"When you are soulful, you brush shoulders with the depths of your psyche. She will show you: all things spiritual and immortal, beyond those betwixt life and death are far more real than earthly affairs"
The Caretaker's Cottage,
Betwixt the Kingdom of Tristendyre and the Hyll-Decantan Promontory,
A far spent hour into the heart of the rainy night,
Second Sunnight of the Second month,
Fiftieth Year of the Reign of Adon-Vericus IV
Imogen listened in pure wonder.
The concept of powers was enchanting; the attention of all in the dim-lit room was riveted to Michavel's expounding.
Then the maiden in the company could not contain the great extents that her imagination decided to trek. She wondered what each of the warriors wielded as powers.