Chereads / [Random Novel Ideas] / Chapter 206 - Weird Shit 2.0 [#4]

Chapter 206 - Weird Shit 2.0 [#4]

[For the people asking- this is a different story, in the same universe, because i wanted to write more without actually having to continue the other story- because I'm lazy and don't wanna watch IT again now, maybe later.]

002, or Anámis Zoi Thánas, Victor for those who don't bother to learn how to pronounce his rather greek name is a 19 year old- He's 2 years older than his best friend slash crush Billy Hargrove, escapee of California's Laboratory of Genetic Research in San Diego- He remembers to this day how afer running away, he used his powers to create a blindig white light to blind the guards. Permanently speaking. "You got better at drawing, didn't you?" This wasn't exactly the response he wanted from Little B but it was enough! He chuckled as he pulled him for a hug, their sweaty body touching it other was slightly strange- he felt the little girl, Eleven, contacting him and going past the barrier he had set for her, even though it should've put some strain on her sight, meaning she was better than be thought she was. He winked at her in his mind before kicking her out, since he wanted this moment to be private- As private as a hug in the middle of a basketball game could be! "You grew up! Like, fuck, you're still the little guy i knew!"

Chuckling, Billy smiled into his hug before pulling back his hand and punching him in the gut- Victor had to pull back the muscle and soften it, so Billy wouldn't break his bones by punching him, which was easy enough for him to do since he has enough experience to do so: "Don't call me small, asshole." The smile on his face was nostalgic, but Anámis knew very well that Billy didn't remember everything, didn't remember what he did- because if he did, he would hate him forever! "Still the angry shortstack i see, you got so much-" His hands trailed along the shoulder muscles and he whistled: "Fire~" Rolling his r just to make Billy embarrassed, Anámis moved in a surprising show of flexibility when he dodged another punch to his gut: "Fucker." Billy smirked at him, flipping the bird at him-

"Always the aggressive one i see~" He grasped the ball and lowered it, giving it to the smaller boy as the coach shouted: "The game's still on! Stop flirting and start movin'!" Billy gave the coach his best stinky eye and when he turned to go and continue to play, Anámis just gave the coach the best 'I'm sorry for his attitude' smile before following behind. It's been years since they've seen each other, and he was really excited, like a giant puppy he followed around him for the rest of the day, even getting a ride with him against the aggressive hits of the other: "C'mon, we got a lot to catch up!" He smiled as he insisted, and after a lot of insisting and some punches hitting his soft stomach in quick succession, Billy let him go alongside him pick up his sister and then go somewhere else where they can catch up with shit that happened in their lives- "Get on, Shitbird." Before he noticed, Maxine Mayfield, Billy's step-sister was her: "Hi." He cheerfully greeted her with a gentle and slightly goofy smile, making sure that he was keeping up the appearance of some tall, approachable dork who is gentle, while calculating what maybe he could get from her.

It sounded creepy, but from only few people he cared about in this world, one of them was beside him right now- and he didn't even remember him fully yet. So of course he was calculating, always calculating about what he could get from people and acting, not being himself so others wouldn't be suspicious of him or angry at his slight psychopathic tendencies of getting rid of his problems: "Who the fuck are you?" He narrowed his eyes inside his head while he kept them open, acting like an adorable puppy: "Hi, name's Victor." He gave her his large hand to shake on, it was bigger than double the size of her hand, which she took with a look of surprise: "Huh. Nice to meet you too..." Billy huffed, Thánas just smirked inside his head as at the simpe touch he got what he wanted- A few thoughts and memories, even though he didn't need to touch her, it was faster and a lot less flashier if he did! 'So... Upside Down huh. Sister, you're on a lot of things...' He also knew that Billy knew, but Anámis would never mess with Billy's head ever again.

He promised him he wouldn't, after all.

'So if i want more information... I'll have to get it from others.' He talked to Maxine while Billy drove them in his rather damaged Camaro, from Maxine's memories he knew she bumped over a mailbox and that fucked with the right light, so he decided to subtly fix that for him- Billy did so muh for him, and he did so much that fucked up his life that he needs to repent, slowly but surely he'll make it up for him, he's sure of it. And one of the things he'll do is, of course, give back the memories he locked away from Billy's mind...

Just later.

Because once he does, Billy will surely despise him, and with all the right in the world.

-Scene Cut-

After dropping Maxine back home, Billy now was on the Quarry with him, the 'childhood friend/crush' he has so little memories of as he talked and said what he had been doing and all the places he's been to: "So, like, I've been to Moscow Russia, Tokyo Japan, Venice Italy, Paris France, Cairo Egypt, to Islam, Iraq, Iran, Ireland, India, Uzbekistan, China, and even Israel and Afghanistan too." Billy was slightly surprised by it, but he felt surprised when Anámis ("Please call me Victor, or Z- Actually, you can call me whatever you want") told him that he kept souvenirs for him from each place, because he could never forget him, even if he wanted to: "It's called Hypertemisia, I've been diagnosed when i was 16... I can never forget anythimg, no matter what, i will always remember the sounds i hear, the thoughts i have at the moment, the feelings i felt at the moment, mine's weird 'cause it isn't selective like others are, i just remember everything my senses can grasp i guess... I've kinda developed a sense of time where I'm constantly counting seconds and minutes in my head, so i know exactly the time a certain event happened- it's weird."

"Really?" Billy puffed out the smoke from his lips, making a small circle of smoke: "Then, tell me somethin', anythin' about us."

"Uhm... It's October 7, 1997 at 13:45 PM, San Diego, California... We're surfing, you're in my board and I have your hands on my waist as we go along a large wave, your mom cheer at us from the beach as we smile, five seagulls cry above iur heads and I'm pretty sure there was a sea turtle below us. You're smiling, you lost two teeth three days before this and you have the cutest smile i had seen, like, ever!" Damn, Billy had to look away as he felt a heat on his face, blushing in this situation isn't good- "Oh, I also remember on December 8, 2000, in Rio de Janeiro Brazil, i saw a dog surfing on the Copacabana beach- It was a Rottweiler breed, male, it was wearing sunglasses too." He smiled, Billy winced internally once he knew his baby crush was still there- i mean, fucking look at him! He even has a stubble beard, he's tall, muscular, cute and a fucking dork even when he dresses like a bad boy! 'He's the ultimate embodiment of everything I like... fuck.' Billy offered him a cigarette, and smiling he took one only to bite it: "Ew." Billy didn't resist the 'pfffft' that left his lips before he started to laugh at the stupid move he just did and it was hilarious to Billy, since it was so sudden!

"Hahaha- why did you do that?" Spitting out the tobacco, Z just took a similar box of cigarettes only to show him a very similar cigarette, but this one he took a bite out of and it was pink in the inside! "See? I got these in Chicago, i thought you had some too." This was actually a genuine mistake, not him acting like a dork- Not that he needed to put much effort on acting like a dork to begin with... "That's the stupidest candy I've ever seen... Give me one." However, Z just took three whole boxes and gave it to him, they were unmistakably similar to a normal cigarette, which was undistinguishable from one, so he had to put the boxes on a different pocket before he accidentally lit a candy cigarette on fire. "But here, this one's not candy." This time, Billy lit the cigarette for him, he had to get closer to him and Billy's fingers touched Z's chin as they made eye contact for a second, Z just smiled at him and did not know the damage it did to Billy's gay little heart that starved for affection he deeply lacked.

"So, what kinds of souvenirs you got me?" Desperate for a change of subject that he could distract himself with, Billy asked the question he was so curious about- What did he get him? "Well... I got you bagpipes from Ireland, a smoking pipe from England, a didgeridoo from Australia, a really long lance from Scotland, a bunch of drugs, a few magazines, candy, and- Oh! Here." Taking something out of pocket, he gave it to Billy who blinked whe saw it- A switchblade, embroidered in silver with the detailed image of a demonic creature? It had small red gems for eyes, so it was fucking dope as hell, literally! "What is this...?" Billy whispered as he grabbed the switch blade in his hand, he flicked it and a shiny blade popped put: "Its a silver switchblade i got you from Romania, to kill Werewolves and Vampires with it!" The fucker was completely adorable when he smiled, Billy didn't know what to say to him, so he did the most intimate thing he could do at this moment- He hugged him.

Z just stood there and hugged him back. Billy had to take Maxine to the Snow Ball, so they had to part there, Z said he'd be fine on his own but now that Billy knew that literal monsters were real, he wanted to at least be sure something wasn't going to kill his... Crush.

Yeah, he had a crush on him.

-Scene Cut-

It was late at night when Will came back from the Snow Ball, talking how much fun he had in it, his brother Jonathan was also smiling the whole way back- until they weren't anymore. He didn't know why, but their car stopped, in the middle of the road- Alarm bells already rang inside their head, but they fought monsters before, so Jonathan had already a bat with nails in the back of the car just in case they needed it, so Jonathan got out and went check if there was anything wrong with the car when a bright white light shone in their eyes, and that's the last thing he remembers.

He woke up in his bed the other night, a small headache but nothing else, that's all.

He saw a white light and woke up on his bed- Jonathan said he had fallen asleep in the car after he accidentally shone a flashlight on his face- The only thing is: Jonathan said he lost his nail bat, right? Right! But Will remembers very well hearing his brother say that he "Will take a look, I'll take the bat with me for... Precaution." Only for him in the next day say he lost the bat? Suspicious, he couldn't stop thinking about it.