"Braid my hair with petals of limerisches, I'll bring you delicacies glazed with honey and lilacs; give my heart those flutters of dancing over the clouds and chasing the stars and aurorae overhead, I will ignite your day with a smile when I see beauty in the world...
But, alas! How can I adore it when it is so broken without you?"
The Northern Gardens of the Royal Courtyard,
The Imperial Castle,
Kingdom of Tristendyre,
The first Phrinight of the Second month,
XXI Year of Regency
Crescence sat upon a bed of grass in one of the gardens of the Castle's courtyard, softly stroking her hand over the wet blades with their dew.
There were a few fireflies lingering late and gracing the cold night with their ignited beauty, but not even that appeared magical to her eyes when Imogen was not with her.