"Of all weapons, be wise when you censure to elect Revenge as your arms. It is a two-edged sword, scarring its own wielder in battle."
The Untenanted Cottage of Jehu,
Town of Hazenvale,
Kingdom of Tristendyre,
The first Phrinight of the Second month,
XXI Year of Regency
Jaycob Israel watched in suffocation whilst the women warred in the fits of their personal rage.
Missus Xavier could not believe her eyes as she spoke in hesitance and dismay. "Ingrid, I could never have conceived such a preposterous idea that you would breathe us harm", said the old lady.
Ingrid Luna-ward hissed in spite, "I expected you would be all the family that my sister and I would have after I would marry in, but you betrayed me by wrenching away who was promised!"
"If this is about Melvyn, you know he is dead", said the woman, almost frenzied.