
And when the Dragons fly in through the darkening skies, there's only fire, terror, cinders and Death left at their wake. Gigantic reptiles sprawling across the towns, roaring and consuming every shred of life form, exhaling fire, pouring dark fumes from their body and hauling humans up in their talons till blood was the sole remains. However, unbeknownst to man, there are far greater secrets buried deep beneath the carnivorous and menacing exterior of these Bestial Forages.

Legends have chronicled that fifteen warriors of the human race, vested with oracular powers and known as the 'Army of Judah' have been prophesied to emerge in classes of: Pawns, Rooks, Knights, Bishops and Queen.

It is foretold that they will arise to war against the Dragons that breathe threats to the survival of Man's generations. A few of these foretokened warlocks have emerged in past eras and have had their names inscribed into the timeless archives of human history for having conquered or been discomfited by the Dragons' parallel class-warriors.

However, in the present era, there are a few that have been born with such innate powers and prowess to rise, being the remnant warriors of the prophecy, whereby no other can save mankind from the roguish beast. And yet, their breath is the narrowly salvaged alms of Fate where even their own people pose dangers to their lives.

Imogen, a young damsel from the Kingdom of Tristendyre, had always lived a blyth and peaceful life as the sole apprentice of the Royal Physician from the Imperial Castle, destined to inherit the mantle.

Nathan Jehu has been a vigilante elusively dwelling in the shadows of the Kingdom's Regency, publishing the wicked deeds of the Government to the people by anonymous letters. But his affairs had come to be found be the Regents and he is held on death row.

Michavel Ryder, a man from the Kingdom of Hyll-Decanta, has been ferreting deep into the lairs of the under-ground to find gruesome truths regarding some unrecorded and mysterious slavery.

Israel, a man whose heart is brimming with vengeance, but demeanour dripping of deception, has achieved great heights and ranks in the Imperial Castle with a fiery intent of revenge etched into his very soul.

Aldric, a young and orphaned child who suffers to conquer the average expectations of those he is with, finally finds the path to pave a beautiful future for his life, before it is ruthlessly wrenched from him by his own and unknown past.

Mercedes Duvessa, the Princess of the Kingdom of Tristendyre has fled from her Royal life, but such scandalous news meets the knowledge of the people, the Kingdom could be reduced to shreds.

Will these warriors survive the claws of their governments and the treacheries they are victims to and finally break free to face the Dragons in mutiny?

Will they find the various dark secrets of the Dragons' legacy and win against the gargantuan beasts to save their kind?