Chapter 26 - A Plan

Sagacious sat alone in a small cloister room at the temple, Queen Thia having led the way there and then retiring away from them for a while. She needed to rest, Tuara had told them, and had bade them relax here while they waited for her to return. Scarlett had gone directly to the grove within the courtyard of the temple and sat crosslegged while several animals had emerged and sat around her. She seemed content enough, or so Sagacious thought, if it was still even Scarlett. Sagacious was not sure about that anymore, the scene back at the throne room had left him thoroughly confused, even with the answers they had received.

He closed his royal blue and platinum eyes softly and began to meditate. He let his breathing slow down and become even, attempting to clear his mind of the events of the last several days. His right hand trailed down to his kidney area and he winced slightly at the memory of sweet Isobel's betrayal of him. He shook the dark thoughts from his mind and concentrated on the image of his Patron, Zaurielle.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw that he no longer seemed to be in the Temple at all. A familiar warm and welcoming beach beside an ocean of crystal blue sprawled around him. A gentle breeze sighed through the fronds of palm trees and ferns, and a spicy scent of something sizzling nearby filled his senses. Seated beside him in a large wooden beach chair was Zaurielle, her blue hair fluttering softly in the breeze. She turned and smiled broadly at him. "You look good, Sagacious. This place agrees with your celestial heritage."

He looked down and saw that he sat in a similar chair, wearing a floral patterned swim trunks, his arcane tattoos visible clearly in the midday sun. He smiled a little sadly at her and replied calmly, "I suppose so. It seems a touch disrespectful of me to be enjoying Elysium while everything awful is happening back home though, doesn't it?"

A pair of stylish sunglasses appeared on Zaurielle's face and she smiled in return. "Why not? You cannot do anything while waiting for the Queen, you may as well process everything that's happening in a place of comfort."

Sagacious shrugged softly and sighed. She was right, as usual. "Zee, how can I 'process' this?" His tone was sorrowful as he stood and began to walk, feeling the warm sand between his toes. "A hidden God, split in two in The Emergence and bound into a material artifact? And Isobel…" his voice trailed off sadly and his eyes cast downward into the surf.

"Isobel was a traitor, Sagacious. She tried her very best to kill you, my dear. You'll feel that sting for many years, literally and emotionally. I have found it is best not to dwell, Sagacious." Her tone was soft and conciliatory, but firm. "As for the rest, you've covered it, exactly right."

He shook his head and replied, a small catch in his voice. "Did you know? About Isobel, I mean." His eyes searched her implacable face for any sign of acceptance, she shook her head sadly.

"No, her Goddess' magics are very strong, I sensed no deception beyond the distrust any parent would have for their child's paramour, and I was concerned that my own feelings for you were clouding that judgment. I am so sorry, Sagacious. I would take that pain from you, were I able." She sighed softly and put a gentle hand on his shoulder. "You know that, right?"

He nodded silently and sat for several minutes, the sun felt warm and relaxing on his chest. "So, now what? Mercy will surely want to conceal all of this once more. And Scarlett? What happens to her? She's innocent, Zee. Didn't ask for this at all, what happens to who she is now that she's bonded with this… Everon?"

"Well," Zaurielle began gravely, "The half that had bound itself to her embodies life and rebirth. It doesn't seem inherently destructive at all, my theory is that if we can succeed in stopping the Bastard King's agent, it may well leave her alone and take its place in the heavens. At least I hope so."

Sagacious nodded, continuing, "Let's say that's the case. Then," he stood and began to pace as he always did when thinking through a problem, "We need to focus on what to do when she arrives, right?" Zaurielle nodded at him and smiled a little. Sagacious, emboldened by this, pressed onward. "And you have an idea of what that is, don't you? But your position here forbids you from taking direct action, is that it?"

Zaurielle only smiled placidly at him, nodding sagely, "We must never take a direct hand in the affairs of mortals, only in the service of the Gods can we intervene directly. You know that too." He nodded silently at her. "But. I can point out some things directly related to your situation, and hope to guide you properly. Your markings, my Ward, will conceal you from even Mercy. And from the Mad King while he lays in exile, that will serve you well. But the other entity within the Bastard's servant will be drawn to Scarlett unerringly, it's safe to say that she is on her way here directly, her lumbering servant in tow."

Sagacious grunted non committedly. "What do we know? The woman, she *was* a mage of some skill. Now? Likely augmented, obviously necrotic in nature. When I last saw them, her giant buddy seemed dead and raised too. Probably just a mindless servant now. What else can you tell me, Zee? I know you. There's a reason for all of this." He gestured around him at the tropical locale. She pulled her shades down theatrically and winked at him.

"There is always a reason, dear one." She began mysteriously, "The other entity, Everon's opposite, represents death and decay. This Ciara… she cannot hope to control its power. But," She intoned gravely, "She is using it to great effect. It can do more than raise simple mindless minions, although that does seem to be among its powers. If she had a connection to the half-ogre in life, it seems likely she would have imbued him with more than a normal zombie. Perhaps, some of who he used to be remains, like a spark of a dying campfire?"

Sagacious scowled and mulled this over. "I met them when they were alive, still hunting Scarlett. He was… brighter than any Ogrekin I'd ever seen. And loyal. He seemed to be very adept at following her orders, like they had been working together for a long while." AN idea seemed to pop into his mind and he brightened considerably. "Wait. Why are you leading the conversation here, Zee? Is this what you needed to tell me?"

She continued on without acknowledging his words, "Death and decay come for everything, Sagacious, even me. Even the Gods. You cannot stand against that kind of power, perhaps Scarlett can delay it for a while now, but even she cannot stop the inevitable. Violence and destruction are a part of who it is, it was spawned from conflict and pain. Such things will only empower it."

Sagacious was pacing faster now, his mind firing neurons at an impressive pace. "The best I can do is delay it. Scarlett can hold it for a moment, but we need a distraction to truly stun it and hopefully send it back to where it came from. Back to the same exile that holds the Mad King."

Zaurielle again nodded sagely. "You are wise, my ward." She smiled again, brightly and almost mischievously. "Your own gifts heal, can even return life."

He stared at her in wonder for a moment. "By all the gods, Zee, I think I know what you mean! But I have never tested the extent of those gifts!" His mind was working very fast, wondering of he even possessed the strength of will to resurrect Ciara at all? Unless…? He smiled viciously at Zaurielle, "Your advice has been heard, my Patron."

Zee winked at him as the world began to shimmer and fade back into the gray and wooden walls of the temple once again. "I simply pointed out what you already knew, Sagacious. I certainly would not strain against the vows of my station to direct you…"

He grinned impishly at her and stood upright. "Of course not, Zee, of course not." He chuckled and began to gather his belongings and donned his armor, buckling his weapons on his belt, once that was complete, he headed out to find Scarlett. He now had the beginnings of a clever plan, and once more he felt like himself again, his confidence slowly returning.