she had been with him; that is when she had to attend to her… Needs.
She would usually listen, though this time around she had other plans.
Prism, wearing her nightgown, with her hair tied in braids, had been leaning on Adrien for support. Her eyes had still been bandaged as there had only been a faint flush of red. She groaned as she could feel her wounds acting up a little as well as her fever. At one point she nearly collapsed though Adrien had been quick to hold her up as he let out a concerned whine.
"I'm okay bud…" She replied with a reassuring smile, before she scratched his head, "... I'm okay."
Adrien soon started to walk slowly with her, though just as they approached the staircase she ended up bumping into someone. "Ow--" She groaned before she rubbed her nose.
"And where are you going?"
Prism flinched at the tone of voice; she had realized she ran into Yami. "Yami?" She said, as she tried to fix herself up a little, "He-hey! I was just uh--Gonna take Adrien out! He uh--Got restless!"
Yami took her head as he said "Restless huh?" he turned to Adrien as he said "hey bud, you wanna take a walk?"
Adrien only shook as he squawked nervously. Prism only laughed sheepishly, "Se-See? Restless!"
Yami nodded as he said "yeah no." She had been taken back when Yami picked her up off the floor. Before she knew it she had been back in the room as she was tossed onto the bed not too gently as she let out a squeak of surprise "stay." He noticed some little footsteps walking before he grabbed what appeared to be Addeline as he added "hey, that means you too, Stay away."
"Quack!" Addeline shouted.
"I mean it." Yami told her, he soon turned over to Prism, "And you, stop sneaking out of the room and stay there till your wounds heal."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Prism said, "I just--Got a little hungry. I was trying to see if I could find the kitchen to at least get some bread, maybe some soup though I kind of got lost, so I whistled for Adrien and you know--"
"And you didn't let me know why?" He asked her.
"Uh--" Prism said as she twiddled her thumbs, "--Force of habit? Also you kind of weren't here."
Yami took Addeline before he looked to Adrien who had been hiding in the corner, as he said "you get her soup"
"Qu-Quack, quack?" Addeline said as she pointed to herself while Adrien tilted his head.
"You're strong right. Go get her soup." He told her.
"No-No wait! You don't have to do that!" Prism said, "I can get it my--"
Yami told her sternly, "Let them get your food."
Prism had been taken back by the tone slightly though she sat on the bed as she put her hands together, "Okay."
Yami nodded as he took Addieline as he said "Now fly" he tossed her as Addeline shouted "QUACK!!!!!!!" She soon ran into Adrien causing him to let out a shriek before falling over; though he quickly recovered as he ran down the hall. Yami soon turned to Prism, "Now explain to me how you keep getting this door open."
"Plu-Plu showed me." Prism replied as she played with her braid; she didn't realize Yami froze up a little, "He--Locked me in a closet and timed me when we were kids."
"Sword boy taught you huh?" Yami said as he took a puff. "Well, I'm gonna go have a little chat with him." He soon did a double take back as he asked "wait he locked you in a closet and timed you?"
"He thought the pressure would be good for me--" Prism replied before she possessed a fearful look as she recalled, "--Though to be honest I was terrified. It was really dark and scary, and there were--" She started to stammer as she shook, "--Gh-Gh-Gh-Ghosts in the dark."
Yami raised an eyebrow as he asked "Geez, what did he do to you?"
"He said he was preparing me to be a warrior!" She argued.
Yami only let out an annoyed groan, "Yeah Definitely gonna have a chat with him.. it's one thing to be a bookworm but this crap..
"He--Did have a strange way of doing his methods." Prism said before she smiled a little, "But he said he was helping me so that makes it alright."
"Really?" Yami asked "That's helping you? More like the opposite if you ask me.."
Once again Prism had been taken back by his tone, before she looked a bit nervous, "Yami it's okay, it's not like I got hurt or anything."
"You think that but it sounds to me like he was hurting you." Yami said "and I bet not even he knew that."
Prism was about to say something though she found it to be pointless. No that was the right word, rather--She had a sudden thought come over her as she sighed.
"What did I tell ya." Yami said as he took a puff.
"I guess I didn't really think of it being that way--" Prism said as she pulled her legs towards her chest, "--Guess, that's just me being a dummy again."
Yami sighed as he said "maybe...but...at least you're a smart dummy now rather than a regular dummy who didn't know better."
"That--Remains to be seen." She said as she didn't sound convinced. Yami had been quick to notice the change in her tone of voice as she didn't sound as cheerful. "Plu-Plu got one thing right--I am just a dummy girl, even though I'm the top warrior in the guild…" She said, "... I mean… I didn't say anything about me being sick, and--I nearly got everyone killed."
Yami soon sat on the bedside, as Prism felt herself bounce a little on the mattress. "So what was that about?" He asked her as he took a puff, "It wasn't you just reaching your Familiars was it?"
Prism sighed again, "I don't know… I guess the truth is, I was trying to see through to a promise which is now shattered at this point. All my life, my parents looked after me, and protected me from being taken by the Advisors and Bandits, but I felt like I was a burden, even after I became the top of the guild. I've always seen my parents as the perfect role models. It was like nothing phased them and I really wanted to be like them, so that I could help them. Something like a cold shouldn't bother anyone right? But no--" She soon crawled under the covers to hide herself as her voice started to crack a little, "--Like a dummy, what I imagined was nothing more then some stupid fantasy that should've stayed in my head. And like a dummy I didn't listen to the voice in my head and ended up burdening everyone like I always have when I was growing up… Some Queen I'm gonna turn out to be."
Yami sighed as thought about what to say to the poor girl as he could hear her sniffling; the little spirits shifted to blue. It soon came to him as he pulled some of the covers off of her as he said, "No, you're not a dummy. Granted, you do things that really dumb, but that doesn't mean you're not a complete idiot. To be frank, you're smarter than you look. A dummy wouldn't go risk her life to protect her friends would it?
Prism took a deep breath and only shook her head in response, as she had been laying on her side. Yami soon gave her a pat on the head, "Hey try not to think about it too much, just rest. I'll give Sword Boy a little chat about this as well."
"... Are you mad at me too?" Prism soon asked as she sniffled, "About--Me not saying anything? And not keeping my word?"
Yami sighed as he said, "well no..that'll be pointless..I mean i'm mad..but i can't stay mad at you forever."
Though Prism had been blind, he could see that she didn't look quite convinced. "Hey come on--" He said tapping her head a little, "--This isn't a trick, I promise." He soon got her to sit up as he soon gave her a hug which shocked her, "trust me when i say i'm not mad at you. Though you are DEFINITELY not gonna do something like this again. I'm gonna make sure you're better prepared for it when push comes to shove."
Prism seemed to have taken his words to heart before she returned the hug. "I know this is a lot for me to handle--" She soon said, "--I know things are different when the world wasn't as complicated, but, I'm smart enough to know I'm not cut out for any of it. I want to get stronger so I can protect everyone, but--I'm afraid… I might--" Yami could feel her grip tighten slightly on the back of his shirt as her body started to shake again, "--I don't think--Maybe I--I might not ever be--" She soon sighed again, "--I'm sorry, I don't have the words."
Yami soon patted her head again, "You're gonna be the Queen someday, even the greatest of leaders make the boldest moves and from the looks of it, you're halfway there. The first part of being a ruler is strength and I'm not just talking physically. You have the potential, you just need some help."
"... You really think so? "
"Who said I was thinking it?"
Prism's body had stopped as she had taken the words to heart again. Her smile soon returned as she felt the weight off of her chest had been lifted. She soon let out a squeak as she suddenly faceplanted on the bed.
"Now stay in bed." He told her, "I'll go get the food."
"But I thought you had Addi--" She started to say as she recovered.
"I did, though knowing the duck she got distracted." He said, "Now stay put."
Prism could hear the door slam shut before she sat on her knees on the large bed. The little spirits sat along her shoulders as she had a thought come over her as she tilted her head.
"Did I just imagine that… Or did he sound embarrassed?"
-Kitchen Area-
Some of the members that could still stand after the dungeon were put to work in the kitchen as per Yami's orders. Much to the dismay of Pluck, he had been put on cooking duty and Noelle was his assistant, while Asta had been helping Karasu and Feodora in peeling and cutting the vegetables. Yukiko and Cadfan had been supervising the whole endeavor.
Karasu had been sitting on a chair that was provided while his leg had been resting on a stool with a pillow, while Sachiko had been at his side, handing him a vegetable to peel after he had been done with it.
Pluck couldn't help but think as he was cooking up the meat "Everyone else i can handle but...did they had to make the Stuipid Silva my assistant?! "
"Just wondering--" Noelle said as she had been doing her best to mince the garlic, "--Do we have to eat meat everyday?"
"Of course, it's all about protein!" Cadfan said.
Yukiko had added, "We have to keep it up on a daily basis."
"You know we CAN cook something else other than meat." Pluck said.
"Pluck, you know how expensive other food can be!" Cadfan told her
"We're LITERALLY and i hate to repeat the Stupid Silva words, Royality, we can buy other foods!" Pluck retorted
"You can take that up with our resident captain." Yukiko said as he flinched a little, "If not, then I guess you can go without food for a few days."
"And for the record, This 'Stupid Silva' has a name." Noelle told him.
"You sure you should talk while you cut the garlic after what happened last time?" Pluck asked with a raised eyebrow causing Noelle growl before she could curse at him.
They soon heard Feodora let out a cry as she dropped a potato she picked up. "You okay Feo?" Asta asked.
"Yeah--" Feodora replied as she rubbed her back shoulder, "--These damn scratches acted up on me again."
"Maybe she can sit this one out." Pluck said. "Out of all of us--"
"I'M FINE--Stuck up." Feodora told him, as she picked up what she dropped, "I've dealt with worse then this."
Pluck raised his hands as he said, "Just suggesting, don't shoot the messenger." Pluck turned to Noelle as he said "Finger."
"Huh?" Noelle said before she noticed that she had been noticing the knife had been close to her finger as it caused her to jump. "Woah, that was close."
"See Pluck." Cadfan said. "Isn't it better to have an assistant you can watch out for."
"If it was anyone else sure." Pluck said as he turned his head and turned red while he added seasoning, "i just warned her so she doesn't get her gross blood all over the meat."
"You're blushing son." Yukiko said.
"Out of Embarrassment!" Pluck said before some of the Oil splashed his hand as he winched a little. "Ach Damn it all!"
Karasu sighed as he leaned back, "At this point you're bickering is gonna be the death of me. More then I could say for the dungeon."
"Just like a couple huh?" Cadfan asked
"DAD!" Pluck shouted
"How are the others adjusting?" Asta asked, "Liam and Saorise I mean?"
"Saorise is out exploring with the triple A's." Yukiko said, "As for Liam--Well--"
"--Still not used to us humans huh?" Feodora asked.
Cadfan nearly gave a wave, "Ah, he's just being him. I bet he's out in the forest hunting like he did back in our village. It really helps to take his mind off of it."
"With the injuries he's got?" Karasu asked.
"Isn't that dangerous?" Sachiko asked.
"What can we say? He's a tough guy." Yukiko said, "Plus he's a Therian so he's got an animal side. Even if his vision is a bit wonky he'll still have his other senses." She soon smiled at them as she noticed the concerned looks they gave, "Give him time, he'll grow to love you guys."
Pluck said while making a face, "Time she says." Soon the oil began to splash on his injuries as Pluck began to shout, making Noelle jump and let out shriek. It hadn't been long before they noticed why.
"AGAIN!?" Karasu exclaimed.
"IT'S NOT MY FAULT! THE BARBADOS STARTLED ME!" Noelle shouted as she held her hand.
Pluck yelled as he flailed his arms, "OH BLAME ME FOR YOUR CLUMSY ACTIONS WILL YA? THAT'LL GET YOU FAR!"
"YOU DO THAT TO ME!" She retorted.
"And there goes a peaceful quiet cooking." Feodora said as she rolled her eyes.
"SOMEONE STOP THE BLEEDING!" Asta yelled as he looked like he was about to panic.
Yukiko sighed, as she went to the otherside of the kitchen area, "I'll go find a rag."
Cadfan added "make that two, Pluck's bandages are seeping."
Pluck looked at his bandages as he shouted "LOOK WHAT YOU DID YOU STUPID SILVA!"
"SEE!" Noelle shouted "YOU DO IT DO ME!"
"At least I know things unlike you!" Pluck told her. "Why do you think I call you Stupid Silva?!"
"Don't argue, your stress is making both your injuries worse." Cadfan told Pluck and Noelle as they began to give glares to each other.
"I'm gonna kill them." Feodora said.
"Don't, but I understand the urge." Karasu said.
"You two shouldn't do that regardless!" Sachiko said, "You should treat Pluck-sensei with more respect!!"
"SENSEI?!" Pluck exclaimed as he turned red again.
"Please don't defend him in front of me Sachi." Karasu told her.
"And Pluck-sensei--!" Sachiko said, "--Don't say stuff like that to Noelle-neechan!"
"NOELLE-NEECHAN?!" Pluck exclaimed.
"Neechan?" Noelle said.
"It means older sister in our language." Karasu clarified. Noelle immediately turned red as she turned her head away before she said, "I-I knew that!"
"AND HOW ARE YOU HER SENSEI?!" Noelle said before she said "Meaning--"
"It means teacher." Yukiko said as she got out a rag, "Pluck did teach her everything he knows so it's to be expected why she'll call him that."
"Like I said--Child prodigy." Karasu said, giving her sister a pinch on the cheek, "She's more of a smarty then her dummy older brother."
"Aniki--!" Sachiko said, embarrassed.
"So-So cute…" Noelle said.
Feodora groaned, "Least the shorty isn't here to listen to all this. It's wrong that I kind of envy her for being stuck in the Captain's room till most of her injuries recover?"
Asta flinched a little before he found himself turning a bit red. Feodora had been quick to notice, "The hell's the matter with you Dum-Dum?" She asked, "Don't tell me you're getting sick."
Asta only looked before he said awkwardly, "What? No! It's nothing like that!" He soon had a thought come over him, "By the way--Do you think you'll be good with coming into town with me tomorrow?"
"I should be--" Feodora said, "--I may be suspended from going on missions for the time being, but that doesn't mean I cannot go anywhere."
"Oh yeah you said you wanted to look for a gift for the tater-tot with Yuno right?" Karasu said as he recalled.
"Well yeah!" Asta said, "I wanted to find her something to give as a thank you gift for back in the dungeon, and this!" He soon rummaged through his shirt before he had taken out a silver libra with a golden chain, "It might not be as good looking as this, but--I really want to make her happy you know?"
"Yeah but--" Feodora said before she turned red, "--Did you have to invite the Know it All?"
"Well I need a second opinion!" Asta said, "And a third and a fourth, that's why I have you and Pluck!" He soon looked over, "Thanks for that by the way Pluck!"
Pluck said as he gave a thumbs up while Cadfan started to readjust his bandages, "not a problem!"
"Okay Stuck Up I get, as much as I don't like to admit it." Feodora said as she gave Pluck a certain look that made him jump, "But why me?"
"Well--You know--" Asta said as he was trying to phrase it, "--You're a--Girl."
He flinched as he noticed the look she gave though she only smiled. "This is true." Feodora said, causing Asta to sigh with relief.
Noelle huffed as she asked as Yukiko bandaged her finger "you know i'm here too. I can give her a Gift too."
"Huh?" Asta said, "You want to come to Noelle?"
Noelle immediately turned red as she stammered, "wha-i--how--who--what---" She soon crossed her arms, "It's not like I want to go or anything!"
"Okay then, you can come too!" Asta said with a smile, as it took Noelle back.
"Absolutely not." Pluck said "One girl is enough"
"Why not?" Asta asked. "We could use another girl's opinion."
"Yeah, that's why Feodora's there." Pluck said.
"Now son, you know the old saying, two heads are better than one." Cadfan said.
"Okay now i want her to come just to spite you." Feodora said.
Pluck groaned as he said "I can't believe this, One is bad enough, why invite the stupid Silva?"
"Hey, maybe you two can find some common ground." Yukiko said.
"And maybe end your arguments." Cadfan said.
"But--!" Pluck started to say.
"If Nozel, your father and I can get along then you can too with Noelle." Yukiko said, "Now if you promise not to kill each other and not cause any trouble, you're free to go Pluck."
The two flinched before they stared at each other before they huffed as they turned away.
"As long as the peasant learns his manners." Noelle said.
"And the princess stops acting spoiled." Pluck said.
Soon enough Yami entered the room as he looked around. "Just as I thought, your duck isn't in here." Yami said.
"Captain Yami!" Asta exclaimed.
Yukiko asked, "Oh, does Prism need something?"
Yami replied, "Kids hungry. Any of you know how to make soup?"
"As it so happens I got a special recipe for one--" She said, as she went to the stove, "--Just give me a few minutes."
Cadfan soon asked as he noticed something off, "Why is your face red?"
"I just got out of the bath." He replied.
Cadfan looked at him oddly, "A bath?"
Pluck soon noticed the look he gave as he pointed out, "You never sit in a bath for that long though."
Yami soon turned to Pluck as he said "Hey, got a minute?"
Pluck flinched slightly before he moved away from the stove, which Cadfan seemed to take over as they both noticed the tone. They stepped out into the hall away from earshot from everyone else.
Pluck sighed as he said "if this is about me and my remarks against the Stupid Silva, all I have to say is, she started it first."
Yami soon told him, "No not that. We'll talk about that later, but right now I need to address a few things with you, regarding the Lizard Girl."
Pluck flinched as he asked "what kind of things?"
"The nickname and your way of teaching her things kind." He clarified before he asked, "Is it true you put her in a closet and told her to pick a lock while under a time limit?"
Pluck jumped as he said "oh that, W-Well i had my reason. We Warrior elves need to learn how to get strong. Prism..well she wasn't the brightest back then so I had to teach her a few things!"
"Teach her?" Yami asked. "Is that what you're calling it?"
Pluck got a bit nervous as he replied, "W-well yeah?"
Yami sighed before he said "you know that method did a number on Lizard Girl's psyche, right? Aside from the picking locks method, she's calling herself a dummy and beating herself up after what happened at the dungeon. I get you're an honest guy and all but even your honesty can come off as harsh."
"Wait--She's calling herself a dummy?" Pluck said shocked, "... She's never done that before."
"Or maybe she has--She just doesn't say it in front of you." Yami told him as he flinched, "it's just a suggestion since she knows how you get."
"I-is that so?" Pluck asked
"I thought the kid had issues before but now I see we have a lot to work with." He said, "And you can help her by calling her something other than, dummy girl."
"O-oh?" Pluck asked, a bit shocked.
"Yeah that way it can boost up her confidence." He said, "You gotta remember--In four years she's gonna go from a princess to a Queen. Meaning she's gonna be the boss of everyone, including you. Though for her to get to that point, you can't give her the honest truth around her."
"But back at home--" He started to say.
"You're not at home anymore genius. I'm not saying the world as you knew it is gone, but it has a different set of rules. That includes the people around you too. Not just the kid." Yami said.
"Huh?" Pluck asked "Are you asking me---to be nicer to my squadmates?"
"You can't just keep telling the truth to other people." He said, "Sometimes too much of the truth hurts. And one of these days you'll hurt someone..even your teammates. Especially your little squabble with Noelle."
Pluck had been taken back as he exclaimed, "EHH?! Even her?! Trying to be nice to everyone I can do. But the Stupid Silva, is another story!"
Yami soon grabbed him by the head, "hey if i say be nicer to everyone, that means her too. I'm not saying be friends with her but at least show her some respect."
Pluck sighed as he said "That again?"
Pluck nearly froze up as he could feel Yami tightened his grip on him, "Hey you're asking to die?"
Pluck immediately paled as he said, "No sir."
Yukiko soon peeked her head around the corner as she noticed the aura in the atmosphere. "Yami?" She soon said as she cleared her throat, "I've got Prism's food all set. I put some medicine on the tray too."
"Perfect timing." Yami said before dropping Pluck, "Also one more favor--Find that duck of yours. She's probably causing trouble with the other beasts."
"Eh?" Pluck asked
Just as this was said Pluck had been taken back by a familiar quack; they soon saw Addieline coming around the corner waving her stick around as it had been lit up.
"ADDI WHAT ARE YOU DOLING?! WHO ARE YOU FIGHTING?!" Pluck shouted. Just as this was said, they saw a familiar green bear taking a swipe at Addeline. The little duckling jumped before she swung her stick again as she shouted "QUACK!"
"WAIT ISN'T THAT--" Pluck started to say before he let out a shriek when the claw went to attack Adeline though she was quick to dodge it.
Yami took a puff as he said "Hey, I get you discipline them on a daily basis." Yami said "But this is beyond discipline, duck. Also where's the soup?"
"On the tray in the kitchen." Yukiko replied.
"You want me to bring it to--" Pluck started to say.
"NO." Yami said as Pluck's jaw dropped, "It's your duck's responsibility."
"But I--"
"I just want to--"
Pluck soon paled as the death threatening aura came back to Yami. He soon said, "What did I say about respect?"
Pluck immediately backed up and hid behind Yukiko. He shook as he replied, "S-Sorry."
"QUACK! QUACK!" Addeline shouted before she smacked the bear with her stick.
"QUIT HITTING MY PET!" Yami yelled he soon had a thought come over him, "Oh yeah Sword Boy--I need one more thing."
Pluck could only tilt his head as he couldn't seem to stop his body from shaking.
A little while had passed as Prism didn't sneak out of the room this time. Yami had decided to keep her company the rest of the day since he didn't really have anything else to do. She happily ate from the bowl of soup as she found herself drinking every last drop.
She let out a satisfied sigh as she sat back in the pillow. "That was so good." She said, "Aunt Yuki's vegetable soup is always the best."
Yami who sat at her bedside, said to her, "Glad you like it, she taught Noelle how to cut up the vegetables...before she cut her finger again.."
"I hope she's okay." She said worryingly, before she had a thought, "Though it tastes different then I remember. It was oddly--Sweeter?" She could only tilt her head, as she looked in the direction where she heard his voice, "Why is that?"
"Well maybe it's a secret ingredient she wanted to try out." Yami said, "Maybe after that few centuries nap she wanted to change it up." He soon had a thought, "Guess enhancing the food with mana makes her taste things differently rather then enhancing its flavor. So the feral mind in her has a sweet tooth?"
"I guess so--" She said as she set the bowl aside, "--Still trying to wrap my head around the fact everything is different. Even after months of being here."
Yami soon flicked Prism in the head as it had taken her by surprise as she let out a squeak. "Meanine!" Prism said with a pout.
He told her, "that's for not telling us you were sick. Never do that again."
"You do that to me now!?" She said, before she felt herself get flicked again, "Ow! Why again!?"
"For hiding it." Yami said "And for the record I do it to everyone. So prepare yourself, because they're gonna be no holds barred
Prism had made a face, as even the spirits looked nervous "Is it wrong that I want my recovery to go slow now?"
"Normally i would say yes but—" Yami said "—Not in this case."
Prism only whimpered like a wounded puppy which only made him laugh. "Do-Don't laugh!" Prism said as she had been punching him playfully, "It's embarrassing!"
Yami merely told her while giving her a couple of pats on the head, "Hey I can't help if you were whimpering like a pup."
Prism only looked more embarrassed as Yami let out another bowl of laughter. Though soon enough a thought came over him.
"Oh by the way. I want you to have this." He said. Gently he took her hands and placed a familiar stone in her palms. She started to feel the texture as she could feel a band had been attached to it. "What's this?"
"A little something from Hannah." He replied as he saw a change in her posture at the mention, "She's been a part of the research department in the kingdom for the past year. She had that made for you, so this way we'll be able to find you."
"You mean it's a cursed stone?" Prism asked curiously.
Yami had been taken back before he had a smirk, "Well look at you! You really do know your stuff don't you?"
"My dad told me about these." She said, "He said they can only be found inside dungeons, but even that's considered rare since in the ancient times most of them were destroyed because they were too dangerous. He made me promise to stay away from them if I happened to find one."
"That may be the case for some of them, but at least with what you're holding it has its uses." He said, before he took her hands; he soon adjusted the set along her head, now the cursed stone was like that of a headband, "Just keep it on you. And no matter where you are we will find you, and we'll come and save you."
Prism felt the stone along her head, as she could feel the rough yet smooth surface, as well as the band that was attached. She couldn't help but give a warm smile. She soon gave him another hug as it had shocked him. "Thank you Yami." She said before she went to give him a kiss on the cheek.
At least that's how it would've played out, if Yami hadn't stopped her which only confused her.
"Yeah no." Yami said.
"You don't like it?" She asked.
"No it's just weird." Yami told her.
Prism only looked more confused, "Are you shy or something?"
"What? No!" Yami told her, "Some people might find it strange if you do that. In fact they might find it offensive."
"Kisses can be offensive?" She asked.
Yami had answered, "You'd be surprised. So for now on, don't do that to strangers."
Prism only looked more curious, "Why?"
"Let's just say there's some creeps out there." Yami told her, "And some creeps might get the wrong idea if you end up giving your gratitude to people you don't know."
Prism gave it some thought before she had one cross her mind, "But you're not a stranger." She soon said as it made him flinch.
"Huh?" Yami asked
"Now that I've gotten to know you, you're not a stranger to me now." She reasoned, "Does that make it okay?"
Yami only told her, "Well..."
Yami didn't have time to finish his sentence as Prism managed to give him a peck on his cheek. She soon sat back in the bed as she looked a bit nervous, "Sorry, I know you said those things--But I didn't want to make you feel left out."
Yami was confused at first but chuckled as he ruffled her hair, "For someone who's supposed to be the Queen, you sure act different sometimes."
"What does that mean?" She asked before she felt him ruffle her own hair.
"You'll understand when you're an adult." He said, as Prism hadn't been aware of the smile on his face. Though Prism seemed to have felt it, as she had a smile on her face too.
Mom, Dad… Everyone…
... If by some chance you hear my voice in the Heavens, I just want to say that I'm sorry for disappearing so suddenly, and worrying you all for so many years. I wish I could say I had an explanation, but I'm afraid I can't remember why I was in the storm in the first place, and why I lost whatever my magic had been.
I'm afraid--Terrified of what I don't know.
But, I'm not as scared as I could've been when I woke up.
The world as we once knew it, is no longer what it was. But just because it's different, doesn't mean it's gone.
I have people I can count on. Both my old friends, and my new ones.
Some of my new ones are very odd to say the least, and sometimes they're a bit hard to understand and come off as strong. Though, I can tell it's just their way of expressing themselves, their way of showing that their intentions are for everyone else's sake
They're good people with courageous hearts. It almost makes me feel like I'm back within the Warriors Guild.
The changes around me are still a lot to take in, and there's so much I have yet to learn, especially with the Wizard King and the Magic Knights. Most of it is hard, and there were times where I felt like giving up.
Though, a certain someone who was born with no magic, has shown me several times that I have something that is stronger than anything and everything else in this world.
Because of that, I'm willing to believe I can do what no one else can.
I don't know what will happen in the future, and what horrors I will face, though I'm willing to stand before it, because I know I won't be facing it alone.
Mother--I will use your teachings to help me adapt and save the ones swept away into the dark. In your name, and in the name of our guild, I shall protect them till my last breath. All life is precious no matter how small it maybe--I will keep this lesson close and try with the strength I have in me, even if it should mean I am to give my dying breath.
Father--Even if you have revoked your title as King in what you have written, and even if I still don't know if I'm worthy to have title as Queen, the people of this time are still OUR people. Humans or not, I will become stronger to protect everyone; The new family I have made, the ones that had survived, the nobles and commoners, I shall guard them all with this new power I have.
This is my vow, and I swear it to you and everyone else. So--Watch over me, watch over them and give me strength to carry on for the years to come.
And to all of you, Licht, Rhya, Vetto, Fana, my elf brethren… I promise you will not be forgotten. For you shall live on in me and the ones that survived until the day, I reveal the truth to those that still call us Devils.