"It was nearly most curious how ardently Truth always found his way into the home of his destination, even against the tyrannical winds of injustice and the principalities of lies."
Lady Minerva's Chambers,
The Physician's Wing of the Imperial Castle,
Kingdom of Tristendyre,
The first Phrinight of the Second month,
XXI Year of Regency
The Royal Physician peered down to see a large messenger bird, carrying news from a foreign country. The lady unclasped the wet lattice and received the winged herald.
The majestic, large and blond bird that was a kin to falcons stood at the window of the room and spread its two pairs of wings: one larger and the one beneath of wingspan shorter. It flew into the chamber.
As Lady Minerva brushed her sleeve up and held her hand out, the bird rested its perch upon her undressed forearm and pleated its wings down, with a long tail wing that branched as a fern swaying behind.