The group followed Yami outside as Karasu was dragged as he was struggling to get free from his grip. Each of them looked equally worried about what Yami had planned for the poor boy as Karasu had been practically kicking his legs.
"Hey! Hey! Hey!" He yelled, "This is not necessary! I'll be fine with just running there damn it!"
Yami had told him, "Not in this house, Crow Boy. If I say you're gonna fly, then you're gonna fly."
"Captain.." Pluck said. "If I may say with the utmost respect--ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FRICKING MIND!? THIS IS NOT HOW YOU HELP SOMEONE CONCURE THEIR FEAR!"
"The hell are you talking about, Sword boy?" Yami asked Pluck, "This is the best type of way to conquer your fear. Exposure therapy."
Cadfan had told Yami, "But is this really necessary, if you're about to do what I think you're gonna do!? You should start small."
"I agree with him here." Feodora said to him.
"Nonsense." Yami replied as he had a broom in his hand, "This is better." He got ready as he said "Now then--LET'S SEE THOSE WINGS SOAR!"
"What the hell are you gonna do to me?!" Karasu yelled.
All of a sudden Karasu found himself flying through the air as he screamed while Yami tossed the broom with the same strength he used to throw him.
"KARASU!" Asta and Prism exclaimed.
"ARE YOU FOR REAL?!" Feodora yelled.
Karasu started to scream again as he soon found himself free falling through the sky and towards the ground. "AH CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP!" Karasu shouted as he started to panic, "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?! I'M GONNA DIE!!"
"What else?!" Yami shouted, "Use the broom! Let's see if Lady Luck is in your favor!"
"Sometimes I question if you're human." Pluck said to him
"SOMEONE CATCH HIM, QUICK!" Noelle shouted.
"Way ahead of you! Ice Ma--" Feodora said before she was stopped by Yami, "--What are you doing?! He's gonna end up smashing his skull!"
Yami had only told her, "Wait for it."
Karasu could only hyperventilate as he was starting to get dangerously close to the ground. Instincts seemed to have taken him over as he could see the broom beside him as he made a grab for it. He squeezed his eyes shut as he could feel his own mana flow into the broom and honestly he didn't want to see what was coming.
Yet surprisingly enough, he didn't feel any kind of pain, or even his own head split apart. "Karasu?" He heard Prism call out, "Karasu! Karasu!"
"Hey, you can open your eyes now!" He heard Asta say, "You're not dead!"
Karasu opened only one eye as he saw he had been a few inches off the ground, and Asta and Prism had been beside him. Though his breathing had been shallow, he saw he had been holding onto the broom for dear life, and yet, he saw he had been floating.
"Seinaru gara ku ta…" Karasu said as he sat himself up, his body was shaking.
"Just take it easy." Prism said to him calmly, "Nice deep breaths."
"You actually flew down on your broom!" Asta said, "Are you okay?"
"In all honesty--" Karasu said as he gagged, "--I think I might throw up."
Immediately after he removed himself off the broom he almost fell over were it not for Asta and Prism. "Whoa, whoa, take it slow!" Asta said.
"You got this Karasu, I believe in you!" Prism said.
Pluck and Feodora's eyes widened before they turned to Yami.
"You knew this would work did you?" Pluck asked Yami.
"See what I mean?" Yami said with a puff. "Works every time."
"And what would happen if it didn't work?" Feodora said.
"Oh we probably had to hide the body." He told them nonchalantly.
"How morbid." Pluck and Feodora thought.
Cadfan had scolded him, "Yami with all due respect you can't just throw kids like that. You nearly gave him a heart attack."
"Cap?" Karasu groaned as he leaned on Asta's shoulder, "Do me a favor and don't do that again."
"No promises." Yami told him, "Besides that was just the entry level."
"You call THAT an entry?!" Karasu said before he gagged again, making Prism and Asta panic a little. They both started to pat his back as his face turned green.
Magna had said to Karasu, "You doing okay, bud?"
"Doing--" He gagged, "--Just swell."
Yami said as he took a puff, "Don't worry Crow boy. We're gonna work on this together!"
Karasu groaned as he said, "Oh--Lovely."
"Alright!" Magna said as he had gotten out his grimoire, "Let's head out newbies!"
With but a wave of his hand, Magna had gotten out his own broom with the help of flames. Though most had been taken back by the design of it as they saw its appearance which had been that of a skull of a bull with sunglasses as its headpiece It's shaft had a wavy surface with a semi-circular saddle, which had three-four pairs of ribs on the sides and a pair of dark-colored fur at the end of it.
Most of them couldn't help but cringe, all except for Asta and Prism as their eyes sparkled and Feodora who started to burst out laughing.
"Is that your broom!?" Prism said, "It looks amazing!"
"Wow, so cool!" Asta said.
"It looks lame." Noelle said.
"No kidding." Karasu added.
Pluck shook his head as he said, "It still looks ridiculous."
"That's your ride!?" Feodora said as she held her stomach, "It looks as silly as you!"
"At least I don't look like a clown while riding that!" She said as she wiped away a tear.
Magna growled as he said, "Why you--DON'T INSULT MY BABY!"
Feodora fell over on her back as she laughed and kicked her legs, "Stop it man--! I'm gonna bust a gut!"
"Hey Pluck--" Asta asked as he looked around, "--Where's your broom?"
Pluck cracked his neck as he said, "Give it a sec!" He put two fingers on his mouth as he began to whistle, signalling Addeline to get his broom.
"QUACK!" Adeline saulted as she made a mad dash to his room. She got the broom which had a silver blue handle and the saddle was glistening with a shaft white. She tossed it at him with Pluck jumping high in the air as he landed on it perfectly.
"Wow!" Prism said, "It's so shiny!"
"Woah! You ride it just like Yuno does!" Asta said as his eyes sparkled. "So cool!"
Pluck added, "Designed it myself."
"Are we not gonna talk about how that duck can lift a broom with ease?" Karasu asked dumbfounded.
"Seriously, she's something else.." Feodora as she finally stopped laughing.
Noelle couldn't help but look in awe at the broom.
"Did you design this after that saddle you wanted?" Prism asked as she noticed the texture.
Pluck said with a smile, "Huh, I'm surprised you knew about it!"
"Well just because I can't remember where home is doesn't mean my memory is entirely gone." Prism replied with a smile as she set up her saddle on Adrien as well as attached her weapons onto the belt provided.
Asta noticed Noelle looking at Pluck's broom with awe. "Uhh, hey Noelle are you okay?"
"I think Stuck Up's broom broke her." Feodora added
Noelle immediately turned red as she said, "WHA-WHAT?! DON'T BE RIDICULOUS! LIKE I CARE ABOUT BARBADOS' STUPID BROOM!"
Pluck said with a confidant smile, "Well, You're just jealous you can't make a broom as good as mine, let alone ride one, Stupid Sliva."
Noelle growled as she said, "Why you--"
She charged at him only for Pluck to say, "Nope." as he flew high in the air causing her to trip and fall as she let out a scream, chasing him.
"HOLD STILL!" Noelle exclaimed.
"Nope." Pluck told her.
Prism couldn't help but giggle at the situation, while Magna had a laugh and Feodora just looked dumbfounded.
"Hey, Prism?" Cadfan said as it had made her flinch by his tone, "Yami and I need to talk to you for a second."
Prism couldn't help but tilt her head before she turned to Adrien as he laid on his stomach allowing Asta and Karasu to climb on, "Wait here bud."
"Everything okay?" Asta asked.
"I'm not sure." She said, "I'll be back soon."
Thus Prism went over to Cadfan and Yami as they were away from earshot. Though she was surprised when they had shown her a wanted poster. She had only a look of horror as she looked over the contents provided.
"I don't believe this--" Prism said just shocked, "--I knew people like that rogue Magic Knight would come after me but this--" She groaned, "Ana latta as me…"
"The village you stayed in--" Yami said, "--Do you know anyone who could've found you out and leaked this info, or heard you talking about it with them?"
Prism shook her head, "They kept their lips sealed when I told them, even from the Father and Sister and the kids at the Church." She soon gave it some thought, "But now that I think about it… Back then that rogue knew who I was. There was no way they would've told anyone, because that's how Asta, Feo and Yuno found out I was the princess."
Cadfan's eyes widened as he said, "Wait wait, which rouge?"
"His name was--Revchi I think." She replied, "He used chain magic, and it's like I told Yami and the others, he tried to take Yuno's grimoire and kidnap me when he recognized me."
Yami had said while taking a puff, "As if this situation can't get any worse. I'll make sure Julius knows about this. If this ends up reaching the head honcho of the kingdom it won't end well."
Cadfan soon told Prism, "Prism, maybe it's best you stay here for the time being. Just until we get this sorted out."
"But what about the others?" Prism asked, "They might need my help on our first mission."
Cadfan had told her, "We can't take that chance. If anyone finds out who you are, they'll turn you into the black market, that's even worse than the one that's here in the kingdom. And without your magic, you'll be defenseless, especially since you're still learning how to use that scythe."
"Uncle Cad, I'm the top warrior within our guild. Everything I learned from fighting was from my mother, so you know I'm more than capable of defending myself." She countered, "Not to mention I've taken out bandits that were a lot stronger than I was when we were protecting our people even when they found items from dungeons that were uncovered. I'm even better at using hook swords than Plu-Plu."
"Even so, we just got you back." He told her with worry, "We can't run the risk of losing you again."
Yami had rolled his eyes before he told Cadfan, "Geez, You worry too much. Don't you have those things you give to your family? You know the earrings?"
Cadfan's eyes widened in realization, "Well yes but--"
Yami merely told him, "Just give those to her, and it'll be fine."
Cadffan sighed as he said "I suppose it can work." He soon rummaged through his pockets before he took out a pair of earrings. "Just put these on your ears." Cadfan told her, "It should be able to hide your ears."
"Sounds easy." Prism said.
She took the earrings and put them on with ease as it had started to light up dimly. However she felt something in her chest had tightened. Much to their own surprise, Yami and Cadfan saw her eye had changed to a familiar white color as her pupil became silted. The jewels on her ears suddenly lit up a white color as they were shocked to see that the jewels had turned grey.
They soon snapped off as it had turned to dust before they could hit the floor.
"What just happened?" Prism said as her eye changed back to its natural color.
"T-They just disappeared..." Cadfan said in shock.
"Huh, that's new." Yami said as he took a puff.
Prism soon felt her chest as she felt her stomach, "It feels… Less empty?" She said softly.
"I don't understand!" Cadfan said, "They're not supposed to break!"
"Well there's a first for everything." Yami said to him.
Cadfan sighed as he said nervously, "Y-Yeah, maybe you're better off staying after all. I mean you get to spend more time with the pets."
"But--" Prism started to say before she jumped when Yami gave him a smack on the head so hard that he was buried in the ground head first. "Uncle Cad!?" She exclaimed in a panicky tone.
Yami had simply told him as Cadfan recovered, "Seriously, no wonder Pluck is worried 24/7. He gets it from you."
Cadfan groaned, "That's Pluck, this is different."
Yami had told him, "Quit the excuses or you die."
Cadfan jumped before he said, "Sorry."
"I'll be careful Uncle Cad I promise." Prism said, "I can just hide my ears with my hood, and I'll be like everyone else, and if need be--" She soon had a smile on her face, "--Asta and Feo will help me out! They made a promise after all!"
Cadfan gave a sigh as he said, "As long as you're safe, then it's okay by me."
Prism couldn't help but let out squee as she hugged him. "Thanks Uncle Cad!" She said as she kissed his cheek, before she ran off "I'll see you later! Love you!" With that said, she hopped on Adrien and she along with the others took off as he went at full speed, with Asta and Karasu riding with her.
"I'll go to Julius and tell them about the poster." Yami had said to Cadfan, "Keep an eye on things for me would ya?"
"Sure." Cadfan said, before Yami took his leave. He let out a sigh as he looked to the sky, "Zeid, Alma… Watch over her like you've always had."
-A Little While Later; Outside of Saussy Village-
By the time they had arrived in the vicinity, they could see a bunch of raging boars with flames running amok and nearly tearing down every tree that had come in their path. As far as they could see they had a lot of work on their hands.
Though so far, it hadn't been going well.
Asta had been screaming as he ran for his life along with Feodora, Karasu and Pluck as a raging boar came charging at them.
"AND LOOK HOW WELL THAT TURNED--EEP!" Feodora shouted before she screamed as she and Asta were sent flying through the air again. '
"I LIKE TO KNOW THE SAME THING!" Pluck added as he groaned, "THAT DAMN DUMMY GIRL!"
"QUACK!" Adeline exclaimed.
The three of them were sent flying into the air as they each let out a shriek. Nearby, Noelle and Magna had been watching over.
"Uh--" Noelle said, "--Shouldn't we help them?"
"Nah, I'm taking a break." Magna said, "You know how hard it was to keep Pluck from killing you while flying? It exhausted me. Besides, they're tougher than they look, they'll be fine."
"See?" Magna said, "They're okay."
"WE'RE THE OPPOSITE!" Feodora shouted before she was seen in the air, "OH CRAP!" They soon heard Pluck let out a grunt as she landed on top of him.
Though Feodora let out a shriek, followed by a slap, "GET YOUR FACE OUT OF THEIR YOU PERVERT!"
They soon heard the sound of the smack again, as Pluck let out a cry.
"But what if--" Noelle started to say.
"Hey, if you're so worried, why don't you go and help them?" Magna said, "It'll be good practice for you."
Asta, Feodora (Who's face was a bit red), Karasu and Pluck found themselves cornered, just as Noelle arrived on the scene. "Crap! Crap! This is bad!" Feodora said.
"Can't you use your ice magic?!" Asta said.
"You WANT me to piss it off more?!" She yelled.
"What kind of a boar is this thing!?" Karasu yelled, "And oh yeah--WHY IS IT SO DAMN HUGE?!"
Pluck had said while hugging Addeline, "DAMN IT WHAT'RE WE GONNA DO?!"
Noelle took a deep breath as she held her grimoire. With a blue aura surrounding it, it opened to a certain page in the book. A water sphere started to form as she held out her hands, "I can do this! I can do this!"
The water sphere soon went flying towards the boar--Or at least that's what it seemed like. Instead, it ended up hitting the four of them causing them to jump in surprise and the boar to freak out.
"WHY US!?" Asta exclaimed as he gagged with water.
"QUACK QUACK QUACK!" Addeline exclaimed as she flailed her arms.
Karasu soon noticed that the boar had been readying itself to charge. "Uh--That just made it angry!" He told them.
"It was already angry to begin with!" Feodora said looking at her now drenched clothes, "Where the hell is the damn shorty?!"
Pluck shouted as his fist was raised in the air, "DAMN IT, JUST WHEN WE NEED HER FOR SITUATIONS LIKE THIS!"
Just as the boar was ready, Asta had gotten out his sword from his own grimoire; he was ready to attack it until they were taken back by the sound of what appeared to be that of a whistle. Adrien soon came from out of the bushes while Prism had been riding at the side of his saddle.
They saw that she had been holding what had been an ordinary leaf against her lips as the whistle appeared to be coming from there as it had been going in a certain tune; they noticed she looked to be carrying something small on her back as it had been rustling a bit in her makeshift backpack.
Most of the group had been taken back that despite the boar's flames and glare she had stepped in front of it, calmly with a smile as she let the leaf fly into the wind.
"I have something for you." She told the boar calmly.
She slowly sat on her knees before she unraveled the makeshift bag; much to everyone's surprise they saw what appeared to be two smaller boars with small sets of tusks growing in as the demeanor of the large boar seemed to have changed as the little ones ran to it.
"Wow…" Asta said, amazed.
"Huh." Feodora said dumbfounded.
Pluck said as his jaw dropped slightly, "So simple.."
The large boar's flames seemed to have died down as it nuzzled the little ones, letting out a noise of relief. It then approached Prism, as she held her hand toward its nose; it only took one sniff before she allowed her palm to rest on the base of its nose.
"I understand what made you feel that way, but you don't have to take your anger out on strangers." She told the boar as what looked to be a little bear with transparent wings appeared along her shoulder, "So promise you'll look after them, and no more charging."
The boar seemed to have understood as it let out a soft snort. It then nudged the little ones gently before they headed off into the forest just as Prism stood. The four of them couldn't help but step towards Prism as they were just in awe, even Noelle looked amazed by what had just occurred.
"Prism--" Asta said, "--That was incredible…!"
"How did you know it was a mother?" Noelle asked.
"A really good friend of mine had his way with animals like me back home." Prism replied with a smile; though Asta could see it had been filled with solemnity, "He used to show me they behaved. He even showed me how to tell a male and female apart and how they both behave differently, especially if they're parents." She soon told them, "Don't worry--Now that she has her babies again, the others will calm down too."
"You mean to tell me the only reason they were charging was because--?" Karasu started to ask.
"She and the others thought that the people in Saussy did something to her babies." Prism replied, "The poor things had fallen into a pit. Though Adrien was able to find them no problem, right bud?"
Adrien merely let out a squawk of some sort, as it had sounded like he was confident.
Pluck had said with just plain shock, "Amazing."
"I thought you knew this kind of thing too--" Prism said a bit shocked, "--I mean, with all that studying you do I'd thought you'd listen to one of his lessons."
Pluck had blushed with embarrassment as he said, "Well, I do! It's been centuries! I just forget sometimes! Besides at least, I still know how to tell them apart"
"That doesn't seem believable." Asta said awkwardly.
Feodora soon spotted a familiar tired looking bird that appeared to be looking at them in a tree branch nearby. "Then--" Feodora said before pointing to the bird, "--Can you tell us if that's a boy or a girl?"
Pluck looked over and noticed the little bird, Feodora had been referring to. He soon said, "Simple, this one's a boy. You can tell by their tail feathers."
"Hang on--" Asta said a bit shocked, "--That one looks like--"
Prism's expression brightened slightly as she noticed the familiar tired looking bird in the tree. "Little Miss!" Prism said making Pluck flinch.
"Little--Miss?!" He said he was a bit shocked.
Prism soon waved towards the little bird as she merely tilted her head, "I haven't seen you in awhile. Don't tell me you followed us again?"
"Li--" Pluck said before he looked closely at the little bird. "Oh--!" He said in realization, "--Her tail feathers are longer than the males." He smacked himself lightly on the head as he told himself while taking out his notebook and started to scribble, "I'll make note of that."
"Still can tell them apart, huh?" Karasu said with a raised eyebrow.
"Shut up!" Pluck said. "At least I learned from this mistake!"
"And here I thought you were smart." Noelle said.
"Says the one whose magic attacked us." Pluck said with a leer "Stupid Silva."
The two glared at each other as sparks flew.
The Little Miss flew onto Prism's shoulder giving her a sort of greeting as she nuzzled her head in her cheek before she went to settle herself on Asta's head.
"I think she likes you two." Feodora commented.
"I don't think so." Asta said, "You haven't seen her peck me!"
"That might be her way of showing affection." Prism reasoned.
"That's affection?" Pluck asked.
Prism nodded as she said to Pluck, "Yeah, like you and Noelle!"
"AS IF!" Pluck exclaimed. "I rather go through that again or have 'Little Miss' peck my head then be Silva's friend!"
Noelle had added as she turned her head, "I second that notion! Besides Why would Royalty like me befriend Barbados?!"
The group couldn't help but laugh at the way Pluck and Noelle were acting; Though Prism looked at the Little Miss on Asta's head as she still looked at them with tired eyes.
"Strange…" She thought as she tilted her head slightly, "... Why does her expression look almost familiar?"
Magna soon approached the scene as he had been watching from nearby, "Hey, not bad on your first mission." He said, "You did a good job. You especially Prism. Looks like the boars calmed themselves down and are moving from the village."
"Thanks Magna." Prism said.
"We did our best!" Asta said.
"You weren't exactly of help." Feodora said.
"Hey look, I was taking a break." Magna said, "Someone had to keep those two from killing each other."
Pluck and Noelle grumbled as they looked away from each other. "Come on--" Magna said, "--Let's head to the village to tell old man Seyhe the good news!"
The group soon went and followed Magna from behind, as one another started to conversate. Prism had hummed to herself as she walked along with Adrien. All the while she had sucked what looked to be a honeysuckle flower as Adrien walked next to her. The little spirits around her had gathered as some rode along her shoulder or floated beside her; Asta appeared to be close by as he had been looking at the scenery around them.
"Does everyone in your village like to do that or is that just you?" Magna asked, noticing that she had been helping herself to a flower.
"Only if they're honeysuckles." Prism replied, "My mom and dad grew them in our garden in our village. They're delicious, especially when they're fresh. It's the best because the flavor lasts longer."
"Oh, like a lollipop!" Magna said, "I getcha!"
Prism couldn't help but give a curious look as she took the flower away from her mouth, "Lol-lea-pop?" She tried to pronounce.
Magna looked a bit confused before it seemed to have come back to him, "Right--I guess you don't much about that do you?"
Prism only shook her head, "What's a lol-lea-pop?"
"Lollipop." He corrected, "It's a hard candy you suck on till it's gone."
"Can--di?" She said she was a bit confused.
"YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT THAT TOO?!" Magna yelled out of confusion, "Man, I knew you'd be way behind but that's just ridiculous! I don't think Pluck was that bad when he and his family first came around a year ago."
Prism couldn't help but have a look of confusion of her own, "... I've been meaning to ask--How did you find Plu-Plu and his family anyway?"
"Well we didn't find them in a tree where you went and took a nap for five centuries." Magna explained, "Not counting our own squad, the other Captains were given a report on how your tree was in the center of the Wandering Mist.We were following a couple of leads on where it was going to appear next so that we could get to you, but instead of finding that, we ended up finding them, just outside of the Witches Forest. The next are much to our surprise just near an area next to the Silvas."
"The Witch's Forest?" She said, shocked.
"Don't tell me you haven't heard of that too?" He said.
Prism shook her head in reply, "It's not that. I--" She could feel her head throb a little as her vision became fuzzy, "--I think my village was near that place. The elders used to tell us if we set foot in it, they would turn us into frogs. I--Might've wandered in there once, maybe… Twice…?" She groaned slightly, as she dropped the flower; the spirits around her had a bit of black streaks, "... My head--Feels funny."
The moment Magna patted her on the back, the spirits' colors had reverted back as he continued the story, "Believe it or not, I had a rough start with the Bardos Family! I mean they almost attacked us with the kind of magic they've got."
"Really?" She said.
Magna nodded with a smile, "Had it not been for Yami and the Wizard King we would have died; Especially at Yukiko's hands. Pluck was worse because he hated all of us. He would go study in his room all day and go take long walks."
"Sounds like Plu-Plu alright."
"I think there was alo that one time where he even attacked the Silva's first hand! Man that was a real piece of work!" Magna said with a groan, "He was no slouch when it came to the Magic Knights exams. I tell ya, that kid really is a genius. If he wasn't so picky most of the time especially of his choice of a magic knight squad."
Prism looked over her shoulder, noticing that Pluck had been focused on his notes, before she whispered in Magna's ear, "Would you believe me if I told you he was really shy and a bit of a scaredy cat when we were growing up?"
Magna had gasped as he said, "Him? Shy?!"
Prism giggled, "I'd swear, sometimes he got scared from a shadow of a cloud that passed. He was even wary of Addi when she chose him for a partner. It was kind of funny really, now that I think about it."
Magna couldn't help but laugh as he said, "Tell me more!"
Prism couldn't help but smile, "Plu-Plu was more of a worry wart then my own parents. Even when Aunt Yuki and Uncle Cad adopted the triple A's, he was still weary of what was around him. Though he really did come out of his shell when he realized he wasn't going to be an only child." She soon looked over to Pluck as he had been mumbling to himself while writing whatever he had into the journal.
"I take it back--He's not entirely out of his shell." She said.
"Really you can tell that?" Magna said, a bit shocked.
"It's not that hard to get." She replied, "Kind of like how you're nice, but you just have a different way of showing it."
Magna jumped at this as he stammered "W-What?!"
Prism nudged him a little as she told him, "It's all over your face. Despite how you talk to others you're really kind. You're, how you say--" She soon smiled, "--A real man!"
Magna looked at her surprised before he gave a laugh, "You know, I'd think you'd like the folks where Old Man Seyhe's the chief of. I'll be sure to introduce you!"
"Then--" Prism said as she came to realize something, "--I take it the village we're heading to is your home?"
"Not exactly." He replied with a laugh, "I've known the old man for a long time. I'm from Rayaka just past here, though I used to be a handful when I was a kid."
Adrien couldn't help but tilt his head while Prism only gave an awkward smile; even the little spirits couldn't help but give an odd look. "People still might think you are." She couldn't help but think.
Magna soon continued, "I got a big head after I got my grimoire, and went to Saussy Village with the intent to take it over too."
At this her eyes widened in shock while Adrien and the spirits looked surprised. "You're kidding!" She said with disbelief.
"Nope." He told her, "Though when I went to the village, Seyhe gave me a run for my money. Ended up humiliating me actually." He chuckled, "Though ever since then, I challenged him so many times. Everytime I did, he kept on beating me. Funny thing is, all those times he kept telling me what a real man is supposed to be."
Prism had a look of awe, "That's really sweet. Though for him to beat someone of your level, I bet he's really strong."
"You have no idea! I found this out later, but he had enough magical power to become a Magic Knight when he was younger. He even suggested that I take the Entrance Exams. I had my doubts at first but he wouldn't take no for an answer. He told me 'Nothing is ever set in stone. It's up to you to take hold of your future.' It's thanks to him, I'm even in the Black Bulls right now!"
Prism's eyes softened at the words as she couldn't help but think back to a familiar face once more. He had told her the exact same thing, he just used different words. She didn't know why, but that kind of thing made her feel melancholy.
Though she soon gave him a smile to hide it, "He definitely is someone I'd like to meet."
"Of course!" He said, "Afterall, it's only fitting that the Princess meet her people right?" He soon slapped himself in the face, "Right you don't want to be called that."
"No, you're right." She said, "A Kingdom without its people would be like a turtle without a shell. Father used to tell me that."
He gave her a pat on the shoulder as he laughed, "Your dad is a good man!"
Adrien soon stopped in his tracks as he started to growl; Prism could feel his tail go around her waist as to stop her while the spirits grew restless. "What's wrong?" Prism asked.
"Uh--" Asta said as he looked ahead, "--What's that?"
The group looked over and saw a village had been up ahead. Though they were shocked to find all of Saussy Village was surrounded by what looked to be a thick layer of mist. The moment Prism's eyes laid upon it, her purple eyes changed to white as her pupils became narrow as she had entered that of a trance as her vision suddenly became a blur just as she had seen an odd color over the mist cloud.
The only thing she felt… Was the pain in her stomach… As it had been empty.