Chereads / [Random Novel Ideas] / Chapter 48 - Gaymer Wolf (#1)

Chapter 48 - Gaymer Wolf (#1)

[Congratulations Mieczyslaw Stilinski. You received the Gamer System]

"Huh?" Stiles just woke up, and in front of him is a fucking floating transparent-blue screen with these words, a game screen. He thought that maybe he was lucid dreaming again, he did it once and it was amazing, he got to touch Derek Hale whenever he wanted, maybe he was too horny for his recently 22 year old self... After Derek left, he felt like he was losing his mind, after the Nogitsune and all of that he is feeling better now though, and he hopes he isn't having more hallucinations though.

[The trial has been concluded, you will receive this system as a way to keep yourself strong. Have fun.]

[The system will now transfer your previously known skills into system skills]


[Name: Mieczyslaw Stilinski]

[Age: 22]

[Gender: Male]

[Lvl: 01]

[Race: Human (Spark)]

[Class: None]

[Titles: [He who runs with Wolves], [Spark], [Survivor]

[He who runs with Wolves: You are a human who has run among Werewolves. (+5 to Agility when running alongside Werewolves)]

[Spark: You are a rare spark, a being of pure magic, trapped within a mortal anchor. (+ [Spark Magic])]

[Survivor: You survived something that you shouldn't have, this makes you stronger than ever before (+10 to Endurance and Will when below 50% HP)]

[HP: 125/125 (Vit ×5)]

[MP: 250/250 (Int ×5)]

[SP: 125/125 (End ×5)]

[Strength: 15] (Physical strength, physical damage)

[Endurance: 25] (Resistance to damage, pain, and physical ailments such as disease and poison)

[Dexterity: 24] (Flexibility and control over your body)

[Agility: 22] (Moviment speed, reaction speed

[Vitality: 25] (Life force, life span, health)

[Intelligence: 50] (Memorization, gathering of information)

[Wisdom: 40] (Experience, knowing how to use said information)

[Charisma: 50] (Aura, Presence, Beauty)

[Will: 60] (Resistance to Mental ailments such as Confusion and Pain)

[Spirit: 48] (Strength of the soul, ability to sense things beyond human senses)

[Extra Stats Points: 0]

[Skill List:

Passive: [Sharpshooting Mastery lvl 5], [Lying lvl 20], [Hand to Hand Combat lvl 2], [Blunt Weapon Mastery lvl 4], [Reading lvl 50], [Research lvl 48], [Mumble lvl 38], [Driving Mastery lvl 10], [Pain Resistance lvl 21], [Physical Damage Resistance lvl 13], [Magical Damage Resistance lvl 12], [Charismatic lvl 15], [Iron Will lvl 22], [Magic Manipulation lvl 1] [Elemental Magic Affinity lvl 1]

Active: [Spark Magic lvl 1], [Run! Lvl 25]

Unique: [Gamer Body], [Gamer Mind], [Dungeon Creation/Destruction lvl 1], [Inventory]

[You've received a quest: Get 1 Level]

[Rewards: (Unique Skill)]

"Huh. I sure hope I'm not hallucinating..." Stiles mumbled to himself, luckily he wasn't freaking out at all, he was pretty calm and his heartbeat was still and calm, he couldn't be faking it for himself even. He sighed as he looked at the window of his new apartment, his dad was sad seeing him leave but he couldn't stay after Scott literally kicked him out of the pack, Isaac went off with Derek just like Erica and Boyd had left too. Peter, and Cora, Kira and Malia had also followed, Lydia and Allison were happily together after she broke up with Scott after he began to blame all the kills the Nogitsune had done on Stiles, who had a mental breakdown in front of everyone and broke off his long lasting friendship with Scott McCall right then and there, and soon after he left. Jackson was with surprisingly enough, with Derek and Boyd, Stiles was sure they had a thing (Boyd and Jackson that is.)

Now he is utterly and completely alone in the middle of New York.

He sat up on his bed and questioned his sanity before reaching to touch one of the skills on his list and then-

[Gamer Mind: Keeps you calm in every situation, also blocks any mental attack]

"Wait what?" Stiles touched the skills beside this one.

[Gamer Body: Your body is like a game character, sleeping heals HP, MP, SP, and removes any ailment or bad status effect]

[Dungeon Creation/Destruction lvl 1: You can instantly create or destroy a dungeon. Inside a dungeon, time flows differently.

Dungeons you can create:

Lvl 1: Flowery Field of Fairies (A long green field full of flowers and bloodthirsty little creatures, weaker than a cockroach)]

"This is... Interesting to say the least." Stiles as he looked at the [Inventory] skill he had, he maybe looked at it for too long because it suddenly expanded and he was face to face with a game inventory. It reminded him of Minecraft, he had the place to put armor, and a place to put weapons and even a pocket-sized slot where he could put what looked like rings, huh interesting. On the armor slots were his clothes, he raised an eyebrow at that until:

[Due to continuous trial, you've developed a Skill]

[Observe lvl 1: Gived extra information about the target]

Stiles decided test it out, he looked at the wall beside his bed and...

[Wall. It's a wall, what else did you expect to see here?]

Feeling like his intelligence was challenged, Stiles raised an eyebrow and sighed, he really was going insane if even his own hallucinations challenge his mind, why not go all in with this then? "Let's see, if I'm not hallucinating and this is real, i will probably freak out." Stiles chuckles to himself, amazed at his own thought, and focuses on the skill [Dungeon Creation/Destruction lvl 1] and tried to create the only dungeon he could, the flowery field full of faeries or something like that. He suddenly had the urge to blink, and when he did, he was no longer at his appartment- "The fuck?" Stiles cursed out loud when he felt pain on his left hand, looking down he saw a tiny insect biting him, so he slapped it as hard as he could and-

[You killed a lvl 1 Fairy]

[You are now lvl 2]

[+10 Extra Stats Points]

[Quest completed, reward automatically received]

[Auto-Loot function activated, sending loot to Inventory]

[You receive a Fairy's Wing (×2)]

[You received 10 Copper Coins]

[You received the Unique Skill: (Allspeak)]

Suddenly, a little screen appeared on the corner of Stiles' vision, he could see little red dots everywhere but there was, however, a little blue dot on the middle of the field. Stiles felt like he was going to have a panic attack, but suddenly another screen appeared on his vision:

[Emotions suppressed by Gamer Mind]

He felt calm, unnaturally calm, like he was lying to himself and his body believed it. His breathing returned to normal as did his heartbeat, he also began to think logically about what he would do, and the answer was explore and find more about this system and himself. Due to his several near death experiences he knew that he needed to have the strength to defend himself since his dad was no longer on this world... First he needed to know about his skills, so he began to read them:

[Sharpshooting Mastery lvl 5: Increases your damage by projectiles you shoot by 5%]

[Lying lvl 20: Increases by 20% the chance of someone believing your lies]

[Hand to Hand Combat lvl 2: Increases damade done by your own hands by 2%]

[Blunt Weapon Mastery lvl 4: Increases damage done by blunt weapons, weapons of impact by 4%]

[Reading lvl 50: Increases the speed and information you can get from reading by 50%]

[Research lvl 48: Increases the information you can get by researching by 48%]

[Mumble lvl 38: Increases the speed of your speech by 38%]

[Driving Mastery lvl 10: Increases control over the vehicle you are driving by 10%]

[Pain Resistance lvl 21: Decreases the pain you feel by 21%]

[Physical Damage Resistance lvl 13: Reduces the physical damage you take from attacks by 13%]

[Magical Damage Resistance lvl 12: Reduces the magical damage you take from attacks by 12%]

[Charismatic lvl 15: Increases your charisma while talking to someone else by 15%] (Got after Charisma was at 50)

[Iron Will lvl 22: Increases your Will by 22% When in danger] (Got after Will was at 50)

[Magic Manipulation lvl 1: Increases your control over your magic by 1%]

[Elemental Magic Affinity lvl 1: Increases damage done by Fire, Water, Earth, or Wind type Magics by 1%]

[Spark Magic lvl 1: Your magic is alive, your Will and Imagination over your magic makes this type of magic the strongest. You can do whatever you can imagine doing, consumes MP to do. Decreases use of MP by 1%]

[Run! Lvl 25: Your speed is increased by 25% whenever you are sprinting.]

[Allspeak: You can speak, read, and write in every language.]

Stiles huffed after reading all the information about all his skills, there weren't that many fairies around right now so he wasn't attacked at all, he focused on the thing he could get from level, that's right, extra stats points. 10 of them to be more specific, he thought for a second before he placed just 2 points in [Spirit] and was surprised to get a new skill, apparently he would get skills whenever his stats were ar a milestone. 50, 100, 150, 200. These were the four milestones the system answered, only those and that was it, in every stats though! So he had plenty of skills to get, but better than be good at everything and not excel at one thing, he would be rather be relatively good at wveryrhing but extremely good at one thing, and the thing he chose was Magic.

He had his fair share of experience with physical stuff but he was a Spark, born for magic, and that's what he would excel at. The very first thing he would need to do was get his skill [Spark Magic] from level 1 to higher levels as well as increase his small MP... Like, seriously, only 250 of MP? That's too little for what he thinks he can do, but as his skill says, his will and imagination control his magic as it is alive and wants to cooperate with him, and ever since he became aware of this fact, he could feel something inside him humming like a vibration, a feeling of some sorts, agreeing sorts agreeing with him and the things he thought when it was about him getting stronger, magically stronger.

So, right now, Stiles was doing the only logical thing he could think of, experimenting with his magic.

"Let's see..." He focused, since he had a passive skill that increased damage from his elemental magic, elemental magic he would use, which is why right now there's a node of dirt floating before his eyes. As he focused, the earth moved and formed a thin arrow, it was easy to imagine what he wanted to happen and he was fascinated how easy it was for him to simply manipulate the elements around that were Wind and Earth, since there was no Water nor Fire around him. "Huff..." He sighed as the dirt dropped to the ground, he lost focus again, he was getting tired and as he looked over at his MP he saw it was already empty. He called it a day.

For a second he forgot how to leave this place but a songle thought was enough to activate his [Dungeon Creation/Destruction lvl 1] Skill and watch as the world around him shattered like a mirror, sending shards everywhere and making him blink, when he opened his eyes he saw that he was back at his apartment. He looked down at his phone to see it was about 12:00 PM, which means he spent 2 hours inside that dungeon and on the outside as well... What? He woke up 10 AM because he went to sleep 5:00 AM, okay!? He still has nightmares about the Nogitsune sometimes. Sighing, he got up and decided to go to work...

He worked on a coffee shop, cool right? It's his. After seeing his life fall into pieces, he gave up going to college and decided to take the money his dad left for him and open a coffee shop, in fact, its getting upgraded to also be his home, he should also get an storage now that he has this new magical system that he gets things from, maybe he can do something magical with the loot he gets from monsters, but that is for future Stiles to wonder while present Stiles can only dream about... Maybe he could place some wards- Wait, wards, how are they made? Stiles rocked his brain to remember what he researched for the Pack when he was a part of it- That's right, runes. And runes are a language, and he can speak and write in all of them! Stiles got a pen and paper and thought about it, willed it, focused on it, and soon enough, his hand began to draw a triangular rune with sharp curves and a star-like center, he instantly knee that this Rune was of Ancient Greek magic, and it meant [Protection].

It means he can place several wards in several different languages, so no one can break into his shop ever again. Maybe he can even place these runes on items, can he enchant things with this? So many ideas, so little time. Stiles opened the door of his new furnished coffee shop, he doesn't have staff yet but its a small shop so he thinks he can manage it when he still hasn't clientele.

Today, however, the shop will stay closed while he prepares everything for tomorrow opening.


And tomorrow arrives, as it aleays does.

Stiles spent most of the night writing runes and trying them, so much he got two new skills already, as well as leveling them up a little bit:

[Rune Making lvl 6: Makes writing, carving, or drawing runes 6% faster and easier, while also making your runes 6% more powerful]

[Enchanting lvl 3: Makes enchanting items 3% more effective while also making your enchantments 3% stronger as well]

He was so engrossed on drawing runes and even enchanting items, not always successfully, that he went going all night. Right now is one hour before opening time, which is 6:30 AM, and he just had a little surprise... He forgot about the skill he receive when his Spirit reached 50. He almost had a heart attack when he saw little ghastly moving creatures going around his kitchen, they were ethereal little creatures that were visible thanks to Stiles' new skill:

[Supernatural Senses lvl 1: Makes you able to see and feel the supernatural around you more clearly]

And oh boy, he was not prepared to see nor know that the building he bought to be his coffee shop had a fucking ghost in it! The ghost was a poor young man, his name was Taylon and he was brutally murdered by the previous owner of this place. "I'm sorry to hear that." Stiles sighed as the transparent-white ghost smiled, he was a handsome man, he looked to be on his 20's, had short hair, and a scar on his left cheek that looked to be a thin cut. "You are welcome to stay around, I would appreciate the company even if it is from the dead." Taylon chuckled at that, he could speak, but he chose not to and Stiles respected his choice and did not ask him to say something since that would be rude. "Now, can i get you anything? Wait, what do ghosts eat? Hm... I remember in Chinese costumes, you burn things for ghosts while praying for them, lets test it out." Stiles took out a single paper, there was a rune written there in Ancient Chinese, the rune was the [Fortune] Rune.

He focused for a few seconds and the paper lit itself on fire, making the ghost watching him jump bacl startled, making Stiles chuckle at that. He watched as the paper turned to ash as he prayed in Chinese to Taylon, who seconds later tilted his head and a paper appeared in his hand, it was the same one Stiles had just burned! "Oh, it works!" Taylon nodded excited as he held the paper, this was probably the first thing he held in years or even decades! "Well, since we're gonna live together from now on, let's work together, right?" Stiles smiled at the ghost, making the Ghost nod excitedly while moving his hand, Stiles could tell exactly what he wanted to say since he could speak everything singls language: "Of course I'll burn some food fod you, i need to know if it will work so i can get you some things for comfort, just because you're dead doesn't mean you can't be comfortable on this house, right?"

While talking to the friendly ghost Taylon, Stiles kept carving rune after rune on the floor, he was easily able to use his magic to flip the board and then flip again, so the runes would not be visible to others at all. The runes he wrote were several and in several different languages, [Protection], [Intent], [Warning], [Danger], [Barrier], and [Repel] were some of the runes he made, so those that had bad intentions could not get inside the shop and were instead pushed away by the wards, making them want to so something else or simply ignore the existence of the shop at all. He worked so bad on it he lost track of time and when he was done, it was already 19:50 PM and he was completely tired. He went directly to bed after saying good night to Taylon and promissing to open the shop tomorrow...


[Rune Making lvl 17: Makes writing, carving, or drawing runes 17% faster and easier, while also making your runes 17% more powerful]

[Enchanting lvl 12: Makes enchanting items 3% more effective while also making your enchantments 12% stronger as well]

When he woke up once again, on his thied day since he got this system, Stilws decided to train more and level up a lot today, so he used [Dungeon Creation/Destruction] to enter the Fairy Field of Flowers or something like that, and instantly was met with dozens of little annoying humanoids that looked like bug with sharp teeth, biting him. He did not take actual damage, it only hurts! He slapped them hard, each slap killing one, he only kept slapping them and hearing his sysyem since he discovered he could make his notifications be read out loud to him in his head by a male voice, since he could choose the voice of the person that read it to him, he chose Derek Hale's hoarse, husky voice to read it. He is not proud to say he got a boner every time he heard Derek's voice as if it was whispering on his ear..

He smiled a little when he saw his new status:



[Name: Mieczyslaw Stilinski]

[Age: 22]

[Gender: Male]

[Lvl: 06]

[Race: Human (Spark)]

[Class: None]

[Titles: [He who runs with Wolves], [Spark], [Survivor]

[He who runs with Wolves: You are a human who has run among Werewolves. (+5 to Agility when running alongside Werewolves)]

[Spark: You are a rare spark, a being of pure magic, trapped within a mortal anchor. (+ [Spark Magic])]

[Survivor: You survived something that you shouldn't have, this makes you stronger than ever before (+10 to Endurance and Will when below 50% HP)]

[HP: 125/125 (Vit ×5)]

[MP: 250/250 (Int ×5)]

[SP: 125/125 (End ×5)]

[Strength: 15] (Physical strength, physical damage)

[Endurance: 25] (Resistance to damage, pain, and physical ailments such as disease and poison)

[Dexterity: 24] (Flexibility and control over your body)

[Agility: 22] (Moviment speed, reaction speed

[Vitality: 25] (Life force, life span, health)

[Intelligence: 50] (Memorization, gathering of information)

[Wisdom: 40] (Experience, knowing how to use said information)

[Charisma: 50] (Aura, Presence, Beauty)

[Will: 60] (Resistance to Mental ailments such as Confusion and Pain)

[Spirit: 48] (Strength of the soul, ability to sense things beyond human senses)

[Extra Stats Points: 48]

[Skill List:

Passive: [Sharpshooting Mastery lvl 5], [Lying lvl 20], [Hand to Hand Combat lvl 8], [Blunt Weapon Mastery lvl 4], [Reading lvl 50], [Research lvl 48], [Mumble lvl 38], [Driving Mastery lvl 10], [Pain Resistance lvl 21], [Physical Damage Resistance lvl 13], [Magical Damage Resistance lvl 12], [Charismatic lvl 15], [Iron Will lvl 22], [Magic Manipulation lvl 8] [Elemental Magic Affinity lvl 2], [Supernatural Senses lvl 2], [Rune Making lvl 17], [Enchanting lvl 12]

Active: [Spark Magic lvl 8], [Run! Lvl 25], [Observe lvl 1]

Unique: [Gamer Body], [Gamer Mind], [Dungeon Creation/Destruction lvl 1], [Inventory], [Allspeak]

Inventory: [Fairy Wings (156×)], [Fairy Glitter (10×)], [Fairy Hair Brush (1×)]


Copper: 70

Silver: 7

Gold: 0


Turns out slapping fairies to death counts as hand to hand combat! He also trained his magic yesterday the whole day, so it was relatively at a good level, the only thing that didn't level up much was his [Elemental Magic Affinity] because he hasn't done elemental damage to things, but that's about to change. He still hasn't found a use for the money he has gotten from these little things that bite him a lot, he is now going towards the little blue dot to see what that is- Oh.

[Faeny, Mother of Faeries lvl 10]

It was a boss! Faeny was a short sized humanoid, about 1 foot in size, long green hair, hideous facial features, shark-like teeth and light blue skin, her wings were too small to carry her heavy body, so she was just there on the ground surrounded by hundreds of little Fairies that did not appear on the minimap function of his system- Strange.

The creature turned to look at him with her glowing red eyes as she shouted: "You!" Her long thin finger pointed at him, her voice was like an annoying buzzing of a fly, all the Fairies stopped and lookes at Stiles as he pointed to himself: "Liltle ol' me?" The ugly fairy growled angrily: "You! My name's Faeny, you killed my children, prepare to die!" Suddenly, all the little fairies flying around her began to swarm Stiles, it didn't do damage, but it hurt a lot, and it was annoying so he growled out as he pushed his magic outwards, imagining a shockwave, and it happened. Thousands of little fairies dropped down, none dropping loot strangely enough, and monw giving him any little bit of XP at all!

[Due to special circumstances, you received the skill (Magic Shockwave lvl 1)]

Turning his head to look at the mother fairy, Stiles quickly cheked his MP to see that shockwave consumed half of his MP, so he needed to keep it and maybe use little magic. The mother was there, holding a thin long crochet needle, that looked like a sword in her hands, as she growled: "PREPARE TO DIE!" But a quick and atrong kick from Stiles, killed it.

[You defeated the Mother of Faeries, Faeny]

[You completed your first Dungeon.]

[You unlocked the Fairy Shop]

[You unlocked the Lvl 5 Dungeon: Zombies]

[You received 1 Gold Coin, 1 Silver Coin]

[You are now Lvl 7]

[+10 Extra Stats Points]

[Auto-Loot function activated, loot sent to your Inventory]

[You reveived a (Long Battle Needle-Sword 1×), (Skill Book: Summon Fairy)]

[Do you wish to learn this skill?]

[Yes] [No]

"What kind of question even is that? Of course i want to!" Stiles eagerly mentally clicked the [Yes] button and suddenly golden letters appearead out of seemingly nowhere and wrapped around Stiles' whole body, which glowed in a golden light before returning to its normal, less flashy, coloration. "That was... Something." Stiles looked at his hands, they felt strangely warm and tingly, he looked at the information of the skill:

[Summon Fairy lvl 1: Summons a small humanoid creature with tiny wings and a mean face, capable of flight and small magics, Fairies are mischevious and annoying in most cases. However, they can be protectors of a household as long as they have a master. (Summons ! Fairy)]

Oh, he has some uses for this... Maybe he can make something to hide them from normal humans, and then he can use them as servers... Good idea

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