"Shitshitshit-" Stiles tired easily as he ran from 50 Goblins who were gathered at the lower floors of his building. What happened is: He went down the stairs to leave the building slowly and came face to face with a few more goblins, his strategy of taking their weapons and stabbing them with said weapons stopped working once there were more than one goblins because the other one fucking jumped on his back and started to scratch and bite his back, Stiles angrily pulled the little thing off and stomped on the goblin's neck until it died before using [Healing] on himself to close the wounds. He also used [Harvest] and gladly devoured the souls of those two Goblins as he also leveled up to level [4], choosing to get another skill-
[+4 Dexterity]
[+2 Agility]
[+2 Endurance]
[Farm Tools Proficiency
Passive Skill
Description: You are proficient with farming tools, in your hands they are more efficient and resistant to damage.]
-after that he kept on going lower until he ran into a human corpse, it was partially eaten. It looked to be a young man, on his hand rested a kitchen knife full of blood. Stiles used the skill [Harvest] on the guy to get the knife because it was one extra weapon, but alongside the knife came the guy's soul too, which was this weird blob of white-blue energy that entered Stiles' body even without him wanting to, and at that moment he received more stats and even a skill:
[You've consumed the soul of Adrian Amarillo
[Taking all his stats and 1 Skill]
[+5 Wisdom]
[+10 Intelligence]
[+5 Dexterity
[+5 Agility]
[+10 Willpower
[+5 Strength]
Passive Skill
Description: You can locate yourself based by the sounds of your environment, even in the dark.]
Stiles must confess, he felt just a tiny bit conflicted about the fact that if he takes and consumes the soul of a human, he gets all of their stats and one of their abilities! If he wanted to get stronger faster, he can go around consuming the souls of humans, which he did do only to the humans he found dead, and they were about 9 more of them- Elaine Evans, Eric Avery, Harrington Howard, Joe Mil, Urgain Ry'o, Vykky Villain, Bee, Xavier Brokaw, and Falle Gail.
Elain had all of her face and the eyes missing, a few bite marks in her thighs and legs alongside signs of rape such as the white substance on the ground and her naked body. From her, he got the [+4] in every stat. The skill he got from her was named [Spirit Sight] which made him see dead people- Which, just made their souls look like humans who were crying, and that made Stiles feel guilty that he was consuming their souls, but survival was his priority and not if something could be considered evil or not!
Eric hang himself in his room, Stiles ended up inside that room, there was a dead goblin at the entrance too which was weird because it was lacking any signs of death by any means- It was like it just dropped dead! From absorbing his soul, Stiles got [+5] in all stats besides Will and Strength, in those he got [+1] and [+12] respectively. The skill he got from Eric was weird though, it was named [Isolation]- Which, okay? The Description of the skill also made it sound weird too: [While isolated from others, you feel at peace, but surrounded by people you feel unease. Grants you the capability of knowing how many intelligent humanoids are around you] and surprise surprise, Goblins counted as intelligent humanoids! Which was good to avoid them, alongside the skill [Echolocation] too!
He found Harrington's corpse on the wall- Or rather, what was left of it, seeing as there was only his head. He got [+8] in all stats, and the skill he got from him was named [Influence], an active skill that worked like a minor Hypnosis that made someone think in a way you wish, but it's really weak but could make other skills related to mind control or illusion stronger.
He found Joe Mil's corpse in the hallway, and beside him stood Vykky Villain and Bee, apparently they were three friends who got slaughtered by the Goblins as their corpses were full of stab marks and bite marks, they fought back too as Stiles found five dead Goblins! He got their souls too, from the Goblins he got:
[You've consumed 5 Goblin Souls]
[+13 Agility]
[+11 Dexterity]
[+6 Intelligence]
[+3 Wisdom]
[+1 Willpower]
[Evaluate Item
Active Skill
Description: You can analyze an item to know their status and durability.
Cost: 5 MP]
Now from the human souls, what he got were three skills and [+6] to all Stats from Joe, [+3] to all stats except Dexterity which got a whole [+10] from Bee, and Vikky gave him a whole [+7] to all stats. The three skills he got from them were [Quick Feet] from Bee that increased his movement speed by a lot, [Long-Ranged Weapon Proficiency] from Joa, and a rather interesting skill called [Reverse Curse] from Vikky that apparently threw back curses and other negative things to the caster! Which proved to be really useful later.
Urgrain's corpse had his guts missing and one eye looking directly at Stiles, the eye actually jumped out of the guy's socket and attacked him, which had Stiles throwing one of his daggers into the thing and killing it- Apparently that was an [Baby Eye Spider], and if that's a baby he doesn't want to know what an adult looks like! He got [+2] in all his stats except on the [Intelligence] stats that he got a [+10] on. The skill he got from Urgain was a passive skill called [Increased Eyesight], which is ironic.
Now the saddest ones were Xavier Brokaw and Falle Gail, they were two lovers hugging each other, their corpses had this large hole through their stomach, even their souls were hugging, but sadness and guilt could consume Stiles later when he is alive and out of this building! He got [+3] to all stats from Xavier and from Falle he got [+2 ] to all Stats, however the skills were kinda interesting- Falle gave him the skill [Love Connection] which allowed him to connect his heart to someone else's and share half of their stats to each other, increasing their powers evenly amongst each other, and from Xavier he got the skill [Shield] which created this shield of energy around the user capable of tanking a bit of damage.
After doing a good work of ensuring his survival, Stiles felt guilty for consuming human souls, but he wanted to live so he had to put the souls to good use! He didn't know what happened to the souls, they most likely were either completely fused with his own soul or they were gone, and those options were most likely eternal death for your soul doesn't exist anymore. He even unlocked an Achievement:
[Soul Eater: You've consumed 10 souls of a single species, unlocks the skill:
Active Skill/Passive Skill
Description: Upon activation, manifests the souls you've consumed as something, these manifestations stay alongside you for as long as they are corporeal, upon being destroyed they return to your soul and stay dormant until healed to come back.
Cost: 100 MP]
See? Crazy skill- This brings us to the issue at hand: Stiles came face to face with 60 goblins. How? Well, he was almost at the bottom of his building when this sense of dread filled his bones, he quickly looked ahead and saw this large green humanoid, not an Orc but not a Goblin, so a Hobgoblin, holding this staff with a white skull that had glowing red eyes staring at him- The moment the Hobgoblin noticed the staff looking somewhere, it turned its head and stared right into Stiles' terrified eyes as it grinned and screamed in a language Stiles couldn't understand. Stiles turned around and ran, not caring about anything else, until his legs were tied by these black and purple snakes- His skill [Reflect Curse] immediately activated and the snakes were blasted away from his body, but now the goblins had a target to chase according to their leader's orders!
They followed him, closing in and throwing their weapons, which he threw back and killed a few of them before he leveled up, choosing instead the [Random Equipment]. There was a glowing white orb before his eyes, the orb stretched all over into a handle and soon Stiles had on his hand a scythe, he used the skill [Evaluate Item]
[Double Scythe
Durability: 200/200
Farm Tool/Weapon
Description: A scythe that can act both as a weapon and a tool for farming, is speciallh great at removing weeds and harvesting weath]
And now he had a proper weapon- So he steeled his heart, turned around and activated the skill [Manifest] while picturing an animal, an animal he loved; Crows. Soon 17 crows simply flew out of his shadow onto the narrow hallway of the building in which he lived for the last 6 years of his shut-in life! He just wants a very peaceful place to live, and this building no longer is peaceful, therefore he needs to leave the building to live elsewhere. "Fucking-" A scythe isn't exactly a good weapon to use in a not very wide hallway, but did he care? No he didn't! He began to spin with all his might, his [Farm Tool Proficiency] made the scythe even stronger as he saw the blade of the scythe just scrape against the walls of the building, cutting through them with some effort. As he spun, the crows he brought to life dived towards the goblins, pecking their eyes and even making holes in their bodies, cuts on their throats and more before they flew away and the cycle repeated.
Stiles simply held on as he spun faster and faster, a bunch of notifications popping-
[You've slain a Goblin
[You've slain a Goblin
[You've slain a Goblin
[You've slain a Goblin
[You've slain a Goblin
[You've slain a Goblin
[You've slain a Goblin
[You've slain a Goblin
[You've slain a Goblin
[You've slain a Goblin-]
Stiles ignored them as he focused on moving as his body became a blur spinning and cutting through both the walls and the goblins, until there were no goblins left, at which moment he stopped spinning and took a deep breath- Tired, sore, and fucking covered in blood. His arms were also a little hurt from all this thing he did- he consumed all the Goblins souls, at a moment they stopped giving him more than [1] point in any status, basically making Goblin souls no longer effective other than to increase the amount of his crows.
Name: Mieczyslaw Miłość "Stiles" Stilinski
Lvl: 15 (First Awakening)
MP: 570/570 (×5 Int)
SP: 330/330 (×5 End)
Status Condition: None
Class: Farmer lvl 1
Titles: Soul Reaper
Strength: 72
Endurance: 66
Dexterity: 97
Agility: 88
Willpower: 49
Intelligence: 114
Wisdom: 53
Passive Skills
[Plant's Love
Passive Skill
Description: Plants love you and will protect you from danger, this skill makes so they listen to you and talk to you. They are your friends!]
[Dexterous Fingers
Passive Skill
Description: Increases your fingers Dexterity and the control you have over them.]
Passive Skill
Description: While completely still, creatures tend to ignore you. If you move suddenly, you can scare them!]
[Farm Tools Proficiency
Passive Skill
Description: You are proficient with farming tools, in your hands they are more efficient and resistant to damage.]
Passive Skill
Description: You can locate yourself based by the sounds of your environment, even in the dark.]
[Spirit Sight
Passive Skill
Description: You can see the physical forms of the souls and spirits, even if they try to hide from you.]
Description: While isolated from others, you feel at peace, but surrounded by people you feel unease. Grants you the capability of knowing how many intelligent humanoids are around you]
[Quick Feet
Passive Skill
Description: Increases your movement speed by 10%]
[Long-Ranged Weapon Proficiency
Passive Skill
Description: Increases damage dealt by long-ranged weapons and their durability as well as resistance to damage.]
[Reverse Curse
Passive Skill
Description: Reflects back to the caster any curse or debuff spell cast upon you.]
[Increased Eyesight
Passive Skill
Description: Increases your eyesight and field of vision by 10%]
Active Skills
[Plant Growth
Active Skill
Description: Upon activation, increases the speed in which plants grow.
Cost: 50 MP]
Active Skill
Description: Upon activation, you pull the bountiful harvest from the source, they move towards you.
Cost: 10 MP]
Active Skill
Description: Upon activation, the user of this skill needs to touch the target you want to heal. Heals only injuries.
Cost: 50 MP]
Active Skill
Description: You can weakly Influence someone's thoughts for a moment, this skill is weak and cannot be used to take control over someone's mind, but it can empower Illusion or Mind-Control abilities.]
[Evaluate Item
Active Skill
Description: You can analyze an item to know their status and durability.
Cost: 5 MP]
Active Skill
Description: Upon activation, creates a shield able to block damage.]
Unique Skills
[Love Connection
Active Skill/Passive Skill
Description: Upon activation, you create a bond between you and another willing creature that you love, sharing 50% of your stats with your lover.
Cost: 0 MP]
Active Skill/Passive Skill
Description: Upon activation, manifests the souls you've consumed as something, these manifestations stay alongside you for as long as they are corporeal, upon being destroyed they return to your soul and stay dormant until healed to come back.
Cost: 100 MP]
'...good.' His chances of surviving just grew.